Antique Caterpillar Machinery
Welcome to Carolina Caterpillar Collectors
Many Thanks to ChrisCo Machinery Inc for hosting this website!!
Carolina Caterpillar Collectors representative:
Erik Christenbury
I would like to thank the thousands of people who have contacted me to contribute their information about Antique Caterpillar Machinery.
Other resources for information are listed below
The Caterpillar® Century by: Eric C. Orlemann
Caterpillar by: Randy Leffingwell
Classic Caterpillar Crawlers by: Keith Haddock & Eric C. Orlemann
Caterpillar Pocket Guide by: Bob LaVoie
Track-Type Machines 1925-1960 By: ACMOC
TV: RFD TV Shows; Classic Tractor’s, and Machinery of the Past
Internet Source: ACME, EBAY, Google
and many others….
The Information listed below is a work in progress as I continue to add information and photos. It took me a few years to build the old site, and I hope it will take only a few months to complete this one, so please check in regularly to see the latest information.
CL Best Tractors
Please note:
Serial Numbers or “Tractor Numbers” for Best Model Tractors have the following “Letter” at the beginning or end of the serial number.
“A” Best Model 60 SN location listed below
“B” Best Model 25 SN painted on track roller frame
“C” Best Model 75 SN painted on side main frame
“D” Best Model 40 SN painted on track roller frame
“S” Best Model 30 SN location listed below
If the number on the tractor does not include the right “letter” for the model of tractor then it is the Royality number.
The Royality number was issued after Holt and Best settled their litigation around the begining of 1919.
The serial number and royality number may or maynot have the same number of digits,
in most cases the serial number will be a lower number than the royality number.
The royality number is located on the brass tag with the pat. numbers listed, the tag is sometimes mounted on the fenders.
The serial number is located on a tag that reads “Tractor Number”, which is located in the following locations:
On the left side on the engine block
Directly under the water pump-for the model thirty
Below Cylinder #1-for model sixty
Left side of seat base, or just above the draw bar on the transmission housing.
The List below has been generated from information I have recieved from machinery owners and from different publications.
Daniel Best Catalog
Best All Steel Promotional Manual
Best Steam Tractors
Best Traction Engine Manual
1889 Serial No. 3 Towle Bros. Texas Hill CA. wrecked machine with parts missing
1894 Serial No. uk nickname “Old Dinah” Furnace Creek Ranch Death Valley CA. un-restored non operational
1894 Serial No. uk Las Vegas NV. un-restored non operational
1903-1906 Serial No. uk Angles Camp Museum Angles Camp CA. un-restored non-operational
1905 Serial No. uk Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Alaska un-restored non-operational
1906 Serial No. 175 Joe Heidrick Sr. Foundation Woodland CA. Restored Operational
1906 Serial No. 185 Roots of Motive Power Willits CA. Restored non-operational
1906 Serial No. 188 Ken Eder Carthage NC. Restored Operational
1909 Serial No. uk Holt Caterpillar Houston TX. Un-restored Operational
1910 Serial No. 242 Smith Park Rexburg ID. un-restored non-operational
1910 Serial No. uk Phillips Brothers Mill Oak Run CA. Un-restored Operational
1911 Serial No. 295 Phillips Bros. Mill Oak Run CA. un-restored non-operational
Best Round Wheel Tractors
Best Mfg Promotional Catalog
1-RW to 105-RW
1910-1916 Mfg. in San Leandro
1911 75hp round wheel tractor owned by the Shank Family Located in the Pioneers Museum, Imperial CA.
Best Model 25
Best 25 Instructions
1-B to 300-B
1918-1920 Mfg. in San Leandro
1919 uk Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
1919 353B Carson Wiley Arroyo Grande CA.
1919 165 Bill Santos CA.
1919 199 CA.
1920 213 Spegel Family Portland OR.
386 Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Garnd CA.
1794 Heidrick Ag Center Woodland CA.
1872 CA.
Uk Tyler Family Moore MT.
Best Model 30
Nebraska Test No. 77
1921 S1001-S1279
1016 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Restored
1922 S1280-S1648
S 1298 Bob Curry Duncansville PA. Canopy
S 1424 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC. tail seat
S 1446 Rangiora NZ.
S 1514 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. (former Doug Veerkamp) Orchard Restored
S 1553 Jack Wallace Woodland CA.
S 1581 CA.
S 1645 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Trans Only
1923 S1649-S2147
S 1691 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Restored
S 1694 CA.
S 1782 Jack Alexander, Gilroy CA.
S 1868 Rick Hawksworth Awahnee CA.
S 1969 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
S 2040 Bill Santos Newcastle CA.
S 2072 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA. former Kenneth Avery Qualer Hill CT. Top Seat Snow Crusier
S 2103 CA.
1924 S2148-S3101
S 2401 Chris Brummett Carthage MO.
S 2685 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
S 2702 Top Seat NC.
S 2832 Larry Frey NY. Factory Top Seat with Cab Restored
S 2886 Heidrick Museum Restored orchard
1925 S 3102-S4115
S 3115 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
S 3138 Frank Portera Morgan Hill CA.
S 3140 CA.
S 3306 Scott Moulding Ogden UT. Top seat, pto, canopy
S 3432 CA.
S 3507 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Restored
S 3568 Billy Saunders VA.
S 3568 is last offical Best 30
Best UK UC Davis Davis CA. Best
Best UK UC Davis Davis CA.
Best UK UC Davis Davis CA. Orchard
Best UK Antique Farm Eq. Museum Tulare CA.
Best UK Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
Best UK Heidrick Ag Museum Woodland CA.
Best UK Vista Museum CA.
Best UK Peter Holt TX.
Best UK National Ag Research Center Japan
Best Model 40
Mfg. 1911-1920 in San Leandro
378 D Ca.
1917 538D Carson Wiley Arroyo Grande CA.
1918 668D Paul Skirvin Philomath OR.
uk Marciel Family Altaville CA.
uk Heidrick Ag Museum Woodland CA.
1084 CA.
Best Model 60
Best Sixty Manual
Nebraska Test No. 76
1919 101A-352A
101 A Tom Madden Paso Robles CA. Canopy
102 A Enyeart Family Laramie WY.
103 A Fred Heidrick WoodLand CA.
150 A
345 A
1920 353A-993A
372 A Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. Tailseat
507 A
858 A Ed Claessen Waverly MN
1921 994A-1056A
1922 1057A-1248A
1078 A Jack Alexander Gilroy CA.
1159 A Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
1923 1249A-1684A
1366 A Jason Payne Long Island NY. Former Caleb Carpenter Piedmont OK.
1432 Holt Cat Inc. San Antoino Tx.
1587 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
1588 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
1592 A Rick Hawksworth
1924 1685A-2235A
1833 Russell Turner McArthur CA
1866 Logging Special Russell Turner McArthur CA. been in family since new!
1947A Enyeart Family Larmie WY. Former Dan Voght Tractor Hartford City IN.
1990A Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
2072A Scott Moulding Ogden UT. Top Seat, Canopy
2125 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
2157A Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
2167A Jack Alexander, Gilroy CA.
2363A Russell Turner Orangeville CA.
2371 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
2472A Dan Voght Hartford City IN.
2489A Fred Lowry Salida CA.
2501A Ken Eder Carthage, NC.
1925 Changed to Caterpillar after 2547A
UK Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand Ca. Tail Seat
UK UC Davis Davis Ca. Top Seat
1921 UK MN.
1923 UK England
1924 UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
uk Peter Holt Tx.
Best Model 75
Best Manual
Best Manual Promotional
1911-1919 Mfg. in San Leandro
351 Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
617 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
727 Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
880 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
963 Dave Marcial Herald CA.
Holt Manufacturing
Holt ” Caterpillar Times” Magazine 1915
Holt “Caterpillar Times” Magazine 1916-17
Holt “Caterpillar Times” Magazine 1918-19
Holt “Caterpillar Times” Magazine 1920-21
The above links can be slow to load, but until i find a better source it will do for now.
This one of a kind working replica of the very first Holt Steam Tractor on tracks was created by the late Don Hunter
Holt Model 18
Mfg. 1914-1917 in Stockton
7079 Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
7125 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
7365 Joseph Heidrick Foundation Woodland CA.
SN is located on Patent plate, left side frame near front end.
14001 to 14005 Mfg. 1916-1918 in Peoria only 5 produced
UnKnown Serial Numbers
Jim Heater Brooks OR.
Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
Model 20-30
11001-11011 Mfg. 1914 Peoria
Model 30
5001-5301 Mfg. 1912-1916 in Stockton
SN painted on ends of fuel tank or sides of rad. hood,
later models the SN is located on Patent plate, left side frame near front.
1914 5197 Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
1914 5296 Wollesen Ranch Lockwood CA.
5018 Boyajian Family TulareCA.
UnKnown Serial Numbers
Boyajian Family TulareCA.
Model 40
1001 to 1055 Mfg. 1908-1911 in Stockton
SN painted on rear of machine
1004 Joseph Heidrick Foundation Woodland CA.
267 Mfg. 1912 Peoria
502-542 Mfg. 1912-1913 Peoria
545-571 Mfg. 1913 Peoria
10349 Mfg 1915 Peoria
Model 30-45
201-266 Mfg. 1909-1912 Peoria
268-280 Mfg. 1912 Peoria
282-295 Mfg. 1912 Peoria
573 Mfg. 1912 Peoria
Model 40-45
Holt 45 Care and operation manual
1056-1099 Mfg. 1909-1911 Stockton
Holt 45B
1909 102 Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA. Northern Holt 45B
Only Holt Mfg. in MN.
Model 45
Holt 45 Manual for care and operation
1100 to 1209 Mfg 1910-1911 . in stockton
SN located on front side of motor bracket or on sides of rad.
11012 to 11504 Mfg. 1911-1916 in Peoria
SN located on Patent plate at the front right side of machine
11566 to 11677 mfg. 1917 in Peoria
SN located on Patent plate at the front right side of machine
12000 to 12041 Mfg. 1916-1918 in Peoria
12150 to 12151 Mfg. 1917 in Peoria
12250 to 12252 Mfg. 1917 in Peoria
20001 to 21209 Mfg. 1915-1921 in Stockton
SN located on Patent plate at front right side, rad sides
20372 Carl Kirsch OR.
20527 Holt Machinery San Antonio TX.
20664 CA.
20684 CA.
20871 Bouris Ranches CA.
20882 CA.
21211 to 21232 Mfg. 1920-1921 in Stockton
21235 Mfg. 1921 in Stockton
21237 to 21243 Mfg. 1921 in Stockton
21242 CA.
UnKnown Serial Number Machines
Tom Ielmorini CA. being restored by Don Hunter
UC Davis Davis CA.
South AU.
Booleroo Steam & Traction Preservation Society Booleroo AU.
Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
Prairie Village SD.
Antique Powerland, Brooks OR.
Model 45-60
281 Mfg 1912 Peoria
543-544 Mfg. 1913 Peoria
10001-10205 Mfg. 1912-1914 Peoria
10207-10217 mfg. 1914 Peoria
10239 Mfg. 1915 Peoria
10244-10245 Mfg. 1915 Peoria
10344-10345 Mfg. 1915 Peoria
10352-10371 Mfg. 1915 Peoria
Model 60 Peoria Built
1210-1909 Mfg. 1911-1913 Stockton
572 Mfg. 1913 Peoria
1912 515 Bill Peterson (need to confirm serial number, it should read 572)
Only known Peoria Built 60
10319 Mfg. 1915 Peoria
Model 60 Stockton Built
Any machine with a number grater than 2500 is a Model 75
1210 to 1909 Mfg. 1911-1913 in Stockton
SN located on front side motor bracket ore rad sides
1375 Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Canada Alberta
1547 Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Canada Alberta
1838 IL.
2000 to 2599 Mfg. 1913-1916 in Stockton
SN located on patent plate front side motor bracket
1913 2045 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Gary Wolverton Twin Falls ID.
2134 Victoria AU.
2197 CA.
2217 Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
UnKnown Serial Numbers
Ken Eder Carthage NC. Mint condition
Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
Holt Cat Inc. San Antonio Tx.
Holt Model 75
Holt 75 Manual for care and operation
Early Stockton Mfg serial #2500-3999
Has square metal radiator
2500 to 4077 Mfg. 1916-1924 in Stockton
SN located on Patent plate front side motor bracket
1917 2538 Goessel KS.
279? Mehmke Farm Museum Great Falls MT.
1917 2885
1917 2928 Don Hunter CA. restored
3018 Marc Geerkens Belgium
1918 3272 Ed Smolik Osage CA.
1918 3281 Renyolds Museum Alberta
1918 3327 Jack Nikkel Antique Farm EQ. Museum Tulare CA.
1918 3362 Antique Powerland Brooks OR.
1918 3456 CA.
1918 3478 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
1918 3564 Heidrick Museum Woodland CA.
1918 3580
1918 3662 Haggin Museum OR.
1918 3690 UC Davis Davis CA.
3716 Tyler Family Moore MT.
1918 3742 Milton French CA.
1918 3767 Jeff Huff Honeoye NY.
1919 3776 Jack Alexander Woodland CA
3850 England
1919 3901 Dalton MN.
3960 – 3961
3965 – 3972
3973 – 3979
3980 – 3989
4001 – 4057
4068 – 4077
UnKnown Serial Numbers
Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
Antique Farm Eq. Musuem Tulare CA.
UC Davis Davis CA.
Haggin Museum CA.
(3) Holt Cat Inc. San Antonio Tx.
Late Stockton Mfg. Model 75 serial #4001-4057, 4068-4077
Has square cast radiator
1921 4008 Larry Maasdam
1922 4026
1922 4032 Fred Heidrick Woodland CA.
1922 4057 Irvin Baker Ripon CA.
1922 4068 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
UnKnown Serial Numbers
Model 75 Peoria Built
Has slimmer cast radiator
10206 Mfg 1914
10218 Mfg 1914
10235-10238 Mfg 1915
10240-10243 Mfg 1915
10246-10299 Mfg 1915
10320-10321 Mfg 1915
10335-10343 Mfg 1915
10346-10348 Mfg 1915
10350 Mfg 1915
10372-10848 Mfg 1915
101000-101580 Mfg 1916
101566 Kyle
101648-101765 Mfg 1917
101851-102508 Mfg 1918
102519-1020745 Mfg 1919
SN loacted on Patnet plate front right side
1918 Military Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
uk Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
uk England
uk Paso Robles Pioneer Day Committee
UnKnown Serial Number Machines
Western Development Museum Canada
Former Wollesen Homestead
Clark County Museum NV
Former Gary Gallagher
Pontiac IL.
Peter Holt Tx.
Model 120
Holt 120 care and operation manual
Mfg 1915 in Peoria
13001-13074 Mfg. 1916-1922 in Peoria
1917 13130 Heidrick ag. Museum Woodland CA.
Only one known to survive the war because it was never put to service by goverment.
Purchased from a military base in CA. by Heidrick.
13076-13161 Mfg. 1916-1922 in Peoria
13180-13274 Mfg. 1916-1922 in Peoria
13371-13401 Mfg. 1916-1922 in Peoria
30001 to 30310 Mfg. 1918 to 1919 in Peoria
Unknown SN
Unit from Alaska Tom Madden Paso Robles
Incomplete Unit in Venezuela
Incomplete Unit in South America
Holt and Caterpillar Ton Series
Nebraska Test No. 86 for T-35
Nebraska Test No. 61 for T-16
Nebraska Test No. 59 for T-11
More info including manuals clink on this link
T-35 25003 to 26352 Mfg. 1921-1924 in Stockton
1920 T-35 prototype Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
1921 T-35
25005 Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
25024 Ernie Peter Aurora OR.
25031 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
25326 James Vermilyer San Juan Bautista CA.
25345 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
25407 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
25411 Dvachini Ranch Petaluma CA.
25417 Former Heidrick Tractor
1922 T-35
25566 England
26112 Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
26169 CA.
uk England
1923 T-35
uk Heidrick Ag Museum Woodland CA.
2 Ton Mfg. in Peoria
Sn Loacted on Patent plate on rear end right side of trans.
Also on Instruction plate on seat back
7001-70423 Mfg. 1924 Peoria (T-35)
70258 Bob Bergstrom Loveland CO.
70276 Ray Hill New South Wales Australia
70335 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX.
70516 John Young Sodus NY.
1925 70424-71528 (T-35)
71146 Charles Bogar
71171 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
71187 Jon Mark Horta Atwater CA.
71292 Jon Mark Horta Atwater CA.
71338 Milton Kysers Canton TX.
71434 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
1926 71529-73145 (T-35)
71657 O’Hara Southland NZ.
71680 Willsy Melbourne AU.
71774 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
71964 Tony McGuire Tucson AZ.
72111 Gough Canterbury NZ.
72233 Chuck Koehler Williston FL.
72240 Mike Foster Burra AU.
72550 John Krenowicz Madras OR.
72635 Horrell Canterbury NZ.
72763 Jack Wallace Woodland CA.
72770 Scott Hayes Molalla OR. Wide Swamp
72842 Former Heidrick tractor
73094 Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
73126 Eric and Trudy Shandel Waterford Ca
1927 73146-75285 (T-35)
73209 Sparks Museum Canterbury NZ.
73398 Chris MaCallister
73463 Randy Moulding Ogden UT.
73481 Swishy AU.
73624 Chittock West Otago NZ.
73963 Steve Decosta Auburn PA.
74298 Charlie Wolleson Calistoga CA.
74549 Miles Canterbury NZ.
74966 Mike Foster Burra AU.
75043 Ted Halton Portland OR.
75083 Former Salter Tractor
75171 Ray Hill New South Wales Australia
1928 75286-78989 (T-35)
75375 Kenny Kroschel CO.
75575 Ron Miller
75629 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. street pads
75701 Devon Bunker MN.
75908 South AU.
75910 Mike Lyon N. Queensland, AU. Restored
77056 Bruerton Canterbury NZ.
77310 Darryn Silveria Sonoma CA.
77331 CA
77403 Marty Turpin Victoria Aust.
77438 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
77601 Jay Proposch
77696 Eric and Trudy Shandel Waterford Ca
77700 O’Hara Southland NZ.
77762 O’Hara Southland NZ.
77766 Rod Tizzard Australia
77854 Cooke Canterbury NZ.
78118 Former Heidrick tractor
78191 CA
78259 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
78314 Thompson Tractor Company in Birmingham, AL
uk England
uk Shearing Southland NZ.
uk Rodney Eichen, Carlinville, IL. bellyguard and hook, dozer blade, and will have belt pully when restored
uk Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
uk Ray Hill New South Wales Australia
2 1/2 Ton
1918 CA.
Holt Model 5-TON Serial Number Owners List
Holt 5 Ton care and operation manual
1-500 Mfg. 1917-1918 Built by Reo on Holt Patents
Experiment 1917 11678-11684 Mfg. Peoria
1917 EXP 11679 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
11678 to 11683 5 Ton
11684 5 Ton Artillery
12042 to 12043 5 Ton
19001 to 19150 5 Ton (T-11) Mfg. 1919 in Peoria
SN located on Patent plate front main frame , later moved to left side rear
21242-23111 Mfg. 1917-1918 Detroit Built by Maxwell on Holt Patents
1918 24576 Cuck Koehler Williston FL.
40001 to 42412 Mfg 1920-1924 Peoria 5 Ton (T-11)
SN loacted on patent plate front end right side
40939 Holt Cat Inc. San Antoinio Tx.
43001-43044 5 Ton (T-29) Mfg. 1924-1926 in Peoria
43045-43969 Mfg 1925
43120 Holt Machinery San Antonio TX.
43970-44500 Mfg 1926
44004 N. Attleboro, MA.
44424 Mike Verkleir Northville NY.
50000 to 50212 Mfg. 1923-1924 Stockton 5 Ton
M-29 S50058 Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
M-29 S50093 Veerkamp Family Placerville CA.
1924 M-29 S50099 Joe Heidrick Woodland CA.
M-29 S50119 South AU.
uk Heidrick Ag. Museum Woodland CA.
uk VintagePower Museum Booleroo AU.
68042 to 68191 5 Ton Artillery
uk England
uk Heidrick Ag Museum Woodland CA.
Artillery 5 Ton England
Artillery 6 Ton England
Holt Model 10-TON Serial Number Owners List
10 Ton Artillary
15001-17099 Mfg. 1918-1919 Peoria
10 Ton
17100-1899 Mfg 1919-1923 Peoria
22001-22002 Mfg. 1921-1924 Stockton
22005-22151 Mfg 1921-1924 Stockton
34001 to 35586 Mfg. 1923-1926 in Peoria
SN located on patent plate front main frame
34001-34334 Mfg. 1923-1926 Peroia
34284 Holt Cat Inc San Antonio Tx
34335-34836 Mfg 1924 Peoria
34717 Holt Cat Inc. San Antonio Tx. Former Dan Voght Hantford City IN.
34837-35586 Mfg 1925 Peoria
Unknown Serial Number Tractor
1917 uk IN.
1918 uk England
uk Bright’s Pioneer Museum Le Grand CA.
uk CA.
1922 uk Heidrick Museum Woodland CA.
1924 uk Bob Hill Miami MB.
uk UC Davis Davis CA.
uk Rollag MN.
Artillery 10 Ton Heidrick Ag Museum Woodland CA.
Ken Eder Carthage NC.
Ken Eder Carthage NC.
Caterpillar Model "R" Series
1934 5E 3501-3503
1935 5E 3504-3529
1936 5E 3530-3552
2524 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
3525 SP Ted Halton Portland OR.
3542 SP Dave Pickhardt Randolph WI.
1937 5E 3553-3583
3553 SP CA.
3556 SP Christenbury Collection Liberty NC.
3561 SP Marv Frey Salem OR.
3562 SP from Aberdeen Proving Grounds Herb Montena, Easthampton MA.
3563 SP Herb Montena, Easthampton MA.
3565 SP from Aberdeen Proving Grounds Hayes Collection Molalla OR.
3571 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
3576 Salem OR.
1938 4J 1
1 Mats Engstrom Sweden
1939 4J 2-746
7 David Hudson
99 Tom Vesco Chula Vista CA.
133 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
185 SP Ed Christenbury Liberty NC
292 SP Charles Vondrachek Whitelaw WI
295SP Kistopher Stromer Fairfield NE.
376 Tom Dick Portland OR.
386 Jeff Boyd
546 Art Frey Glen Gardner NJ.
649 Sold From Bud Roberts MO.
1940 4J 747-1009
779 Chuck Koehler Williston FL.
802SP Ross Weaver British Columbia Canada
1941 4J 1010-1172
1034 John Goering,Bozeman , MT un-restored, engine stuck, undercarriage approximately 90% (very good), full factory electrical system/lights, PTO.
1942 4J 1173-1185
1938 6J 1-4
1939 6J 5-629
243 SP Former Bud Roberts MO. Now Robert curry Ducansville PA.
371 Omnitrac Cove OR.
417 Herschel Hall Piasa IL. running, belt pulley
435SP Dave Hudson
495 Reno NV.
519 SP Charles Vondrachek Whitelaw WI.
1940 6J 630-871
1941 6J 872-1130
1942 6J 1131-1150
Billy Sanders R3 5E2517
1934 5E 2501-2530
2508 Scott Hayes Molalla OR. Cable power unit, tow hook, unrestored
2509 Ken West Jordon UT heads missing parts machine
2517 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
1935 5E 2531-2560
2535 Don Borneke Eagle Lake MN.
2547 Randy Moulding UT
2551 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
1935 6G 1-43
11 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1936 6G 44-494
6G 159W Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
6G 257 Butch Andrew Plattsburg MO.
6G 297 W David Wintermute Annandale NJ.
6G 384 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
6G 441W Reno NV.
1937 6G 495-787
6G 644SP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. hyster winch, blade
6G 784W Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
1938 6G 788-930
6G 867WUSFS Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
1939 6G 931-1182
6G 1092W Peter Turvey Caterbury NZ.
6G 1137 SP
1940 6G 1183-1331
1941 6G 1332-1515
6G 1503SP Tom Ielmorini CA. 1120 org. hours, elec. factory start w/ two valve hyd.
6G 1585 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. elec. start, Let. PCU C4 Blade
1942 6G 1516-2942
6G 1798 SP Former Bud Robert Estate MO.
1943 6G 2943-4951
6G 3943 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
6G 4244 Carswell Strategic Air Command Base Ft. Worth Tx.
1944 6G 4952-5383
5333 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1934 5E 3001-3085
3040W Scott Hayes Molalla OR. Elec. start
3063 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1935 5E 3086-3420
3267 SP ND.
3289 SP Dave Wintermute Annandale NJ.
1936 5E 3421-3500
1936 4H 501-650
1937 4H 651-935
698 Josh James in Washington, PA
785 Bob Kroeker Round Rock Tx.
854WSP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
922SP Alan Smith Estate WI.
1938 4H 936-1131
1025 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
1939 4H 1132-1319
1019 Terry Welch Delavan WI.
1189 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1275 CA.
1940 4H 1320-1500
1569W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1940 3R 1-49
Caterpillar Model Ten
Caterpillar Model Ten Serial Number Range PT1-PT4929
Mfg. Dates 12/14/28-12/4/32
Weight 4500 lbs.
Gauges 44 inch & 37 inch
Drawbar HP 14
Belt/PTO HP 17
Cylinders Bore @ Stroke 4 @ 3-3/8″ x 4″
RPM 1500
Fuel Cap. 17.5
The Caterpillar Model Ten was the smallest tractor that Caterpillar ever made, there where several versions produced: Narrow, Wide and High Crop. The High Crop was produced for mainly farming purposes with approximately 420+/- made in the year of 1930.
1928 PT1-PT7
PT 4 bishop fenders
PT 5 James Ward Medford OR.
1929 PT8-PT3173
PT 19 Richard Davis Granite Bay Ca.
PT 20 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PT 40 Jason Payne Long Island NY.
PT 65 Tom Gregory IL.
PT 88 Tom Gaspardo Dana IL.
PT 92 CA.
PT 106W Ringle and Son Tree Farms Oregon City OR.
PT 107 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
PT 109 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. Rear start, street pads
PT 113 Perusina Family San Jose CA.
PT 121 Lance Jones AU.
PT 143 Rick Wagner Chestwick PA. Bishop fenders
PT 161 Scott Moulding Ogden Utah, Former Omnitrac Cove OR.
PT 162 MacFadden & Sons Sharon Springs NY.
PT 169 Marv Frey Salem OR.
PT 180 Petaluma CA.
PT 184 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
PT 202 Roots of Motive Power Willits CA. former Tex Howlen
PT 217 Empire Machinery Tuscon AZ.
PT 218 Lance Jones AU.
PT 236 Joe Steves Vernon, BC, Canada This tractor is on display at the historic O’Keefe Ranch in Vernon BC, Canada
PT 240 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
PT 251 Dave Kestler
PT 270 Dave Wintermute Annondale NJ.
PT 287 Kramer Family
PT 289 Mike Durkin Philadelphia PA.
PT 299 Richard Maxwell CA.
PT 351 Jim Legge Nova Scotia Canada
PT 357 Bud Tuttle Jamieson Canyon CA.
PT 392 Lance Jones, AU
PT 393 Jeffery Cullop Wichita KS.
PT 430 Mellow North Island NZ.
PT 431 Pete Ochal Arcade NY.
PT 446 Ferrymead Museum Canterbury NZ
PT 452 William Annechini Philadelpha PA.
PT 461 Dennis Wilkerson OR.
PT 473 NC has loader
PT 504 Roy Phelps Selah WA.
PT 506 Berendt North Island NZ.
PT 517 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
PT 586 Willetts Canterbury NZ.
PT 614 Kevin Kalsem Waterloo IA. tail seat
PT 620 Brayshaw Park Museum Marlborough NZ.
PT 621 Russ Johnson Union WA. street pads, laplant choate hyd blade
PT 623 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Jeff CA.
PT 631 Bob Car Seattle WA.
PT 656 South AU.
PT 665 Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA. parts machine
PT 695 Pat McMullen Sailsbury NC.
PT 703 Shearms Marion NY.
PT 728 John Aubert
PT 751 Herman Southland NZ.
PT 780 Milton Kyser Canton TX.
PT 794 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PT 825 Rick Wagner Cheswick PA. Bishop Fenders
PT 833 Richard Gilman
PT 856 Nathan Staley Enumclaw Wa.
PT 896 Mark Fuhrman Clinton TN.
PT 899 OR.
PT 902 MS.
PT 961W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 982 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. PTO
PT 986 Manitobia Canada
PT 1000 Cameron Canterbury NZ.
PT 1002 Jim McRoberts Palttsbu MO.
PT 1003 Rye Canterbury NZ
PT 1006 Rod Cross Douglass WY.
PT 1036W Ken Peterson, Squamish, B.C Canada
PT 1047 Sparks Museum Canterbury NZ.
PT 1062W Phil Ringle
PT 1063W Ken Peterson Saquamish BC Canada
PT 1084 Gough Canterbury NZ.
PT 1118 Jim Tuning Solbotra AK.
PT 1127 W Petaluma CA.
PT 1143 Harry Matter Halifax PA.
PT 1154 Dick Riggert Metamora IL.
PT 1166 County Line Equipment Tacoma WA.
PT 1198 Pat McMullien Salisbury NC.
PT 1205 MO.
PT 1208 Geoff Tobin San Luis Obispo, CA The tractor was originally sold in San Jose, CA. third owner
PT 1227 Salem OR.
PT 1251 Ed Noli AZ.
PT 1260 Jeff Huff NY
PT 1266 Ted Small Lowden WA.
PT 1276 Tom Smith Cypress TX
PT 1306 Billy Sanuders VA.
PT 1327 Jeff Huff NY.
PT 1475 Chuck Koehler Williston FL.
PT 1546 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PT 1556 Horrell Canterbury NZ.
PT 1560 Terry Jellis SD.
PT 1565 Tom Pfeifer Lewisville, TX.
PT 1574 Yearbury Cambridge NZ.
PT 1577 Mundy Canterbury NZ.
PT 1581 Andy Abernathy NZ.
PT 1602 Andy Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT 1605 Lye Evans Selah WA.
PT 1612 Irwin Zimmerman Lancaster PA.
PT 1622 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
PT 1626 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 1637 Pat McMullen Salisbury NC.
PT 1679 Roy Phelps Selah WA.
PT 1731 Tim Reeves Elkhorn NE.
PT 1734 Rodney Eichen, Carlinville, IL. PTO
PT 1767 Chuck Bogar Lebanon OH.
PT 1778 Dulinsky Family Newville CA.
PT 1816 Neal Canterbury NZ.
PT 1831 Salem OR.
PT 1838 John Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT 1851W Irwin Zimmerman Lancaster PA.
PT 1867 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
PT 1897 Roger Stelter Fairbault MN.
PT 1907 KS. pto
PT 1917 Chuck Bogar Lebannon OH.
PT 1927 Ron Miller
PT 1932 Roy Phelps Selah WA.
PT 1935 Jeff Moyle Fairmont NE.
PT 1936 Sid Shoemaker Summer WA.
PT 1995 John Donkersloot III Clifton, NJ
PT 1996 USA
PT 1999 Biewers Tractor Salvage Barnesville MN.
PT 2038 Dave Shoff Conestoga PA.
PT 2115 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. PTO
PT 2132 JonMark Horta Atwater CA.
PT 2133 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
PT 2136 Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA. parts machine
PT 2185 Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA. parts machine
PT 2207 Carl Megonigle PA
PT 2249 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 2258 Dave Tallon Washington IL.
PT 2259 Antique Powerland Brooks OR.
PT 2284 Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA. parts machine
PT 2320 Pat McMullen Salisbury NC.
PT 2338 MI.
PT 2356 Lance Jones AU.
PT 2360 Al Spegel Brooks OR.
PT 2380 Perusina Family Ca. Former Robert Young Petaluma CA.
PT 2389 Ted Halton Portland OR.
PT 2407 Ted Halton Portland OR.
PT 2415 Jack Hall Spring Hill PA.
PT 2441 Geschiere Handel Holland
PT 2452 Marv Frey Salem OR.
PT 2457 Pat McMullen Salisbury NC.
PT 2458 Jeff Huff NY
PT 2469 Tery Moran Paonia CO.
PT 2471 Veerkamp Collection Placerville CA.
PT 2486 Dave Shearns Marion NY.
PT 2492 Max Betenbender Eaggon IA.
PT 2501 W JonMark Horta Atwater CA.
PT 2520 Andy Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT 2540 Abernethy Canterbury NZ.
PT 2586W Charles Reil Yakima WA
PT 2648 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 2664 Gary Hubback Los Altos CA.
PT 2668 Rick Hawksworth CA. tail seat
PT 2684 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PT 2685 Paul Schurman Vancover WA.
PT 2688 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PT 2724 Mike Duffle Colten WA.
PT 2782 Scott Rynd Whitmore CA.
PT 2797 Willis Rotorua NZ.
PT 2812 Charles Taylor
PT 2827 Bob Huges Vacaville CA.
PT 2829 Clif Simonson Ventura CA. Restored and owned since 1970
PT 2851 Mike Wilske Yakima WA.
PT 2882 Selby Young CO.
PT 2887 William Wintermute Pittstown NJ.
PT 2893 Max Tyler Moore MT.
PT 2950 Bob Sterling Andover Il.
PT 2981 Joe Dibbits Trenton Ontario Canada
PT 3090 Rick Walsh Middle Haddam CT.
PT 3112 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. PTO
PT 3121 Neil Roberts CA.
PT 3150 George Louge PA.
PT 3167 Matt Veerkamp Plaicerville CA. tail seat
1930 PT3174-PT4606
PT 3184W MIlton Janzen Reedley CA.
PT 3209 Mike Siler Madison NC.
PT 3218 CA.
PT 3219 Chuck Bogar Lebannon OH.
PT 3252 UK restored
PT 3277 Rob Doty
PT 3282 Daryl Wigington Fort Worth Tx purchased from Bob Dodge Olalla Wa.
PT 3294 Richard Gilman
PT 3299 H.L. Johnson Liberty MO.
PT 3303 Jaxen Carson, Williams Lake BC, Canada
PT 3315
PT 3516
PT 3351 Rick Wargner Cheswick PA
PT 3354 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 3373 John Woods Bingen WA.
PT 3396 Jim Swank Pylesville MD
PT 3404 Jason Calhoun Westiminster MD.
PT 3428 Wn. Veenhuezen Renton WA.
PT 3439 Ed Kingman AZ.
PT 3446 Steve Coppin Pleasent Grove, CA.
PT 3487W Sosik Family Franklinville NJ.
PT 3501 George Logue PA.
PT 3516 Jonathan Halousek
PT 3518W Gary Love Family Canandaigua NY
PT 3524W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 3558W Doug Arch Tomah WI.
PT 3572 Paul Schurman Vancouver WA.
PT 3609W Marv Frey Salem OR.
PT 3619 Kevin Kalsem Waterloo IA.
PT 3627 Terry Faul MO.
PT 3629 Rodd Debraal Kohler WS.
PT 3636HC Bob Edris Jonestown PA.
PT 3639 Virgil Chritton Pomona CA.
PT 3665 Chuck Lyons Deer Park WA.
PT 3669 Bob CA.
PT 3706 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. BP PM
PT 3708 Jeff Huff NY. pto
PT 3713 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. PM
PT HC 3726 Roger Martin Waynesville OH.
PT HC 3730 Roger Martin Waynesville OH.
PT 3739 Jim Juhl Persia IA.
PT 3745 Bob Volmers CA.
PT HC 3749 Jon Mark Horta Atwater CA.
PT 3762 John CA.
PT 3764 Jeff Huff NY.
PT 3766 Russ Raymond Ellensburg WA
PT 3773 Phillip Callaway
PT HC 3774 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT HC 3781 CA.
PT HC 3793 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
PT HC 3797 Steve Weaver Pittsburgh PA.
PT HC 3809 CA.
PT HC 3816 Warren Gardner Cheny WA.
PT HC 3817 George Louge Trout Run PA.
PT HC 3820 Jeff Moyle Fairmont NE.
PT HC 3822 Kathy Bloom CA.
PT HC 3824 Ken Moncrif DE.
PT HC 3832 Jim Zimmerman Orachard IA.
PT HC 3840 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
PT 3844W Jim Zimmerman Orachard IA. has combine engine
PT HC 3852 Chad Enyeart Laramie WY.
PT HC 3855 Larry Maasdam Clarion IA.
PT HC 3856 Fred Heidrick Woodland CA.
PT HC 3859 Ryan Koehn Douglas OK.
PT HC 3870 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
PT HC 3872 CA.
PT HC 3889 Elkhorn WI.
PT HC 3901 Al Sosik Franklinville NJ. pto
PT HC 3903 Salem OR
PT 3905 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT HC 3911 Bill Lyons Marne IA.
PT HC 3915 A.W. Molyneux Bellevue ID.
PT HC 3920 Chad Enyeart Laramie WY.
PT HC 3923 Peter Palmer Denver CO.
PT HC 3924 Bob White Farms Colfax WA.
PT HC 3927 Dan Hadam OH.
PT HC 3929 Jeff Huff NY.
PT HC 3934 Tom Madden Pase Robles CA.
PT HC 3945 Jeff Moyle Fairmont NE.
PT HC 3946 John Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT HC 3954 Gene Doty Plattsburg MO.
PT HC 3955 Sosik Family Franklinville NJ.
PT HC 3966 Richard Elliott Waynesville, OH
PT HC 3978 Bill Peterson Lowell IN.
PT HC 3983 Marv Frey OR.
PT HC 3984 Kent Bates Chillicote IL.
PT 3985 Matt Carricaburu Lake Arrowhead CA.
PT HC 4002 Former Don Clough Gardiner Maine
PT HC 4015 Lowell Baker
PT HC 4016 MI.
PT HC 4021 Ken Eder Carthage NC.
PT HC 4026 Ted Toproski Mothell WA.
PT HC 4028 Dan Voght was converted to HC
PT HC 4039 BIll Hanson Elburn IL.
PT HC 4046 MD.
PT HC 4053W Strand Apples Cowiche WA.
PT HC 4077 Oliver Grimn Peoria IL.
PT HC 4098 Jim Hornbostel Palmer KS.
PT HC 4108 Terry Faul Stewartsville KS.
PT HC 4111 USA
PT HC 4114 Richard Gilman
PT HC 4118 Richard Gilman pto
PT HC 4125 Mike Durkin Phil. PA.
PT HC 4130 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PT HC 4135 Mike Durkin Philadelphia PA.
PT HC 4138 Salem OR.
PT 414? Tim Reeves Elkhorn NE.
PT HC 4160 Chuck Bogar Lebannon OH.
PT HC 4161 CA.
PT HC 4165 Pat Eder WI.
PT HC 4178 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
PT 4280 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
PT 4301 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PT 4322W Gerald Byran White Salmon WA.
PT 4324 Ted Halton Portland OR.
PT 4334W CA.
PT 4353 CA.
PT 4354W John Fullerton CA.
PT 4360 Millar Canterbury NZ.
PT 4362 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PT 4376 Andy Abernethy NZ.
PT 4379 AU.
PT 4429 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PT 4501W Elkhorn WI.
PT 4505 HC Lowell Baker
PT 4518W Maurice Beld Lynden WA.
PT 4548W Don Momroe Yakima WA.
PT 4581W Bill Parrish Toppenish WA.
PT 4596 Pat McMullen Salisbury NC.
1931 PT4607-PT4751
PT 4614W John Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT 4637 AL Sosik Franklinville NJ.
PT 4640
PT 4690 Donald Bird St. Albans WV.
PT 4696 Don Campbell Pase Robles CA.
PT 4722 Mike Lyon Queensland AU.
PT 4736 County Line Equipement Tacoma WA.
PT 4749 Al Spegel Brooks OR.
PT 4751W Steve Ebe Palo Millville CA.
1932 PT4752-PT4929
PT 4767 Churk Bogar
PT 4776W Matt Ripley Snowden WA.
PT 4777W John Sauer Toppenish WA.
PT 4794 Deana and Jamie Koller Parker SD.
PT 4809 Roy Phelps Selah WA.
PT 4816 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PT 4825W Deane and Jamie Koller Parker, SD.
PT 4858 Ryan Girad Lynd MN.
PT 4871W Marv Frey Salem OR.
PT 4874W Gerald Byran White Salmon WA.
PT 4901 Elkhorn WI.
PT 4909 Tim Metternick Grand Rapids MI.
PT 4913 Butch Andrew Plattsburg MO.
PT 4929 Pat McMullen Salisbury NC.
1933 PT4930-4932
UnKnown Serial Tractors
1930 HCW Bob Hill Miami MB
HC Dave Wintermute Annondale NJ nursery conversion
HC Keith Clark Spokane WA.
HC Al Spegel Brooks OR.
HC Paul Shurman Battleground WA.
HC Ralph Coret Metamore MI.
HC John Rassmussen Clarkston MI.
HC Stark Bros Nursrey Lauisana MO.
HC Stark Bros Nursrey Lauisana MO.
HC Peter Bloom Bakersfeild CA.
HC Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA.
HC Jim Zimmerman Orchard IA.
HC Randy Moulding Ogden UT.
HC Mile Jockson East Dubu IL.
Swamp Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
Tail Seat Heidrick Muesum Woodland CA.
Wide Matt Veerkamp Placerville CA.
Wide Heidrick Muesum Woodland CA.
Wide USA
Wide WayneJamison CA.
Dan Hadam OH.
Dan Hadam OH.
Heidrick Meuseum Woodland CA.
Richard Perusina San Jose CA.
Wally Adams Morgan CA.
Don Campbell Templton CA.
Lester Bettencour Gilroy CA.
John Gardener Fullerton CA.
Matt Veerkamp Placerville CA.
Ken Ennis
1929 Mekmke Farm Museum
UC Davis Davis CA.
Caterpillar Model Fifteen
Caterpillar Model Fifteen PV Series PV1-PV7559
Mfg. 1929-1932
weight 5790 pounds
gauge 40” and 50”
Drawbar HP 22 Belt/PTO HP 26
Cylinders Bore and Stroke 4@ 3-3/4″ x 5″
RPM 1250
Fuel Cap. 23 gals.
Nebraska Test No. 159
1929 PV1-PV4023
PV 1 Dave Wintermute Annondale NJ. Former Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 9 Rick Hawksworth CA.
PV 20 Daniel Aschberger Tatachilla South AU
PV 29 Orval Yoder Hutchinson KS. machine was purchased new by Jacob Yoder, Orval’s grandfather, machine is original unrestored
PV 43 Karl Stowe
PV 57 Jeremy Sutherland NZ.
PV 148 Gardyne Southland NZ.
PV 159 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Parts Machine
PV 169 Doc Clark Bigfork MT.
PV 316 Alex Forbes Manitoba Canada
PV 445 Former Gary Parker Tractor
PV 485 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 499 Nelson Family Blythe, CA.
PV 536 Dick Opdahl MN.
PV 568 Ron Meeder Ripley NY
PV 590 Doug Hagen Beechford Tasmainia Aust.
PV 596 Hickory Lake
PV 606 CA.
PV 714 Lorenz Family Sheboygan Falls WI.
PV 725 Andy Haberle Oak Grove MN.
PV 767 Tyson Beacham Edmonton Alberta Canada
PV 785 James Ward Medford OR.
PV 1011 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY.
PV 1036 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 1084 Gene SD.
PV 1154 Ron Rochester NY.
PV 1161 Zip Herpernia CA.
PV 1297 Willetts Canterbury NZ.
PV 1440 Paul Hein Leavenworth KS.
PV 1512 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY.
PV 1646 Jeff Moyle NE.
PV 1647 Newport VIT.
PV 1686 Andy Haberle Oak Grove MN.
PV 1791 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
PV 1801 Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
PV 1815 Keith Wilhem Anchorage, AK.
PV 1823 OR.
PV 1847 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 1969W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 2031 Bruce Johnstone Rapid City, SD
PV 2130 Ed Christenbury Liberty NC.
PV 2232 Biggs Otago NZ.
PV 2287 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PV 2310 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 2340 Bruce Cambridge NE.
PV 2353 Roots of Motive Power Willits CA.
PV 2356 Sparks Muesum Canterbury NZ.
PV 2450 Alan Langmuir Elk Grove CA.
PV 2491
PV 2532 Dave Tennent Dunedin New Zealand
PV 2557 David Coakley Sand Diego CA.
PV 2616 Scott Hayes Molalla OR. orchard
PV 2640 Flanagan Canterbury NZ.
PV 2678 Mike Lyon AU.
PV 2683 Jack Wallace Woodland CA.
PV 2714 Jeff Fenske Fresno Ca.
PV 2775 Bob Taylor Dickson TN.
PV 2799 Lance Jones AU.
PV 2877 Mudgway North Island NZ.
PV 2913 Rohan Burns AU.
PV 2948 Rohan Burns AU.
PV 2950 Bruce Vinkler Chicago IL.
PV 3090 Matt CarricaBuru Lake Arrownhead CA.
PV 3095 John Souza Fresno CA.
PV 3102 Frank O’Brian Riverside CA. Former Carl Sharp CA.
PV 3174 Murry, AU.
PV 3197 Dick Opdahl MN.
PV 3219 Doug Hagen Beechford Tamania Australia
PV 3222 Bud Tuttle Jamieson Canyon CA.
PV 3223 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
PV 3236 Frank O’Brian Riverside CA. Former Carl Sharp CA.
PV 3250 John Souza Fresno CA .
PV 3330 Don Evans Bakersfield CA.
PV 3333 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 3387 Mike Foster Burra AU.
PV 3389 John Souza Fresno CA .
PV 3473 Thomas Pfeifer TX.
PV 3519 Thomas Pfeifer TX.
PV 3523 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Parts Machine Pto
PV 3590 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY.
PV 3634 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 3637 Steve Coppin CA.
PV 3715 Lance Jones AU.
PV 3743 Gary Risk New Providence PA.
PV 3748 Lance Jones AU.
PV 3774 Karl Stowe
PV 3821 Simonian Farms Clovis CA.
PV 3823 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
PV 3839 NJ Huisman Netherlands
PV 3862 CA.
PV 3942 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1930 PV4024-PV7205
PV 4067 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 4089 CA.
PV 4132 Dale Stafford MD.
PV 4166 David Hudson
PV 4178 Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
PV 4320 Ray Robinson Green Valley AZ.
PV 4337 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
PV 4471 Stillwater MN.
PV 4472 Lou McMaster Hickory PA.
PV 4504 Ken Eder Carthage NC.
PV 4570 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PV 4642 Jeff Moyle NE.
PV 4715 Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum Vista CA.
PV 4768 Karl Stowe
PV 4771 Dan Britt NM.
PV 4808 Mike Siler Madison NC.
PV 4945 Robert Stephenson Fairbanks Alaska
PV 4965 Jerry Immel Waterboro SC.
PV 5059 Don Clough Gardiner ME.
PV 5069 Don Clough Gardiner ME.
PV 5138 Mick Fields Beverly Hills FL.
PV 5228 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 5299 Jonmark Horta Atwater CA tail seat
PV 5301 Mark Olsen Manassas VA.
PV 5302 Gnoss Family
PV 5339 Hayes Family Molalla OR.
PV 5389 Jason Calhoun MD.
PV 5486 Bill Eckhoff Punta Gorda FL.
PV 5612 Harvey Zimmerman PA.
PV 5688 Shearns Family Marion NY.
PV 5836 Berendt North Island NZ.
PV 5910 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 5922 Mark Reierson San Marcos CA. Restored
PV 5926 Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum Vista CA.
PV 5928 Matt Veerkamp Placerville Ca.
PV 5983 Patten Lumbermans Museum Patten MA.
PV 6032 Donaldson Canterbury NZ.
PV 6053 Jeff Boyd Zanesville OH.
PV 6091 Mike Rudin Lakeside CA.
PV 6175 Danny Peterson Sherman TX.
PV 6225 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PV 6250 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 6479 Thomas Pfeifer TX.
PV 6580 Marco Geschiere, Netherlands
PV 6623 Giles & Ransome
PV 6666 Marco Geschiere, Netherlands
PV 6702 Marco Geschiere, Netherlands- has Perkins Diesel engine
PV 6790 Harvey Zimmerman PA
PV 6838 Anthony Farino Long Island NY. Laplany blade
PV 6900 Jeff Huff Bloomfield NY
PV 7030 Stewart Blakey N. Yorkshire England
PV 7033 Gene Polk Lebanon IN
PV 7099 Chris Elliot Waynesville OH ice cleats
PV 7157 Matt Veerkamp Placerville Ca.
PV 7194 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
PV 7205 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
1931 PV7206-PV7311
PV 7207 Jan Meermans Poway CA. Unrestored
PV 7241 Carl Stearns North Hills(San Fernando Valley) CA. fenders for orchard work
PV 7250 Tom Pfeifer
PV 7294 CA.
PV 7309 Former Heidrick Tractor
1932 PV7312-PV7559
PV 7369 John Souza Fresno CA.
PV 7426 Mike Durkin PA.
PV 7430 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PV 7431 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PV 7435 John Souza Fresno CA .
PV 7525 Lindsay Ambler Sarasota FL.
Caterpillar Model 15 7C Series 7C1-7C307
Mfg. 3/31/32-11/17/33
Weight 4466 pounds Gauge 37” and 44”
Drawbar HP 15 Belt/PTO HP 18
Cyclinders bore and stroke 4@ 3-3/8″ x 4″
PRM 1500
Fuel Cap. 17.5 gals.
Nebraska Test No. 207
1932 7C1-7C241
7C 6 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
7C 22 Jason Payne Long Island NY
7C 34 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
7C 56HC Enyeart Family Laramie WY
7C 62 WA.
7C 77 USA
7C 83 Hawaii
7C 86 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
7C 88 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty, NC.
7C 95 CA.
7C 96 Ringle & Son Tree Farm Oregon City OR.
7C 100 Steve Glassey Aguilar CO.
7C 102 Marv Fery Salem OR.
7C 107W Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Calvin Hayes Molalla OR.
7C 169 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
1933 7C242-7C307
7C 208W Jon Mark Horta Atwater CA.
7C 209 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
7C 220 Mike Lyon Queensland AU.
7C 242W swamp Steve Ayotte, Eagel MI.
7C 250 Wally Adams Morgan Hill CA.
7C 256W Ron Meeder Ripley NY. prototype HC
7C 271 7C 296 Hawaii
7C ? Karl Soderberg Oroville CA.
Caterpillar Model 15 1D Series 1D1-1D95
Mfg. 3/31/32-11/17/33
Weight 5000est. pounds
Gauge 44” Drawbar
HP 15 Belt/PTO HP 18
Cyclinders bore and stroke 4@ 3-3/8″ x 4″
PRM 1500
Fuel Cap. 17.5 gals.
1932 1D1-1D60
1D 2 HC
1D 9HC Chad Enyeart Larmie WY.
1D 11
1D 12 Leanne Roth Salem OR.
1933 1D61-1D95
UnKnown Serial Number Tractors
uk Mehmke Farm Museum
1929 uk Jim Finet IO.
uk Brewars Tractor Salvage Barnesville MN.
uk Thompson North Island NZ.
uk Eugene Pock Jr.
Caterpillar Model Twenty
Caterpillar Model 20 L series L1-L1970
Caterpillar Model 20 PL series PL6587-PL6598
Mfg. Dates 11/1/27-9/30/31
Weight 7740 lbs.
Gauges 55″ & 42″
Drawbar HP 28
Belt/PTo HP 31
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@ 4″x 5-1/2″
RPM 1100
Fuel Cap. 25 gals.
1928 Caterpillar Model 20 Maintenance Manual
1927 EXPO
0000 Veerkamp Collection Placerville CA.
1927 L1-L58
L 6 Frank Portera Morgan Hill CA. Top seat
L 19 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
L 58 Paul Gills Petaluma CA.
1928 L59-L1304
L 109 Bob Pittington Nunn CO.
L 205 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
L 365 Hayes Family Molalla OR.
L 384 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
L 657 Hayes Family Molalla OR pto
L 712 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
L 761 Former Bud Roberts Tractor MO.
L 772 Otis Watson Blue River Az.
L 811 Former Heidrick Tractor CA.
L 823 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. restored
L 848W Enyeart Family Larmie WY. orchard
L 854W Jay Proposch Queensland AU. restored
L 916 Steve Ayotte, Eagel MI.
L 949 Scott Moulding Ogden UT. tailseat
L 982 Dave Bowman Bellflower CA.
L 1024 Greg Andrade CA.
L 1189 Jan Meermans Poway CA.
L 1215 Scott Bemis Prather Ca. top seat
L 1275 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA.
L 1278 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1929 L1305-L1970
L 1583 Carl Hewitt Uncasville CT.
L 1594 Frank Portera Morgan Hill CA. orchard
L 1970 Howard Bowers
1928 PL1-PL1669
PL 45 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
PL 435 Keith Adams Stony Plain Alberta Canada
PL 668W Enyeart Family Larmie WY. Belt Pulley
PL 773 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PL 1068 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Restored
PL 1166 Yearbury Cambridge NZ.
PL 1364 Brown Warkworth NZ.
PL 1369 Flanagan Canterbury NZ.
1929 PL1670-PL3889
PL 1822W Hayes Family Molalla OR
PL 1836 Steve Peter Cahse KS.
PL 1882 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PL 1879 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PL 1941 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PL 1945 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PL 2024 Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
PL 2145 Pat Yankelunas Youngstown NY.
PL 2328 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1930 PL3890-PL5757
PL 3947W Hayes Family Molalla OR
PL 4085 Arvid Leighton Tehachapi CA
PL 4105 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PL 4215 Scott Hirshey
PL 4406 Ernest Oertle Tucson AZ. factory canopy
PL 4455 Thomas Holland Family Moran TX.
PL 4684 Reynolds Family South Africa
PL 4964 Mike Foster Burra AU. Tail seat
PL 4977 Rough & Tumble Kinzers PA.
PL 4978 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
PL 5044 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PL 5055 USA
1931 PL5758-PL6319
PL 6013 W Salem OR.
PL 6016 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PL 6043 Jan Meermans Poway CA
PL 6120 Gary Springell Buckinghamshire UK
PL 6226 Frank Portera Morgan Hill CA. Top seat
1932 PL6587-PL6598
Caterpillar Model 8C series 8C1-8C652
Mfg. Dates 2/9/31-1/16/34
Weight 5933 lbs.
Gauges 50″&40″
Drawbar HP 23
Belt/PTO HP 28
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@3-3/4″x5″
RPM 1250
Fuel Cap. 24.5 gals.
1932 8C1-8C350
8C 4 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
8C 18 Forest Home Farsm Historic Park San Ramon CA.
8C45 Christenbury caterpillar Collection Liberty NC
8C 48 Bill Meeker Brimfield IL. restored tailseat
8C 58 Ringle & Son Tree Farm Oregon City OR.
8C 90 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
8C 102 Frank Buck Gettysburg PA.
8C 112 Jon-Mark Horta Atwater Ca.
8C 121 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA.
8C 135 Lyle Mcdougal Silver lake KS
8C 160W Keith Wilhelm Anchorge, AK. pto
8C 244 Canopy
8C 251 W Salem OR.
8C 265 Tony Hayes Molalla OR.
8C 303 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Parts Machine
8C 308 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
8C 313W Tony Hayes Molalla OR.
8C 336 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Parts Machine Belt Pully
1933 8C351-8C652
8C 361 Tom Mariposa CA
8C 441 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
8C 446 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
8C 470 Enyeart Family Larmie WY. Belt Pulley
8C 506 CA
8C 565 Bill Kanawyer Reedly CA.
8C 570 Russell Turner Orangevale CA.
8C 579 Marv Fery Salem OR
8C 610 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
8C 617 tail seat
8C 629 Frank Portea Morgan Hill CA.
8C 632 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
8C 642 Tony Hayes Molalla OR.
UnKnown Serial Number Tractors
1920 PL Bob Hill Miami MB.
PL UC Davis Davis CA.
Caterpillar Model Twenty Two
Caterpillar Model 22 2F1-2F9999
Caterpillar Model 22 1J1-1J5155
Mfg. Dates 1/19/34-8/30/39
Weight 6210 lbs.
Gauge 50″ & 40″
Drawbar HP 25
Belt/PTO HP 31
Cylinder Bore and stroke 4@4″x5″
RPM 1250
Fuel Cap. 22 gals.
1934 2F1-2F1605
1 ? Bill Rudicill KY.
70 Salem OR.
71 CA
93 Jeff Chartier Brooks OR.
161 Travis Brummett Carthage MO.
237 Randy Young Los Gatos, Ca.
262 D. Silveria Sonoma CA.
303 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
348 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
390 Gregory Smith NSW Aust.
432 Stuart Walsh Lancashire UK.
510 Joel Judd Sherman CT.
539 Cass, Harry, & Larry Ranney Dolores, CO.
660 Travis Houser Dewitt IL.
818 Peter Mercer St. John’s Newfoundland Canada
1294 SP Rod Carlinville IL.
1348 Scott Rynd Whitmore CA.
1358 John Aspesi Santa Cruse CA.
1391 Don Evans Bakersfield CA.
1408 Charles Grow Soledad CA.
1435 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX.
1499 Will Dacey Hamoden ME.
1573SP Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1581 Jim Acker San Martin CA.
1935 2F1606-2F5335
1606 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1699 Jim Nofftz Tolono IL. Home made hyd. blade
1721 Big Bear Valley Historical Society, Big Bear City CA.
1957 Richard Johnson Simi Valley CA.
2026 Enyeart Family Laramie WY orchard
2168 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
2204 John Grow Soledad CA.
2299SP Pete Oswald Ellensburg, WA Engine # 6499 electric starter hydraulic blade, and 16′ wide grousers Restored
2399 Allan Davis Creswell OR.
2409 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
2410 Steve Bybee Central CA.
2691SP Ted Halton Portland OR.
2844 John Berndsen Winfeild KS. former Mike Pursell machine
2873 Scott Rynd Whitmore CA.
2996SP Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA. Citrus Low Seat
3083 Jason Dressel Rosemont MN.
3094 SP Rodney Eichen Carlinville IL. PTO
3189 Charles Kelly Sanford NC.
3588 Joe Black Fort Meade FL.
3648 Frank O’Brian Riverside CA.
3680 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
3910 Wally Summ Woodland CA.
4111W Marv Fery Salem OR.
4154W CA
4200W Larry Maasdam Clarion IA.
4247W Bob Patterson Protland OR.
4249 Gary Marisoli Rutherford CA.
4294 D. Silveria Sonoma CA
4367W Paul Brenner Lake Huges CA. former Rod Pomeroy tractor
4418 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
4455 Dalton Strawn
4507W Pete Ochal Archade NY.
4531SP Ken Eder Carthage NC.
4546 Ernest Oertle Tucson AZ. LaPlant hyd. pivot blade
4559WSP Albert Howe Janesville CA.
4619 Bill Barnes Kansas City KS.
4723SP CA.
4983 Leroy Hewes Modesto CA.
5012W Evan Gooch
5054 Paul Brenner Lake Huges CA. former Rod Pomeroy tractor
5178 Trevor ScottSouth Aust, Aust
5209 Raymond Puffer Watervliet NY electric start 6′ blade
1936 2F5336-2F9421
5394 Ryan Family Blue Bell PA. Offset tracks PTO Restored
5434 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
5458W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
5460 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
5554 W Mike Foster Burra AU
5684 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
5691W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
5709WSP Keith Wilhelm Anchorge, AK.
5882 USA restored High Crop
5946WSP Enyeart Family Laramie WY orchard
5960W Steven Barker Manorville NY.
6223W Peter Oswald Ellensburg Wa. Belt Pulley
6278 Lester Schurman Ridgefeild WA.
6327W Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
6350 Ty Harkness Sunset House Alberta Canada
6397W Randy Moulding Odgen UT. belt pulley
6559W Pete Oswald Ellensburg, WA runs good with a hydraulic blade and a hydraulic winch
6736 P CA.
6780SP Steve Dick Milton KS.
6863SP Mike Schlatter Turon KS.
6879W John Goering,Bozeman, MT PM purchased at Ryegate auction. Many parts were missing, disassembled
6900SP Jefferson County CO.
6934 Lindsay Ambler Sarasota FL.
7027 Joel Judd Sherman CT.
7137 Walter Voght OH.
7220 SP Don Evans Bakersfield CA
7631 Ben Patrick Shelby NC.
7658W Zach Kincaid
8103SP Hawaii Custom Conversion High Crop
8307SP Mike Foster Burra AU. Tail Seat
8458SP Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
8494HSP Salem OR.
8521WSP Richard Davis Grantie Bay CA.
8779SP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
8824 Al Engnes Liberty MO.
8951SP Roger Fugman Chagrin Falls OH.
9019 W CA.
9087SP Dave Wintermute Annandale NJ. Machine is a High Crop Nursery Conversion
9160 W Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
9229 Joseph Trotter Carson City
9265WSP Joe Tucson AZ
9306SP Dan Pratt Battle Ground Wa. pto, Rg, BP, fes
9345SP Jon-Mark Horta Atwater CA. tail seat
9382SP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
9421 Joe Kimbriel Granite Bay CA.
1937 2F9422-2F9999
9469SP Wille Dulinsky Orland CA
9572WSP Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
9803WSP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
9909SP Hagemann Grading & Excavating Sebastopol CA.
1937 1J1-1J5098
91 Jerry Irwin Grand Mount IA.
211 Carl Hewitt Uncasville CT.
232WSP Randy Moulding Odgen UT. loader bucket
524SP Rick Peruta Clochester CT.
626SP Ervin Albaugh Walkersville MD
630 Nick Ivey Hephzibah CA.
901 Pat Yankelunas Youngstown NY.
939 Robert Myers Falcon CO.
995WSP John Goering,Bozeman, MT Parts machine Dad purchased from Norine Motors in 60’s, Bozeman, MT
1007SP Rodney Remley Leipsic OH.
1165SP Wally Summ Woodland CA.
1200WSP Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1235P Clay Klutts Okemah OK.
1300WSP John Goering,Bozeman, MT free engine, compete, but does not run, Undercarriage approx 65%, Wide gage, PTO
1356SP Steve Nafe Glen Rock PA.
1375WSP John Goering,Bozeman, MT New babit rod bearings poured, new mains, bored cylinder blocks, new rings, new radiator core, new electric starter. Wide gage, PTO, electric start
1563WSP Jason Payne Sag Harbor NY.
1786W Frank Dzen South Windsor CT.
1828SP CA
1938SP Eric Marshall Sebastopol CA.
2130W Tony McGuire Tucson AZ.
2132WSP Lee Sorbel Sparland IL.
2187WSP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
2215WSP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
2292WSP Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
2293WSP Maroni Construction Enumclaw AK.
2494SP Garry Huk, Montney, B.C.
2921W Peter Oswald Ellensburg WA.
3089WSP Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
3234SP CA.
3281W Jesus Gonzalez Burgus Spain, former Sam Rodriguez
3382WSP Richard Hallberg, Bridgewater, NH.
3424WSP Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
3587WSP Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
3591WSP Chuck Covarribias Oxnard CA.
3692SP Andrew Woskett Adelaide South Australia
3708WSP Former Bud Roberts
3796W Neil Paku Masterson New Zealand pto Home made winch powered Blade
4054SP Keith Nafe Glen Rock PA.
4461H Ed Sims
4596W Dan Pratt Battle Ground Wa.
4639W Terry Faul Stewartsville MO.
4767SP Graham Farmer Western AU.
4999SP Andrew McCoullough West Wyalong NSW Austrlia
5002H Chad Enyeart Laramie WY.
5031SP Tom Ebel PA. restored better than new
5085W Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
1938 1J5099-1J5155
1938 1J5156-1J5157
UnKnown Serial Number Tractors
Ken Eder Carthage NC.
Caterpillar Model Twenty Five
Caterpillar Model 25 3C1-3C638
Mfg. Dates 6/11/31-9/12/33
Weight 7700 lbs.
Gauge 55″&42″
Drawbar HP 28
Belt/PTO HP 35
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@4″x5-1/2″
RPM 1100
Fuel Cap. 25 gals.
1931 3C1-3C268
97 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
107W Enyeart Family Larmie WY. orchard
173 Ringle & Son Tree Farm Oregon City OR. PTO
207W Enyeart Family Larmie WY. swamp pads Belt pulley
268 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. (Former Scott Hayes Molalla OR.) orchard
1932 3C269-3C450
274 Erik Stenvall Stockholm Sweden
318 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC. Electric Start
425 Mancus Family Aromas CA. Military street pads lights tow hook
439 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
442 Chris Withington Scotland CT. Pintle Hitch
445W Ian Mathias Fairfeild PA. Military, pintle hitch
1933 3C451-3C638
481 USA
542 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC. Factory side seat
616 Salem OR.
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
Caterpillar Model Twenty Eight
Caterpillar Model 28 4F1-4F1171
Mfg. Dates 12/4/22-11/11/35
Weight 7830 lbs.
Gauge 55″&42″
Drawbar HP 30
Belt/PTO HP 37
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@4-3/16″x5-1/2″
RPM 1100
Fuel Cap. 25 gals.
1933 4F1-4F58
5 CA.
27 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1934 4F59-4F701
67 Former Don Clough Gardiner ME.
82 Christenbury Collection Liberty NC.
105 Dave Bowman Bellflower CA.
173 Omnitrac Cove OR.
475W Hayes Family Molalla OR.
563W CA.
605 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
612 Frank Fox of Wilton Ca tail seat and draw bar
678 King Marks CA.
1935 4F702-4F1171
713 Kenneth Avery Quaker Hill CT. ice pads Lights Electric Start
721W Enyeart Family Larmie WY. Orchard
722 SP Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. (Former Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.)
745 SP Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
768 Omnitrac Cove OR.
781SP Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
819 SP Ted Halton Portland OR.
823 Erik Stenvall Stockholm Sweden
871 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
889 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
896 SP Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
898 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Electric Start
899SP Mike Roskamp Outlook WA. hyd blade
902SP Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
1038W Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1108W Moulding Collection Ogden UT. tails seat gen/lights
1133W Phillip Withington Scotland CT. Orchard
UnKnown Serial Number Tractors
Mehmke Farm Museum
UnKnown Restored ByClarence Itel OR.
Caterpillar Model Thirty
Caterpillar Model 30 S31021-S10536
The “S” series was a carry over from BEST Mfg. with production start in 1921
Caterpillar Model PS1-PS14294
Mfg. Dates 7/1/25-10/4/32
Weight 9910 lbs.
Gauge 60 3/4″ & 43 3/4″
Drawbar HP 35
Belt/PTO HP 40
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@ 4-3/4″x6-1/2″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 37 gals.
1925 S563-S4115
S 3563 is the first Known Caterpillar 30
S 3563 Lester Bettancort Gilroy Ca. unrestored
S 3568 Billy Saunders Va.
S 3587 Howard Bowers Wintersville OH Canopy Belt Pully
S 3603 CA.
S 3609 Dave Wintermute Annondale, NJ.
S 3701 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. Restored
S 3770 Hank Travares Maui HI
S 3784 CA.
S 4015 CA.
S 4050 Van Zandts Philo CA.
1926 S4116-S5232
S 4980 CA.
S 5120 Scott Rynd Whitmore CA. narrow tail seat
1927 S5233-S6349
S 5387 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
S 5410 Former Don Clough Gardiner ME.
S 5911 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
S 5934 Randy Moulding Odgen UT
S 5958 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
S 5992 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. top seat
S 6121 Former Heidrick Tractor CA.
S 6232 CA.
S 6241 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
1928 S6350-S7715
S 6387 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
S 6460 CA.
S 6466 CA.
S 6554 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty, NC. Canopy
S 7021 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. Swamp
S 7096 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
S 7218 Don Martin Alexandria OH Canopy
S 7498W Enyeart Family Laramie WY orchard
1929 S7716-S9304
S 7841 CA.
S 7855 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
S 7886 Ken Eder Carthage NC.
S 8023 Irvin Leffler St. Helens OR. Canopy
S 8072 Hayes Family Molalla OR.
S 8089 Bob White Farms Colfax Wa.
S 8214 CA.
S 8245 Keeley Family Farms Colusa, Ca. Tail Seat Restored
S 8359 Jess Gilbertson Woodland CA.
S 8374 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
S 8378 Don Evans Bakersfield CA. Top Seat Wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg. Co. Blade
S 8437 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
S 8671 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
S 9062 Terry Welch Delavan WI. w/35 engine
S 9029 Dave Ernst Fallon Nevada Originated in Rio Vista Ca.
S 9246 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
1930 S9305-S10536
S 9703 Don Evans Bakersfield CA. Tail Seat
S 9733 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
S 9385W Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
S 9986 Jack Calhoun Westminister MD. Canopy Logger
S 10082 Mike Foster Burra AU.
S 10112 Ted Halton Portland OR.
S 10157 Mark Watertown WI.
S 10269W Peter Proposch Queensland AU. tail seat
S 10415 Jim McRoberts Plattsburg MO.
S 10295 Don Evans Bakersfield CA. Top seat Canopy
1926 PS PS1-PS510
PS 52 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX
PS 90 Caleb Carpenter Piedmont OK.
PS 175 Terry Welch Delavan WI.
1927 PS PS511-PS2367
PS 617 Hewitt Family Uncasville CT. Belt Pully Pull Hook
PS 643 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PS 721 Don Martin
PS 837 Roots of Motive Power Willits CA.
PS 839 Mark Olsen Nokesville, Va.
PS 925 Donald Evans
PS 975 Andy Abernethy Canterbury NZ.
PS 1058 Mark Mederski belt pully and canopy
PS 1201 Fort Collins CO.
PS 1246 standard 30 Steve Ayotte, Eagle MI.
PS 1414 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PS 1912 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
PS 1928 Andy Haberle Oak Grove MN.
1928 PS PS2368-PS5475
PS 2369 Dale Rainwater Van Buren AR
PA 3350 Jeffery Harris Willits CA. Let Blade
PS 4051 Johnny Sturgill Hurricane WVA.
PS 4182 Scott Moulding Ogden UT.
PS 4226 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. tail seat
PS 4375 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX
PS 5348 Frank Rohr Quinton KS.
1929 PS PS5476-PS9582
PS 6008 Gordon Schmidt Alberta Canada
PS 6116 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PS 7027 Bruce Salida CO.
PS 7511 Tom Pfeifer Lewisville, TX.
PS 7897 Richard Elliot Waynesville OH.
PS 8178 Mahan Canterbury NZ.
PS 8203 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. (former Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.)
PS 8375 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA
PS 9204 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1930 PS PS9583-PS12904
PS 9843 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PS 10475 Herschel Hall Piasa, IL. restored
PS 10575 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PS 10947 Robert Young Stayton, OR
PS 11092 Enyeart Family Laramie WY cold weather
PS 11103 Lowell Baker cold weather package
PS 11432 Pat Yankelunas Youngstown NY.
PS 11612 Biewers Tractor Salvage Barnesville MN.
PS 11784 Indiana
PS 11937 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
PS 12324 Chad Attebury Tulsla OK.
PS 12784 Former Don Clough Gardiner ME.
1931 PS PS12905-PS14092
PS 12907 wide 30 with cold weather kit Al Ayotte, Eagle MI.
PS 12946W Jay Proposch Queensland AU. top seat w/ canopy restored
PS 12947 Rodney Eichen, Carlinville, IL. cold weather package (hood) and belt pulley
PS 13010 Alan Smock
PS 13385 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PS 13421 Ed Pointe Petaluma CA
PS 13486 Carl Von Segern Escondido CA.
PS 13554 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
PS 13738 John Robello HA.
PS 13795 Coppin Family Pleasant Grove CA.
PS 13810 Norman Baker Grants Pass OR.
PS 13898 Norman Baker Grants Pass OR.
PS 13958 Russell Turner Orangevale CA.
1932 PS PS14093-PS14294
PS 14037 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PS 14199 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PS 14242 Russell Turner Orangevale CA.
UnKnown Serial Numbers
UK Mekmke Farm Museum
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
UK Ken Eder Carthage NC.
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM, Wide gauge
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM, small seat
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
UK Carl William Uncasville CT. Logging cursier top, Lights, pull hook
UK Gary Foglio Florence OR.
UK Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
UK Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
Herb Montena MA.
Caterpillar Model Thirty Five
Caterpillar Mode 35 5C1-5C1728
Mfg. Dates 2/29/32-10/29/34
Weight 12480 lbs.
Gauge 74″& 56″
Drawbar HP 38
Belt/PTO HP 46
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@ 4-7/8″x6-1/2″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 50 gals.
Gas Tractor
1932 5C1-5C852
13 Scott Hayes OR.
199 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
217 Sparta NC
337 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
387 John Froese Belleville IL single drun cable control
424 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
1933 5C853-5C1364
1022 Bob Taylor Dickson TN.
1028 Bob Taylor Dickson TN.
1041 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1161 Alan Smith Estate WI.
1934 5C1365-5C1719
1452 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1531W Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty, NC.
1571 Scott Moulding Odgen UT.
1657 Hewitt Family Uncasville CT. cab lights winch ice pads electric start
1681 Ken Nagel Houston OH.
1935 5C1720-5C1730
Caterpillar Model Diesel 35 6E1-6E1999
Mfg. Dates 7/19/33-10/23/34
Gauge 74″& 56″
Drawbar HP 41
Belt/PTO HP 46
Cylinders bore and stroke 3@5-1/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 45 gals.
Diesel Tractor
1933 6E1-6E650
182 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
335 Jay Proposch Queensland AU.
365 Ted Halton Portland OR. PTO
410 CA.
629 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1934 6E651-6E1999
897 Erik Welch Lake Geneva WI.
966 CA
917 Former Bud Roberts MO.
972 CA
973 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
1042 Moulding CollectionOgden UT.
1124 Bob Pittington Nunn CO. bp, laplant blade
1242 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1369W Alan Smith Mchenry IL. pto canopy
1147 MacFadden & Sons Sharon Springs NY. lights tow hook Cab Ice pads Belt pulley
1616 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
Caterpillar Model Forty
Caterpillar Model 40 Series 5G1-5G584
Mfg. Dates 12/5/34-8/10/36
Weight 13310
Gauge 74″&56″
Drawbar HP 44
Belt/PTO HP 52
Cylinder bore and stroke 4@5-1/8″x6-1/2″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 50 gals.
Gas Tractor
1934 5G 1-5G42
1935 5G 43-5G 433
85 USFS Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
94 Salem OR
124WSP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
130 SP
200 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
371 Omnitrac Cove OR.
406 Steve Lansing MI.
1936 5G 434-5G 584
497W Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
509 CA.
562 CA.
Caterpillar Model Diesel 40 series 3G1-3G1951
Mfg. Dates 10/25/34-4/21/36
Weight 14700 lbs.
Drawbar HP 44
Belt/PTO HP 49
Cylinder bore and stroke 3@5-1/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 45
Diesel Tractor
1934 3G 1-3G 334
7 Perusina Farms CA.
8 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. Let live pto
275 Reno NV.
318 Sam Brimfeild IL.
1935 3G 335-3G 1956
341 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
406 Steve Ayotte, Eagel MI.
418 General Gear Bosie ID.
498 Don Cloungh Gardiner ME.
583 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
609WSP Enyeart Family Laramie WY.
1090 Thomas Pfeifer TX.
1266 Macfadden & Sons Sharon Springs NY lights tool bar rear hyd. split ft. idlers
1901W Carolina Tractor Charlotte NC. Display Draw bar
1936 3G 1957-3G 1971
UK Pete Ochal Arcade NY snow pads
UK Brian McCloud Lodi CA.
UK W. Jefferson NC
UK W. Jefferson NC
UK Sparta NC
UK Bristol TN
Caterpillar Model Fifty
Caterpillar Model 50 Series 5A1-5A1808
Mfg. Dates 11/24/31-9/10/37
Weight 18080 lbs.
Gauge 74″&60″
Drawbar HP 52
Belt/PTO HP 61
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@5-1/2″x6-1/2″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 60 gals.
Gas Tractors
1931 5A1-5A54
1932 5A55-5A328
194 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
199 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
263 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
279 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1933 5A329-5A328
1934 5A329-5A809
748 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty, NC.
915 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
1935 5A1007-5A1579
1145 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. B/E Hyd. system & blade
1220 Doug Veerkamp Placierville CA.
1936 5A1580-5A1721
1633 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. LeT. PCU & Cable Blade
1937 5A1722-5A1808
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
Caterpillar Model Diesel 50 1E1-1E2062
Mfg. Dates 3/4/33-2/27/36
Weight 20250
Gauge 74″&60″
Drawbar HP 56
belt/PTO HP 66
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@ 5-1/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 60 gals.
Diesel Tractors
1933 1E1-1E559
67 Don Cloungh Gardiner ME.
1934 1E560-1E1424
857 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
902 Ted Halton Portland OR.
930 Caleb Carpenter Piedmont OK.
1024 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
1057 CA.
1084 CA.
1255 Omnitrac Cove OR.
1333 Alberta Canada
1354 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
1403 Albert Warner
1446 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
1935 1E1425-1E2062
1629 Chet Irby Kansas City MO.
1755 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. Let. PCU
1936 1E2063-1E2065
Caterpillar Model Sixty
Caterpillar Model PA1-PA13516
Mfg. Dates 7/1/25-12/30/31
Weight 20500lbs.
Gauge 72″
Drawbar HP 65
Belt/PTO HP 77
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@ 6-1/2″x8-1/2″
RPM 650
Fuel Cap. 70 gals.
1925 2236A-2965A
Changed from Best after Serial Number 2547
2554 A Orman Haenggi
2573 A Orman Haenggi former Heidrick Museum CA.
2581 A Hamel Family Klamath Falls OR.
2670 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
2678 A Former Bud Roberts MO
2709 A Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
1926 2966A-3685A
3053 A Former Heidrick Tractor
3145 A Bill Aloia West Orange NJ. Canopy Diesel
3331 A Dave Smith Woodburn OR. Canopy Lights Pull Hook
3368 A Phillips Family
3518 A Russell Turner Orangeville CA.
3530 A Mike Staples Lodi CA.
3548 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
3580 A Mike Staples Lodi CA.
3635 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
1927 3686A-4034A
3702 A Frank Buck Gettysburg PA. Canopy Lights
3921 A Scott Moulding Ogden UT. Diesel conversion 8800 engine Former George Howard
3927 A Mike Staples Lodi CA.
3955 A Doug Peltzer Porterville CA.
4017 A Doug Peltzer Porterville CA.
1928 4035A-4589A
4101 A Piet Verschelde, Belgium
4232 A Jack Wallace WoodLand CA.
4253 A Jack Wallace WoodLand CA.
4258 A Jack Wallace WoodLand CA.
4315 A Jack Wallace WoodLand CA.
4359 A Mahan Canterbury NZ.
4397 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
4400 A Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
1929 4590A-5149A
4641 A Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
4793 A Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
4795 A Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
4914 A Omnitrac Cpve OR.
4915 A Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
5076 A Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. Diesel
5113 A Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA.
1930 5150A-5532A
5175 A Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
5221 A Matakohe Museum North Island NZ.
5305 A Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
5347 A Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
5381 A Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
5470 Omnitrac Cove OR.
5479 A Yearbury Cambridge NZ.
5504 A Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
5518 A Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
1925 PA1-PA18
1926 PA19-PA1301
PA 322 Brendt Manawatu NZ.
PA 545 Roger Martin OH.
PA 1085 Bob Kroeker Round Rock Tx.
1927 PA1302-PA2825
PA 1196 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 1354 Jermey Williams Piedmont SD.
PA 1333 Lane Stamper Leavenworth KS.
PA 1518 Chapter 1 CO.
PA 1766 Dan Voght Hantford City IN
PA 1814 Billy Saunders VA.
PA 2125 Jon Mark Horta Atwater CA.
PA 2670 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PA 2691 Dave Wintermute Annandale NJ. restored with cab
PA 2775 William Aloia Livingston NJ. Canopy
1928 PA2826-PA5137
PA 3003 Neil Clydsdale & Greg Miller Vic Australia euclid blade from factory
PA 3548 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA.
PA 3549 Patrick Yankelunas Youngstown NY.
PA 3597 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 3635 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
PA 4397 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. PM
PA 4616 Former Sylvester Tractor
PA 5037 Neil Clydsdale Vic Australia cold weather cab, pto
1929 PA5138-PA8640
PA 5376 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 5534 Tom Ielmorini CA. former Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA. and Former Bud Roberts Estate
PA 5599 Marin Hicks S.W. Mantioba Canada
PA 5673 David Shearns Marion NY Canopy
PA 6193 Ken Eder Carthage NC.
PA 6330 USA
PA 6446 Antique Mechanic Club UC Davis CA.
PA 8573 Marc Geerkens Belgium
PA 8619 David Wintermute Annandale NJ. Cable Blade
1930 PA8641-PA12498
PA 9168 Gib and Bill Thurman Adrian MO. former Wendell Stegner Harrisonville MO.
PA 9223 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
PA 9411 Phil Thompson Harper KS.
PA 9498 Baxter Family Warren OH.
PA 9501 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 9573 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 9825 Former Don Clough Gardiner ME.
PA 9929 Ken Eder Carthage NC.
PA 9935 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
PA 9997 Peter Thomas Sropshire UK.
PA 10187 Don Martin Alexandria OH. Canopy
PA 10288 Former Bud Roberts MO.
PA 10804 Salem OR.
1931 PA12499-PA13516
PA 12761 Pete Ochal Arcade NY Canopy
PA 12943 Lyman Knapp Blackwell OK.
PA 13230 Ken McCrary Davenport CA.
PA 13275 Omnitrac Cove OR.
PA 13424 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Holden Family Lebanon OH.
PA 13515 Frank Dzen South Windsor CT. Pull Hook
UnKnown Serial Number Tractors
1927 UK Bob Pearce Yankee Hill CA.
1928 UK Mhmke Farm Museum
UK Roots of Motive Power Willits Ca.
1929 UK UC Davis Davis Ca. Canopy Factory red Color
UK UC Davis Davis Ca.
UK Bob Hill Miami MB.
UK Ken Eder Carthage NC.
UK Ken Eder Carthage NC.
UK James Owensby Cochranville PA.
UK David Wintermute Annondale NJ.
UK Gary Foglio Florence OR.
UK Koskela Family Astoria OR.
UK Randy Moulding Odgen UT. belt pulley
Caterpillar Model 60 Diesel 1C1-1C157
Mfg. Dates 8/1/31-12/30/32
Weight 24390 lbs.
Gauge 72″
Drawbar HP 63
Belt/PTO HP 75
Cylinder bore and stroke 4@6-1/8″x9-1/4″
RPM 700
Fuel Cap. 75 gals.
Diesel Tractors
1931 1C1-1C2
1 UC Davis Davis CA.
2 Heidrick AG Museum Woodland CA
12 ACMM Museum Brooks OR.
Model name was changed to 65 after 1C15 but 1C12 has last known Cast Sixty Radiator ID
Caterpillar Model Sixty Five
Caterpillar Model 65 2D1-2D521
Mfg. Dates 2/29/32-8/19/33
Weight 23010 lbs.
Gauge 72″
Drawbar HP 73
Belt/PTO HP 84
Cylinders 4@7″x8-1/2″
RPM 650
Fuel Cap. 90 gals.
Gas Tractor
1932 2D1-2D492
2D 1 Ted Halton Brooks, OR.
2D 116 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Scott Moulding Ogden UT.
2D 123 AU.
2D 150 Veerkamp Collection Placerville, CA.
2D 145 MN
2D 264 Jeff Huff NY.
2D 287 Joe Heidrick Woodland, CA.
2D 402 Enyeart Family Laramie WY.
2D 429 Mickie Grove, CA.
1933 2D493-2D521
2D ? CA.
2D 521 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
Heidrick Museum Woodland, CA.
Ramos Oil Woodland, Ca.
Jeff Moyle, NE.
Max Tyler Moore, MT.
Caterpillar Model 65 Diesel 1C?-1C157
Mfg. Dates 8/1/31-12/30/32
Weight 24390 lbs.
Gauge 72″
D9900 Engine
Drawbar HP 70
Belt/PTO HP 85
Cylinder bore and stroke 4@6-1/8″x9-1/4″
RPM 700
Nebraska Test No. 208
Fuel Cap. 75 gals.
Diesel Tractor
Please see Model 60 for info on early Diesel 60
The date that the 60 was changed to the 65 was around 1C15
1931 1C3-1C14
12 ACMM Museum Brooks Or.
13 Tyler Family Moore, MT.
1932 1C15-1C157
29 Neil Clydsdale & Andrew Jackson Vic Australia
32 Jeff Huff NY.
42 Wallace Family Woodland, CA.
51 Moulding Collection Odgen UT. former Ted Halton Protland OR.
91 Don Dougherty Colfax CA.
97 Jim McFadden NY
Caterpillar Model Seventy
Caterpillar Model 70 8D1-8D266
Mfg. Dates 2/3/33-2/18/37
Weight 31070 lbs.
Gauge 78″
Drawbar HP 77
Belt/PTO HP 89
Cylinders 4@7″x8-1/2″
RPM 700
Fuel Cap. 90 gals.
Gas Tractors
1933 8D1-8D64
8D 25 NV.
1934 8D65-8D164
8D 71 Rick Keane
8D 86 Gerald Munsen Montevidea MN
8D 101 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1935 8D165-8D229
1936 8D230-8D261
229 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
254 Veerkamp Collection Placerville, CA
1937 8D262-8D266
Uk Kurt Speigel OR. winch rear mounted stump splitter
Uk Mining CO. AU.
Caterpillar Model Diesel 70
Mfg. Dates 2/8/33-9/8-33
Weight 30800 lbs.
Gauge 78″
Drawbar HP 76
Belt/PTO HP 87
Cylinders 4@6-1/8″x9-1/4″
RPM 820
Diesel Tractors
1933 3E1-3E51
3 Enyeart Family Laramie WY
9 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
Caterpillar Model Seventy Five
Caterpillar Model 75 2E1-2E1087
Mfg. Dates 4/24/33-10/28/35
Weight 32600 lbs.
Gauge 78″
Drawbar HP 83
Belt/PTO HP 98
Cylinders bore and stroke 6@5-1/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 69 gals.
1933 2E1-2E260
31 Heidrick Museum Woodland CA.
213 Marty Breitmeyer Sparks NV.
1934 2E261-2E712
310 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
318 Former Don Clough West Gardiner ME.
331 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
514 Bill Ballard Gladstone MO
638SP Enyeart Family Laramie WY
1935 2E713-2E1078
759 Ted Halton Portland OR. D8 Winch
823 Peter Bloom Bakersfield CA.
840 Gary Whiteman Curtice OH.
893 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
Caterpillar Model D2
45,615 Model D2 were produced from 1938-1957
Series 3J & 4U are 40″ gauge
Series 5J & 5U are 50″ gauge
The “J” series used a D3400 engine Wt 6610 lbs. 26 Hp drawbar 32 Hp pulley Cylinders 4@ 3-3/4″x 5″ RPM 1525 Fuel Cap. 20 Nebraska Test No. 322 for the 5J Nebraska Test No. 553 for the 5U The “U” series used a D311 engine
KEY: RSP= Rope Start Pony ESP= Electric Start Pony ST= Seat Tank FT= Fender Tank DB= Draw Bar W= Winch
3J 1938 3J1-3J2462 3J 1 Bill CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 2 Bill CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 3 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 27 Jack Dugan OR. US. rope start seat tank Hyd. Kay Brenner dozer 3J 35 Devin Freeman CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 68 Bruce Hoffman MO. US. rope start side tank draw bar only belt pulley 3J 81 Jeff Moyle NE. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 117 Dale Curtis AZ. US. rope start seat tank tool bar Dozer 3J 134 Jim Kaufman Keamey NE. rope start seat tank draw bar Belt pulley 3J 163 Rick Harris MO. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only PTO. 3J 208 Tom Brians CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only rear belt pulley 3J 240 Dale Ryan Protivin Iowa. Rope start seat tank draw bar only PTO. orchard model 3J 252 seat tank, rope start, lights 3J 279 John McNarry MB. CA. US. rope start seat tank Cat 2S hyd. D2n hyster winch 3J 388 Ron Schroeder IL. US. rope start seat tank blade & hyd. snow pads 3J 443 Pat Perrenoud WI. US. rope start seat tank rear hyds. 3 way angle blade by Road Machinery Corp. 3J 446 Jon Kaempf Beigrade MT. dakota blade, seat tank, rope start, drawbar 3J 472 Rob Burnett Johannesburg S. Africa 3J 476 Barry Duncan WTN. AU. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 506 Martyn Williams SW. UK. Rope start seat tank draw bar only PTO. 3J 522 Alister Cutts HPSH. UK. rope start seat tank LaPlant Choate hyd. dozer 3J 655 Gary Langeland IL. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only belt pulley 3J 668 Lester T. Winter IA. US. rope start seat tank PTO. & Belt pulley 3J 746 Steve Barker Manarville NY. rope start seat tank draw bar only PTO. 3J 796 Jon Bose TX. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 819 Dale Ishol SD. US. rope start seat tank straight dozer 3J 889 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ. 3J 898 Darrell Kruse KS. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 993 Reid Watson Sask. Canada 3J 996 Keith Makl Manitoba Canada 3J 1186 Eric Jensen CT. US. rope start rear hyd. blade 3J 1213 Ross Weaver British Columbia Canada 3J 1214 Matt Toohey AB. CA. rope start seat tank draw bar only PTO. & Belt pulley 3J 1281 Simon Smith Glocestershire UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only engine # 3J6590 3J 1318 Jerry Bannister SC. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 1382 Doug D2 UK NY. UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 1480 Hendrik van den Berg SA. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 1583 Trent Meaghe Kingroy QLD AU. 3J 1611 Scott Carter IL. US. elec.pony seat tank PTO/hyd.pump for dozer blade 3J 1637 Josh Stephenson CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 1796 Slusher/Hazen Family MI. 3J 1839 Brian Gaudreau MA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 1846 Hal Dull Elko NV. 3J 1921 Dave Karl IL. US. belt pulley 3J 1979SP Ivan Hinerman CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only grove fenders 3J 2120 Tom Smith NY. US. elec.pony bucyrus-eries dozer rear hyd. 3J 2219 Toby Nelson Kerrick MN. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 2202 Ch. Guerin France rope start seat tank draw bar only ag. Cat 3J 2229 OK. rope start seat tank front-end loader 3J 2271 Justin Gregori CA. tail seat 3J 2315 Larry Hoffman Butte MT. 3J 2437 SP CO. 3J.
1939 3J2463-3J4014 3J 2486 Joseph Busttli Malta 3J 2499 dieseldave NJ. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only flat belt pulley 3J 2525 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only parts tractor 3J 3538SP Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. 3J 2540 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank homemade dozer parts tractor 3J 2579 Doug Graff CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only orchard fenders 3J 2611 SP Peter Bloom CA. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only 3J 2789 SP Sask. Canada 3J 2799 SP Paul Dannelly UT. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only rear belt pulley 3J 2800 SP Paul Dannelly UT. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 3J 2965 SP Tim Howlett HS. UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 3J 2977SP Don Prange Sks. Canada 3J 2984 SP Jon Bose TX. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only purchased new by Carl H. Bose 3J 2987 Mike Young WA. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant Choate dozer hyster winch 3J 3072 SP Claude Stearns SK. CA. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 3J 3130 SP Dene Oehme AU. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 3166 Kevin Chamberlain MT. US. elec. Start pony seat tank 3 way manual dozer pto. 3J 3221 SP Lindsay Waite SK. CA. rope start fender tank pto. Hyd homemade dozer belt pully 3J 3433 SP Tom Stanesa Morton Illinois electric pony fender tank 3J 3607 SP Ron Schroeder IL. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only parts tractor 3J 3650 SP Dan Lecouague CA. US. parts tractor 3J 3805 General Gear Bosie Idaho 3J 3826 SP Ed Akin Placerville CA. 3J 3962 SP Spencer Thompson MA. US. rope start seat tank blade 3J 3965 SP Ed Akin Placerville CA. 3J.
1940 3J4015-3J4953 3J 4039 SP Erik M. Christenbury NC. US. rope start fender tank blade 3J 4053 Mike Young WA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 4083 Ross Weaver British Columbia Canada Engine # 3J1155 PTO 3J 4086 SP Neil Paku Rochester NY rope start seat tank pto. Hyd. Pump LaPlante-Choate dozer tool box 3J 4103 Joe Giraud CA. US. electric pony start seat tank draw bar only 3J 4212 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start fender tank parts tractor 3J 4256 Shane Ware NV. US. rope start fender tank rear hyd straight blade lighting 3J 4360 Ross Weaver British Columbia Canada 3J 4402SP Greg Smith NSW Aust. RS, FT, Drb, blade 3J 4486SP Jeff Fandrick Paso Robles CA. orchard 3J 4504 Steve Bybee Central CA. 3J 4523SP Ron Moorland Fruita CO. 3J 4524 John Geelhoed LS. UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 3J 4819 SP Charles Vondrachek WI. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 3J 4836 SP Alister Cutts HPSH. UK. rope start fender tank 44hyd. 2a dozer hyster winch 3J 4861 Bill Gilstrap NV. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Kay Brenner dozer 3J 4869 Phillip Ackerman Vermont, Rope start, seat tank, rear pto, drawbar 3J.
1941 3J4954-3J6244 3J 4982 SP Traynham Ranches Arbuckle CA. tail seat 3J 4999 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 5053 Dave Merrin . UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only 2460 hrs. from new 3J 5068 Phil Davidson UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only hyster winch 3J 5112 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 5319 John Wythe MB. CA. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 5367 Dan Dreyer CA. US. seat tank draw bar only 3J 5446 SP Mike Hughes Suisun CA. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 3J 5491 SP Joe W. AB.CA. rope start fender tank draw bar only 3J 5544 NE. PTO 3J 5547 John Mack Perkiomenville PA electric pony PTO 3J 5615 John Gardner CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only orchard fenders 3J 5744 R. Florence ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 3J 5896 SP Alister Cutts HPSH. UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only R2 4J793 SP chasis 3J 5911 Alan J. Cowan T&W. UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only 3J 6084 Matt c SX. UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only used regularly 3J.
1942 3J6245-3J6790 3J 6248 Bill Rothe MO. US. rope start seat tank cat hyd. blade 3J 6316S Bill Ensor MD. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only pto. 3J 6450 Martin Keane E. Sussex UK. fender tank, pto, draw bar 3J 6457 Lawrence Gerroll WI. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J 6554 Joseph Busttli Malta 3J 6586 SP Jon Auty West Yorkshire UK. R.S. Fender tank 3 point hitch Rear Hyd. 3J 6627SP Bob Bjelland ID. US. elec.pony Laplante-Choate hyd. hyster winch 3J 6726SP Al Helfrich Hamilton OH. 3J 6785 David Hubbard VA. US. rope start fender tank cat hyd. Blade hyster winch 3J. 3J 6824SP Brian Rehkopf Bakersfield CA. rope start fender tank orchard belt pully 3J 6841SP William Joest Jr. Leavenworth KS. 3J 6868 Bill Gnatzig WI. S. elec.pony hyd. Dozer 3J 7002 SP R3steve NY. US. rope start draw bar only 3J 7014 SP Orman Haenggi East Nicolaus CA. 3J 7050 Jesse Godwin Co. US. rope start fender tank 6 way blade add on rear winch 3J 7054 Carl von Seggern CA. US. fender tank bar bar only was a military tractor 3J 7077 SP Gary Risk New Providence PA. direct electric start snow pads lights rear hyd. front pump 3J 7134 Rawleigh Simmons VA. US. rope start fender tank bar bar only 3J.
1945 3J7141-3J7545 3J 7303 Michel Duke WA. US. rope start d4 blade pto. three point 3J 7306 Dennis Moore Side Tank McCoy loader 3J 7492 Glen & Donna Middleton ON. CA. rope start fender tank Cat 2S dozer pto. 3J 7575 unknown ut. rope start straight hyd. Blade 3J 7789 ELunal12 CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 3J
1946 3J7546-8010 3J 7819 Ron & Judy Kent Jamul CA. 3J 7947 Adam Brock ME. US. rope start seat tank laplante hyd. laplante-choate dozer ice/snow grousers 3J 7974 Billy Pedler South AU. #44 hyd 2S blade 3J 8006 Mike George CA. US. elec.pony seat tank bishop fenders draw bar only orchard model 3J.
1947 3J8011-3J8600 3J 8109 Ken Brownlee Englehart Ontario Canada 3J 8126 Carl Sharp CA. US. rope start side tank Char-Lynn rear hydraulics 3J 8134 Michael Crowe MO. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 3J 8203 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. Pony Start Seat Tank Draw Bar 3J 8295 Mike Young WA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 3J 8330 Lawrence Gerroll WI. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only pto. 3J 8332 Jerry Bannister SC. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only parts tractor 3J 8414 Former Don Clough Gardiner ME. 5J.
1938 5J1-5J1262 5J 1 Sam Meeker IL. US. rope start seat tank 5J 87 Jim Mc Ginty CA. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only 5J 211 Terry DeWitt CA. US. rope start very early Dakota blade 5J 260 Qvea Colchester CT. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto shaft 5J 398 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ. rope start draw bar only First D2 in NZ. 5J 479 Gary Langeland IL. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 650 Wayne Akerman IL. US. rope start fender tank 44 single valve hyd. Cat 4S dozer rad guard hyster winch 5J 662 Mark Wilkinson Former Sam Evans Tractor 5J 719 SP Don Evans Bakersfield CA. 6-way blade rope start 5J 747 Butch Kiehl AK. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 820 John Cichecki BC. CA. rope start seat tank angle dozer with canopy 5J 842 Mike Huckenpoehler CA. US. rope start seat tank belt drive hyd. Pump Le Tourneau blade 5J 877SP Bob Patterson Portland OR. 5J 908 K. Horrell ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5J 954 SP Gary Langeland IL. US. elec.pony seat tank laplante-choate dozer pto. 5J 985 SP David Dziomba CT. US. rope start seat tank laplante hyd . balderson blade 5J 1060 Larry Severance Dexter OR. hyd. Blade 5J 1190 Force Farms Oregon City OR. hyster winch street pads 5J 1245 SP Orman Haenggi East Nicholas Ca. 5J 1258SP Joe Garner Greencastle IN. 5J.
1939 5J1263-5J2229 5J 1282 Stephen Shelley tail seat straight hyd. Blade pto. 5J 1310 Roy Bovee Ramona, Ca Kay Brunner Steel Products Blade on it. 5J 1351 SP Joe Pecora ID. US. rope start fender tank pto. Hyd. Pump straight Blade 5J 1397 Charlie Dickson ID. US. elec.pony BeeGee hyd. 9′ Kay-Brunner angle dozer rear pto. 5J 1420 SP James Hill AZ. US. rope start fender tank straight hyd. Blade 5J 1430 Dustin Horn Joyce WA. rope start fender tank 5J 1579SP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5J 1620 Sig Hansen Santa Ynez, CA Rope start starter motor, tool box, no hydraulics, pto flat belt drive roller 5J 1632 SP Jim Sherman WA. US. rope start fender tank BeeGee hydraulics 5J 1696 SP Tom Stevenson California City CA. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5J 1719SP Mr. Evans 5J 1776 Chris Vincent OR. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Straight blade hyster D2 winch canopy 5J 1902 SP John Byrd MS. US. rope start fender tank laplante-choate dozer 5J 1904 SP Casey Karstens OR. US. rope start seat tank unknown straight blade 5J 1939 SP Terry orchard dropseat draw bar only 5J 1941 Brian Wilber OR. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 1984SP Kent Bates IL. US. draw bar only 5J 2013 Steve Walker WA. US. rope start seat tank holt hyd. Strait blade 5J 2025SP Wayne Marsh CA. US. rope start seat tank angle blade 5J 2115SP Toby Nelson Kerrick MN. rope start fender tank 2S dozer 5J 2167SP Mike Maness AL. US. rope start seat tank front hyd. angle blade 5J 2182 Ted Pyle MT. US. rope start hyd. angle dozer pto. 5J.
1940 5J2230-5J3550 5J 2302 Jason Shapiro Auburn CA. RS, DB, ST, Cat Hyd 5J 2321 Lisa Mooers WA. US. rope start fender tank ft. hyd. Pump dozer blade 5J 2347 Dave Jorgensen WA. US. rope start seat tank vickers hyd. Pump laplante-choate dozer 5J 2363 John Troyer 5J 2609 SP John Liebermann WA. US. rope start seat tank Cat hyd. angle dozer 5J 2614SP Dave Latham NZ. rope start fender tank 5J 2652 Bob Hill MB. CA. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 2689SP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5J 2720SP John Grant W.Norfork UK. rope start seat tank Ag. Special mechanical lift leverton tool bar 5J 2845 SP Thomas J. Sahlstrom IL. US. rope start seat tank drawbar cable operated trackson loader in original condition 5J 2927SP Matt Shaug Denair Ca. Holt angle blade, BeGe Hyd. 5J 2942 Travis Lozier Dillsboro, IN. r.s., seat tank, pto, tilt blade 5J 2994 SP Joe Pecora ID US. rope start fender tank front hyd. Pump angle blade pto. 5J 3346 R. Kinsman ….NZ. rope start fender tank drawbar only 5J 3417SP Tim Howlett HS. UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 3479SP Bob Patterson Oregon City OR. draw bar only 5J 3507SP Martyn Williams SW. UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 5J.
1941 5J3551-5J5147 5J 3650 General Gear Bosie Idaho 5J 3697 Charles Hewitt rope start fender tank drawbar only 5J 3909 Gene Leonard IA. US. rope start seat tank drawbar only pto. belt pulley 5J 4368 Dale Wiediger WA. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Dozer blade 5J 4369 SP Lance Jones AU, ST, T2 Trackson loader 5J 4457SP Trevor Land AKL. NZ. rope start fender tank drawbar only 5J 4479SP Hudson Biggs NZ. rope start fender tank Field chief hand operated blade 5J 4480SP Andy Abernethy …..NZ. rope start field chief hand operated blade pto. 5J 4532 Tim Wafer NY.US. rope start seat tank cat lighting laplante-choate dozer D2 hyster winch 5J 4608SP Gary Langeland IL. US. elec.pony seat tank angle dozer blade 5 roller track frame 5J 4806SP Andy South Yorkshire UK. 5J 4860 Joseph Willson …..UK. rope start Seat tank blade pto. 5J 4953 SP Mark Hatfield WA. US. rope start fender tank straight hyd. Blade 5J 4998 Alex CA. US. rope start fender tank hyd. Dozer blade pto. 5J 5103 SP Willie Wilkinson BC.CA. rope start fender tank hyd. angle dozer D2 hyster winch 5J 5127 SP Wade McCammond CA. US. elec.pony seat tank special hyd. Loader with hyd.4 way blade 5J.
1942 5J5148-5J6158 5J 5376 Dany Torbay Newfoundland Canada 5J 5459 Terry DeWitt CA. US LaPlante/Choate blade 5J 5684 SP Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. 5J 5798 SP James Basham KY. US. elec.pony 6way blade 5J 5815 Chuck Koehler Williston FL. belt pulley swamp pads 5J 5824 Parke Oehme Lititz PA. Restored 5J 6085 John Cragg LS. UK. rope start draw bar only pto. 5J 6097 Bobf NSW. AU. rope start seat tank rear A-H hyd. pulls britstand 31 scoup org. army green 5J 6118 Charlie Hanson IL. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. & pulley lights 5J.
1944 5J6159-5J7000 5J 6160 Matt Smart Sandpoint, Idaho three position blade and a winch 5J 6188 SP ???? MS. US. rope start fender tank D2 hyster winch tow hook 5J 6234 Jarrod Hahn 5J 6254 General Gear Bosie ID. 5J 6293 General Gear Bosie ID. 5J 6332SP Alhambra IL. 5J 6334 SP Jeff Carls WI. US. LaPlant-Choate hyd. stump pan & rad. Guard 5J 6390 SP Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. 5J 6401 Mike Young WA. US. rope start fender tank Issiacson dozer D2 hyster winch 5J 6418 SP Kent Bates IL. US. lap.choate dozer org. army green 5J 6469 SP Dave Lewis MI. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Dozer hyster D2N winch 4″ bore kit 5J 6496 SP John Cragg LS. UK. rope start draw bar only pto. was army green 5J 6574 SP Jermiah Gard OR. RS,DB, Army Green 5J 6681 Dennis Moore side tank tool bar 5J 6685 SP Kent Bates IL. US. draw bar only org. army green 5J 6761 SP Jim Rankin AL. US. rope start fender tank cable dozer 5J 6782 SP Gene Shaffer Caldwell ID. elec. pony, fender tank, bally pan, rad. guard, tilt angle dozer blade 5J 6881 Dave Klinkhammer MN. US. rope start fender tank Laplante blade #R23-194 6 way blade 5J 6860 Brain Wilber OR. US. rope start holt blade canopy 20″ pads Winch 5J 6899 SP Dennis Carter VA. US. seat tank D2 hyster winch 5J 6919SP Jake CA. R.S. Orchard seat drawbar only 5J 6987SP Charley Foley TN. US. rope start seat tank 2S blade 5J.
1945 5J7001-5J7842 5J 7045 SP Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5J 7049 SP Charles Vondrachek WI.US. rope start fender tank front tow hook lights canopy 5J 7059 SP Stanley Hunter Mt Airy NC rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 5J 7078 SP Wilson Renyolds Pylesville MD. blade w/ winch 5J 7186 SP Paul Schnitzer OR. US. rope start fender tank ft. hyds. straight blade canopy hyster KR winch 5J 7201 SP General Gear Bosie ID. 5J 7454 SP Nico Huisman Netherlands rope start fender tank dozer 5J 7512 SP Joe VanDerwerker NY. US. rope start fender tank tilt angle dozer\ with brush rakes homemade rop hyster winch 5J 7735 Tim Devenport fender tank 5 roller track frame hard bar & pto. 5J 7807 Curtis Rosenkranz MB. CA. 5J.
1946 5J7843-5J9272 5J 7850 Chris Gotchell OR. fender tank, straight blade, electric poney, draw bar 5J 7873 Arnold Gifford CA. US. wide track 5J 7995 Jannie Fourie 5J 8018 Kevin Miles Collison, IL US. rope start seat tank draw bar only belt pulley 5J 8028 Steve Brooks Grants Pass OR. Restored R.S. Hyd 4-way blade, S.T. Draw bar, ROPS 5J 8161 Raymond Cooper CA. US. elec.pony seat tank 4 way dozer/clam 5J 8222 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. former Jed Durbano UT. US. rope start seat tank draw bar belt pulley 5J 8424 SP Josh A Yoos Cambridge Springs PA. T2 Trackson Loader 624 Canopy 5J 8464 Kent Bates IL. US. 5J 8483 Steve Edgewood NM. Rear Hyd. 5J 8499 Roger Green MO. US. 5J 8549 A. Carleton ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5J 8559 Doug Veerkamp Placerville CA. trackson Loader 5J 8630 Dan Pratt WA. US. rope start seat tank LaPlante Choat straight blade PTO 5J 8665 Biff rope start seat tank Dakota blade 5J 8668 General Gear Bosie ID. 5J 8724 Dan Lecouague CA.US. rope start seat tank draw bar only parts tractor 5J 8827 Jim Rankin AL. US. rope start fender tank 44hyd. dozer 5J 8856 Raymond Grose WV. US. rope start seat tank Drawbar hyster D2N winch home made canopy/limb risers 5J 8932 Abe Troyer Fredericksburg OH. pto elec. Poney 2S blade 5J 8961 Denver Boyd Union City IN. 5J 9048 Roy & Laura Belluz CA. 5J 9091 Dan Fitzjarrald Canton IL. 5J 9186 Rick Shade CA. US. rope start wide track top seat orchard fenders pto. 5J 9219 Landon K. Richards LA. US. elec.pony mounted telephone digger/setter by Highway trailer Co. Edgerton Wis. 5J.
1947 5J9273-5J10561 5J 9361 John Goering Bozeman , MT Un-restored, runs, with Trackson Model LW2 Loader SN 37044. Rope start, factory hydraulics. 5J 9369 D. Reese …..NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5J 9383 Zane seat tank draw bar only 5J 9501 Sunrise rope start fender tank hyd. Dozer pto. 5J 9503 Butch Kiehl AK. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5J 9528 Jeff Colombo Claks Summit PA. tool bar pto orchard 5J 9619 Gavin Mitchell South Africa. seat tank, rope start 50″ gauge 5J 9730 Ted Xehmke Wilton CA. 5J 9770 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. 5J 9795 Chris Switt Lafayette IN. 5J 9808 Don Hayes Elk Grove CA. 5J 9894 Dave Smith OR. US. seat tank draw bar only pto. 5J 10093 Carl Johnson former Jason Jones UT. US. rope start seat tank straight hyd. Dozer 5J 10096 Carlson Johnson 5J 10259 Dave Barlogio Pas Robles CA. 5J 10333 J.D. Wallace Knoxville TN. former Ron Woods MO. US. elec.pony seat tank tool bar Dozer pto. 5J 10352 Pete Patek WI. US. rope start seat tank trackson loader original condition 5J 10367 Omnitrac Cove Or. 5J 10459 Toyfarmer full orchard equiped 4U.
1947 4U1-4U528 4U 84 bcwayne BC.CA. rope start 4U 132 Gnoss Family Woodland CA. 4U 138 Bitjam 4U 148 Scott Moyse SK. CA. elec.pony seat tank hyd. draw bar only 4U 183 Jerry Wright IL. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only 4U 210 Gnoss Family Woodland CA. 4U 251 Glen Holcomb Riverside CA. 4U 290 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. Pony Start Seat Tank Draw Bar 4U 302 Monte Anderson Barnum MN. ES, manual angle balde, PTO, ST 4U 435 Tom Pfeifer Lewisville, Tx. Former Tom Smith TX. rope start seat tank Ag. Cat draw bar only 4U 471 Bruce Vinkler IL. US. rope start seat tank Ag. Cat belt pulley 4U.
1948 4U529-4U1482 4U 531 Joe Clinton MD. 4U 575 Dave K. Prompton lakes NJ. 4U 625 bcwayne rope start 4U 695 Ron Dwyer CA. US. rope start fender tank after market hyd. draw bar only 4U 755 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 4U 815 Roland Finlow CS. UK. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto 4U 903 Dave Eckhoff WY. US. rope start seat tank ag. Pump orchard fenders 4U 905 Carl Sharp CA. US. elec.pony seat tank drawbar only 4U 971 Bill & Marcie Venegas 4U 980 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. Pony Start Seat Tank Draw Bar 4U 1040 Alan & Brett Rogers Wtrn AU. parts tractor 4U 1131 Niels Hoeke Netherlands 4U 1378 Ed Simonsen NY. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat angle & tilt blade 4U.
1949 4U1483-4U2546 4U 1578 dieseldave NJ. US. elec.pony seat tank hyd. 4 way dozer 4U 1665 Mike Church IL. US. rope start drawbar only pto 4U 1722 Jim Baugh AR. US. seat tank cat 2S dozer pto. 4U 1735 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 4U 1748 Greg Settle Olympia Wa. 4U 1792 Eddie Fisher QLD AU. R.S. Hyd Tilt Blade 4U 1826 Bruce Sterling VA. Electric pony, seat tank, draw bar, 44 hyd. 4U 2043 Ty Strawton, Woodland WA. RS, ST, Winch 4U 2045 Andrew R. McClanahan IL. US. elec.pony seat tank straight dozer pto. 4U 2065 Michael Adams VT. US. 4U 2107Scott Rynd Whitmore CA. 4U 2199 Dean Lindey PA. US. elec.pony fender tank cat hyd. blade with manual tilt hyster winch 4U 2218 Pete Patek WI. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 4U ?????? Michael Adams VT. US. elec.pony straight blade front tow hook lights belt pulley 4U 2326 Paul Bamburak Trenton NJ. 4U 2433 Andy Abernethy NZ. rope start draw bar only snowtracks 4U 2442 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ. 4U.
1950 4U2547-4U3697 4U 2736 Bob Ollerton AZ. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only BeeGee hyd. Pump 4U 2895 Alan & Brett Rogers Wtrn AU. aftermarket tilt/trim blade 871 original hrs. 4U 3164 Frank Buck Gettysburg PA. 4U 3262 Don Stewart OH. US. parts tractor 4U 3456 Justin Gregori CA. 4U 3458 Bob Zimmerman OH. US. elec.pony Seat tank home made blade 4U 3546 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only parts tractor 4U 3627 Deno Dogali CA. US. rope start seat tank Dakota hyd. blade pto. 4U 3691 Ted Hawk rope start 4U.
1951 4U3698-4U4761 4U 3718 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA. 4U 3958 Mike & John Smith IL. US. rope start seat tank Bee Gee hydraulics D2n hyster winch 4U 4000 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank Bee Gee hydraulics orchard fenders 4U 4219 bcwayne rope start 4U 4246 Jim Bucknall ON. CA. rope start seat tank cat. 44 hyd. angle dozer solid front idlers beltpulley rad guard 4U 4253 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank wide gauge conversion drawbar only pto. 4U 4482 Greg McFarlane N.S.W. AU. rope start seat tank Aust toolbar straight blade 4U 4565 Burns family Moorpark, Ca 4U 4602 Geoffery Leo Kalgoorlie West AU. 4U 4612 Allan & Ian Morrow QL. AU. rope start fender tank home made angle blade 4U.
1952 4U4762-4U5862 4U 4732 Traynham Ranches Arbuckle Ca. 4U 4888 Nick James Grahamstown South Africa rope start seat tank hyds. cat 2A blade 4U 5092 C J Gilzean elec.pony seat tank cat 2S dozer light group 4U 5228 alton Stinson 4U 5233 Justin Wieger KS. .US. elec.pony seat tank drawbar only pto. 4U 5644 Richard Klein Wausau WI. 4U 5667 Billy Pedler South AU. Drawbar 4U 5679 Geoff Nicholls South AU rope start seat tank drawbar only 4U.
1953 4U5863-4U6398 4U 5922SA Mike Foster Burra AU. rope start fender tank 2S blade 44 hyd. 3 tyne rear mounted ripper 4U 5938 Tom Vesco Chula Vista CA. 4U 6210 Brendan Lowe . AU. rope start fender tank hyd. Blade 4U 6223 Billy Pedler South AU. Drawbar Blower Fan 4U.
1954 4U6399-4U6810 4U 6395 Larry Castro CA. US. elec.pony seat tank hyd. Blade/manual tilt swing drawbar 4U 6495 Robert Queensland AU. rope start seat tank drawbar 4U 6503 John Aurthur N.Q. Aust. 4U 6809 David Dziomba CT. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyd. straight blade D2n hyster winch 4U.
1955 4U6811-4U7190 4U 7135 Jason Parry TA.AU. rope start full orchard equiped 4U. 1956 4U7191-4U7409 4U 7199 Adam Rutledge WV. US. direct slec. Start seat tank 2 way blade rops 4U 7302 Lou fac.dir.elec. seat tank 44hyd cat 2A blade 4U. 1957 4U7410-4U7560 4U 7395 Gene CA. US. fac.dir.elec. orchard seat 44 hyd. solid front idlers oil clutch 4U 7412 Frank Conner former Dan Pendzick NY. US. elec.pony 44 hyds. Balderson 2S blade solid front idlers 4U 7483 Garcia Family Salinas CA. 4U 7489 D2Doug CA. US. fac.dir.elec. field seat 44 hyd.w/guard pto light group 4U 7492 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. Direct Start Seat Tank Draw Bar 4U 7501 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. Pony Start Seat Tank Draw Bar 4U 7560 Jake CA. Seat tank, rope start, drawbar 5U.
1947 5U1-5U666 5U 17 canuck BC.CA. rope start 5U 18 Thomas Stears Family Farms 5U 19-5 Bob La Barbera 5U 38 Charles White Scotland rope start side tank drawbar only pto. beltpulley 5U 67 Greg Shandel Chico CA. 5U 79 Dean Hoodenpyl Kimberly OR. 5U 83 Brian Wilber OR. US. rope start side tank drawbar only pto. 5U 236 Mike Schreiber IN. US. elec.pony seat tank dakota hyd./straight blade factory front hook 16″ pads lights pto. 5U 282 Pete Mills AB.CA. elec.pony seat tank 44hyd cat. 2S blade pto 5U 296 littlecatd2 NY. US. rope start side tank drawbar only pto. 5U 541 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 604 Chuck King Las Vegas, NV. rope start, pto, blade 5U.
1948 5U667-5U2199 5U 589 A. Lusty ….NZ. rope start side tank drawbar only 5U 612 Carl Case Riverside CA. ES, hyd, 6 way blade PTo 5U 619 DRK CA. US. 5U 683 Curtis Rosenkranz MB.CA. parts tractor 5U 884 Erik Christenbury NC US. parts tractor 5U 1025 Roland Finlow CS. UK. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto 5U 1154 Gylan Mulkey OR. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 1335 Rich Salvaggio Kalamazoo MI. 5U 1354 Calman Family Hathaway Pines, CA. rope start, side tank, Dakota angle blade 5U 1412 Sam Lambert Brodnax, VA. fender tank, winch 5U 1504 Darrel Miguel CA. US. elec.pony seat tank 5U 1513 Wally Snead IA. US. rope start non-cat dozer pto&pulley 5U 1617 canuck BC.CA. rope start 5U 1634 Charles Capone Boston MA. hyd. Blade lights electric pony Former Don Clough 5U 1638 Ed Stinson CA. US. elec.pony angle blade wood canopy 5U 1797 HCEA OH. US. rope start seat tank trackson T2 cable loader 5U 1900 David F. Morrish …..NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 1902 John Wythe MB. CA. elec.pony seat tank Cat 44 hyd. cat 2S dozer Pto. 5U 1949 Peter Simonsen NY. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only Pto. 14″ pads 5U 1978 S. Dunstan ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 1992 Gary L. White IL. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyd. Cat 2S tilt blade 5U 2015 Steve D Ayotte MI. US. parts tractor 5U 2104SPG Pat Balmos Sarasota FL. electric pony swamp pads 5U 2114 Dick Gamble UT. US. rope start seat tank hyd. straight blade 5U 2192 Kent Bates IL. US. Teale loader 5U.
1949 5U220-5U4203 5U 2214 Bob Meyer OK. US. elec.pony hyd. Blade pto. 5U 2217 Eric Egland CA. US. rope start hyd. Modified Issiacson dozer field equipped 5U 2241 Pete Camarda Jr. CA. US. elec.pony seat tank Bee Gee hydraulics 5U 2339 Jason Payne NY. US. rope start rear orchard seat draw bar only 5U 2358 Neill Mitchell CA. US. elec.pony rear orchard seat draw bar only 5U 2416 John Wythe MB.CA. rope start seat tank parts tractor 5U 2464 Steve Nafe Glen Rock PA. US. blade electric pony pto 5U 2535 Don Leffler Newburg OR. belt pulley 5U 2542 bcwayne rope start 5U 2678 CA. 5U 2691 John Wythe MB.CA. rope start seat tank angle dozer 5U 2692 Dustin Ehrman Cedar Rapids, IA elec. Pony ,dozer blade ,and pto 5U 2803 Wayne Martin IL. US. 5U 2826 Nebraska test 5U 2869 Former Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company tractor now owned by Darin Jacobs and Tony Lem, Alden, Iowa 2U blade, PTO Belty pulley 5U 2887 Jack Hutchens Colorado Springs CO. 2A blade, Cat hyd. PTO 5U 2905 Paul Dannelly Salt Lake City UT.US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 2940 Jeff Collins ES, pony, ST 5U 2942 Les Newman VA. US. rope start seat tank Traxcavator loader 5U 2975 Dean Parker WA. US. rope start seat tank Dakota blade 5U 3006 CA. orchard 5U 3051 Herbert Burbank CA.US. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 5U 3052 Sam Henderson PA.US. US. elec.pony seat tank cable loader 5U 3093 Don Williams WI.US. US. rope start seat tank 44hyd straight blade roll cage pto. 5U 3096 Darwin Feakes. MT. US. elec.pony Hyd. Straight blade 5U 3105 Kendall Smart Nelson NZ. Rope start, roll cage, blade 5U 3197 Colorado Springs Mining Museum 5U 3209 Floyd Riley NZ rope start seat tank cat 2S dozer 5U 3251 Herbert Burbank CA. US. elec.pony seat tank 44hyd draw bar only pto. 5U 3253 G. Chittock ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 3507 John Wythe MB.CA. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hdy. tracskon LW2 lder. pto & pulley 5U 3546 Ben Smith ID. US. rope start seat tank cat 2A blade 5U 3583 David L. Sellars CA. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only rock guards skid plate 5U 3627 Richard Elliott Waynesville, OH Cat Tool Bar Blade D2 Winch 5U 3729 Joe Enberg MN. US. elec.pony seat tank skid plate engine side plates 5U 3737 MF Clark Prince Edward Island Canada 5U 3791 G. Olerenshaw ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 3798 Mike Young WA. US. elec.pony seat tank hyd. Straight blade 5U 3816 Gerald Sigurdson MB.CA. rope start seat tank 44hyd angle blade 5U 3820 Ed. Christenbury NC US. fender tank winch blade. 5U 3847 Paul rope start, 6 way blade 2 way hyd. 5U 3920 Stuart Walker UK. rope start draw bar only 5U 4120 B. Morrow MB.CA. elec.pony seat tank 44hyd angle dozer pto
5U. 1950 5U4204-5U6671 5U 4218 Kevin Gardner 5U 4267 Steve Sabo 5U 4354 Scott Rynd Whitmore CA. elect start, 44 hyd, 2A dozer 5U 4368 L. Wright ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 4374 Chuck Franz Dallas OR. electric pony lights 5U 4376 ballpeen TX. US. rope start seat tank dozer 5U 4422 R3steve NY. US. rope start draw bar only 5U 4494 IL, 5U 4564 Ben Smith rope pull start, cat 2A blade seat tank 5U 4594 S. Blair ….NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 4613 Kevin Meheimer 5U 4617 unknown NZ. 5U 4658 Steve D Ayotte MI. US. parts tractor 5U 4668 WR. Legge VA. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only 5U 4714 Chuck Czaplewski IL. US. elec.pony seat tank tool bar Dozer pto & belt pulley 5U 4741 Larry Rolla Diamond Springs CA. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat. 44hyd Cat 2S blade 5U 4759 Steve D Ayotte MI. US. rope start hyd. jobber snow blade pto 5U 4792 John H. Eliasen Jr. elec.pony fender tank cat.2A dozer hyster winch 5U 4855 Ag-Mike IN. US. 2S blade winch parts tractor 5U 5081 Charles Kelly Sanford NC. 5U 5195 Matt Matson WV US. elec.pony straight blade parts tractor 5U 5212 Jim Loesch IN. US. rope start belt pulley 5U 5289 Ray Young VA. US. elec.pony fender tank draw bar only lights 5U 5293 Gene Leonard IA. US. parts tractor 5U 5353 Jim Davis KY 5U 5355 Mike Young WA. US. elec.pony fender tank cat 2S dozer hyster D2N winch
5U 5373 Mark StrachanNZ 5U 5396 Marsh Jones IN. US. rope start seat tank 8′ stait blade 16″ pads 5U 5486 Niel Livermore CA. 5U 5514 Clem Demmin NY. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat. 41hyd drawbar pto. 5U 5542 Joe Brooks NY. US. elec.pony fender tank angle blade hyster D2N winch lights skid plate 5U 5509 Cross Bros. N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 5728 Paul Van Der Voot NZ 5U 5806 Dave Latham NZ. former G. Millar N.Z. rope start fender tank hyd. Blade 5U 5821 Smith Family NZ. rope start fender tank drawbar 5U 5879 Don Williams WI. US. parts tractor 5U 5898 P. Lyttle N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 5896 D. Purdie N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 5912 Cross Bros. N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 5922SP Mick Foster NSW. AU. rope start fender tank Cat 2S blade rippers pto. 5U 5986 stevew PA. US. elec.pony seat tank skid plate curved front bumper brush guard roller rock guards pt0. 16″ pads 5U 6004 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5U 6030 J. Simpson N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 6222 Dennis IN. electric start poney 5U 6288 unknown N.Z. 5U 6344 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 6403 D2 Denny 5U 6430 J.D. Ashworth N.Z. rope start fender tank draw bar only 6400 hrs. 5U 6434 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5U 6453 Angelo Capps CA. Elect pony, seat tank, 6 volt lights and gen, wide gauge 5U 6455 G. Millar N.Z. rope start fender tank 5U 6458 Andy Abernethy N.Z. rope start
5U. 1951 5U6672-5U9170 5U 6750 Gene Leonard IA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. belt pulley 5U 6751 Donnie Lowe Jr. IL. US. elec.pony seat tank hyd. Blade 5U 6820 Jim Robbins TX. US. elec.pony fender tank Drawbar straight blade 5U 6875 Alvin McGill MT. US. seat tank Hyd. Angle blade 5U 6859 sold to? elec.pony seat tank Dakota dozer 5U 6935 Dave McAninch IA. US. elec.pony seat tank cat hyd. tool bar dozer pto. 5U 7020 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 7034 Chuck Franz Dallas OR. belt pulley 5U 7053 Byron Allen ID.. US. rope start draw bar only pto. 5U 7057 Ed. Frost VA. US. elec.pony hyd. angle dozer pto. 5U 7058 Don Checkley Dowagiac MI. ESP, ST, DB, R hyd, St Balde 5U 7066 Toby Nelson Kerrick MN. elec.pony seat tank Cat 44 hyds. Cat 2S dozer belly pan 5U 7070 John Melnick BC.CA. elec.pony seat tank traxcavator with home made blade pto hydraulics 5U 7108 Gerald Sigurdson electric pony seat tank Cat 44 hyd. D2N Hyster winch 5 roller track frame 5U 7115 Don Stewart OH. US. manure loader system 5U 7170 Ronald Phillips John Day OR. 5U 7222 Jim Swank MD. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat 44 hyds. Cat 2A dozer belly pan tow hook PTO. 5U 7266 Geoff Haddad CA. US. elec.pony seat tank cat frt hyd. Pump draw bar only 5U 7381 Butch Kiehl AK. US. elec.pony seat tank was drill rig 5U 7384 Grant Watson Waikanae NZ. 5U 7464 R3steve NY. US. rope start draw bar only 5U 7648 Roger Pride Pengilly MN. elec.pony seat tank hyds. / rear hyds. front straight blade pto. 5U 7669 Miles Family NZ. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 7673 Rawliegh Simmons VA. US. elec.pony fender tank angle blade hyster D2N winch 5U 7722 Norm Styles NZ. rope start fender tank 5U 7757 John W Cook IA. US. elec.pony seat tank rear hyd. Outlet bucket blade attachment draw bar 5U 7800 Bill Kirby NC US. elec.pony straight blade hyster winch 5U 7869 Carl Sharp CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only BeeGee pto hyd. 5U 7971 Doug Sable VA. US. elec.pony seat tank 2S hyd. Blade 5U 8009 Claude Stearns SK.CA. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only pto. 16″ pads 5U 8068 Russell Turner elec.pony seat tank pto. Large front idlers 5U 8130 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. 44 hyd cat.2A dozer side tank, drawbar weight 5U 8139 Wesley Hudson Nashville TN. cat. Hyd. Blade hyster D2N winch 5U 8181 Mike Tupman CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only cat lighting 5U 8304 Reno NV. 5U 8431 Tom Macklin AB.CA. rope start fender tank fac. Hyd cat angle dozer 5U 8566 Moulding Collection Ogden UT. Former Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 8649 Jerry Wright IL. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 8636SP G A. Eastman ON.CA. rope start seat tank non cat 8.5′ angle blade pto. 5U 8666 Dave Eckhoff WY. US. elec.pony seat tank ag. Pump cat lighting 5U 8714 Hal Duyck OR. US. elec.pony fender tank Hyd. Blade pto large idlers lights 5U 8737 Matt Sholl former Phil Long MI. US. elec.pony seat tank ag. Tractor lights pto. belt pulley 5U 8777 John Patterson Portland OR. hyd. Blade canopy 5U 8854 Curt Anderson MN. US. elec.pony cat.2S dozer pto 5U 8918 Jack Schafer CA. US. elec.pony seat tank Dakota dozer blade Greisen hyd. Pump/valve pto 5U 8958 Brad Hill AR. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyd. /straight blade drawbar fulll belly pan 5U 8901 Josh Norris Middletown In. 5U 8960 Bob Dunstan OR. US. elec.pony seat tank philips trac. 4way dozer 5U 9062 Andy Abernether NZ. rope start 5U.
1952 5U9171-5U11961 5U 9232 Bill Glenn Parkersburg PA.US. elec.pony seat tank AG. Blade belly pan lights 5U 9249 Nathan Duncan Sak, Canada RS, DB, ST, 2A blade 5U 9377 Vern Jenkins WY. US. elec.pony fender tank drawbar only 5U 9429 Tim Young NY. US. elec.pony seat tank rear hyd. Remotes cat. 2S blade pto. 5U 9471 Chuck King Las Vega, NV. holt blade, elec. pony 5U 9476 Lyle Harvey NE. elec. pony seat tank 41 hyd draw bar light kit pto 5U 9478 Billie Burkard TX. US. elec.pony fender tank toolbar dozer 5U 9542 Kent Bates IL. US. 5U 9553 Steve D Ayotte MI. US. fender tank pto. lights, tool bar blade, hydraulic tilt and winch 5U 9654 Rich Line ID. US. elec.pony 2 val. 41 hyd.solid ft.idlers toolbar dozer pto hyster winch 5U 9684 Lester T. Winter IA. US. elec.pony large front idlers 5U 9703 Russ Moore Paso Robles CA. ES, Hyd, PTO, Blade 5U 9744 Bob Fields MN. US. elec.pony dakota hyd. Blade restored 5U 9882 Dan Lecouague CA. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat 44 hyds. Cat 2A dozer pto bellt pulley belly pan 5U 9917 Don Poush Kannapolis NC. Belt pully 5U 9990 Wayne NZ. 5U 10131 Deane and Jamie Koller Parker SD. 2S blade 5U 10144 G. Drayton NZ. rope start drawbar only 5U 10192 Peter Stevenson NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only pto. 14″ pads 5U 10200 Dave Latham NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar brush frame 5U 10201 Will Dacey MA. US. rope start blade winch 5U 10252 Bob Patterson Portland OR. hyd. Blade w/ tool bar electric pony lights 5U 10274 Randy Moulding Odgen UT. 5U 10319 Brian Langevin MA. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat. 44 hyd. Control Cat 2S blade belly pan 5U 10346 Matt Foley NY. ES, Winch, tool bar, BP, logging canopy 5U 10478 Deane and Jamie Koller Parker SD. Toolbar Blade 5U 10586 Pete Ochal Arcade NY. Angle blade hyster winch logging canopy fender tank 5U 10614 Alan Letts OH. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat. 44 hyd. blade 12 volt gen. rear winch 5U 10683 Bob Maddocks CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only pto. 5U 10685 Fuller UT. US. rope start draw bar only 5U 10774 Bill Howell US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyd. /straight blade drawbar fulll belly pan 5U 10783 rear hyd. Hyd Blade 5U 10826 Richard Elliott 5U 10847 B. Downes NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 10851 Andy Abernethy NZ. rope start 5U 10853 Jim Howeth TX. US. elec.pony seat tank cat frt. hyd. toolbar dozer belly pan lge.frt. Idlers pto. 5U 10878 Andy Abernethy NZ. rope start 5U 11008 Tom Brown AB.CA. elec.pony seat tank cat hyd. custom dozer 5U 11027 Dave Arnold UT. US. elec.pony cat 4A blade 5U 11061 Morgan North AZ. US. 2s blade 5U 11168SP John Wythe MB.CA. rope start seat tank no. bat. Lights 5U 11335SP David Romaniuk MB. CA. draw bar only 5U 11339 John Wythe MB.CA. parts tractor 5U 11438 Byron Allen ID. US. rope start draw bar only pto. 5U 11505 Tom Macklin AB.CA. rope start fender tank cat. Hyd. cat angle blade 5U 11587 Dave Williams CA. US. #42 toolbar dozer 5U 11713 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank scraped 5U 11728 Bruce Vinkler IL. US. elec.pony 44 hyd trackson LW2 loader pto. cat lighting 5U 11750 Tony Messer Hancock MN. #42 tool bar with shank 5U 11774 D2 Bill elec.pony hyd. Blade pto. 5U 11779 Gary Morisoli Rutherford CA. elec.pony Seat tank 5U 11789 bcwayne rope start 5U 11879 Herbert Burbank CA. US. elec.pony seat tank draw bar only pto. 5U.
1953 5U11962-5U13336 5U 11965 Bruce Vinkler IL. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44hdy cat.2S dozer 5U 12055 Arlo Dawson AB.CA. rope start seat tank cust. hyd. 5U 12124 SP CA. 5U 12142 Dennie G.Bainbridge NY. elec. start 44 hyd. tow hook 5U 12147 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 12303 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank frt hyd. Pump draw bar only 5U 12313 Andy Bayliss NY. US. elec.pony Ag. Cat draw bar only pto. 5U 12373 Butch Kiehl AK. US. elec.pony fender tank dozer 5U 12404 Carl Roney ON.CA. rope start seat tank #42 toolbar dozer pto & pulley 5U 12439 David Heide Pilot Mound Manitoba Canada 5U 12486 Doug SD. US. fender tank toolbar dozer pto. D2N winch 5U 12633 Former Carl Ebbersten 5U 12642 national eq. Sales UT. US. rope start draw bar only pto. 5U 12742 kenmoore IA. US. rope start seat tank cat 41 hdy toolbar dozer 5U 12776 Ed. Christenbury NC US. fender tank blade 5U 12802 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank drawbar only orchard fenders 5U 12848 Mike Bublitz MI. US. rope start blade 5U 12981 Micheal Bent NZ. 5U 12995 Ed. Christenbury NC US. elec.pony fender tank angle blade hyster winch 5U 13067 Miles Family NZ. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 13074 Tom Ewald WI.US. US. elec.pony seat tank. dozer blade 5U 13090 B. Roycroft NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 13100 Andy Abernethy NZ. 5U 13123 Peter McMaster NZ. rope start fender tank draw bar only 5U 13133 Trevor Land AKL. NZ. rope start fender tank hyd-angle blade 5U 13247 Kevin Barrows WA. US. elec.pony seat tank 44 hydr. With guard&belly pan 2S dozer hyster D2N winch 5U.
1954 5U13337-5U14999 5U 13349 Cliff Gorzalka WY US. elec.pony seat tank cat.44 hydr. 2S dozer 5U 13393 Glenn Thibodeaux LA. US. elec.pony seat tank 2 way hyd. Blade manual tilt hyster winch full lighting 5U 13476 Bob Pavlik OH. 5U 13484 Mark Wengert NY. US. elec.pony seat tank 44 hyd. toolbar blade full lights pto 5U 13518 Alan Hynes NE. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 2A blabe 5U 13619 Dan Kraft CA. US. elec.pony seat tank C frame w/3 way hyd. Blade 5U 13627 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX. 5U 13719 Hoskins ID. US. rope start 5U 13728 SP David Romaniuk MB.CA. elec.pony seat tank cat 41 hyd. toolbar dozer pto. 5U 13731 IL. 5U 13770 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ. 5U 13772 Larry Dowding NS. CA. elec.pony seat tank hyd. Angle blade hyster winch full lighting 5U 13753 Neil Paku Pittsford NY. 2S blade, 44 Hyd, elec. pony 5U 13780 Jake Haulman 5U 13890SP David Romaniuk MB.CA. elec.pony seat tank cat 41 hyd. 42 toolbar & dozer balderson loader stump pan rad guard pto. belt pulley 5U 13921 bcwayne rope start 5U 14056 Bill Kirby NC US. elec.pony seat tank straight blade pto. 5U 14216 Ed. Christenbury NC US. fender tank winch 5U 14233 Andy Abernethy ….NZ. rope start seat tank 5U 14246 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5U 14275 L. Hanson TA.AU. elec.pony seat tank home made blade 5U 14277 jk rope start 5U 14279 Brian Crews ON.CA. rope start seat tank cat 44hdy. cat.2A dozer parts tractor 5U 14283 Gary Whiteman OH. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44hdy cat.2S dozer pto.& hyd lights 5U 14330 Chad Enyeart Laramie WY. 5U 14347 Miles Family NZ. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 14484 John Gardner CA. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only solid ft. idlers 5U 14659 Hank Jaman PA. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44hdy cat.2A dozer 5U 14694 Curtis & Stanley Erickson MN. US. elec.pony seat tank Vickers hyd. Pump Dakota blade 5U 14731 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. restored 5U 14494 Tom Ielmorini CA. 6470 org. hrs., 41 dakota 4 way blade 5U 14920 Richard Mick Mufreesboro TN. Drawbar D@N winch Elect Pony Seat Tank 5U 14967 Steve Petraitis AK. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44hdy cat.2A dozer hyster winch 5U.
1955 5U15000-5U16846 5U 15127 John Wythe MB. CA. elec.pony seat tank toolbar dozer PTO & pulley lights 5U 15143 Pete Ochal NY. US. elec.pony seat tank toolbar dozer PTO 5U 15155 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 15191 J. Gillman .NZ. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 15194 Dale Kingma Canterberry NZ. 5U 15216 John Byrd MS. US. elec.pony seat tank grill guard belly pan tow hook canopy hyster D2N winch 5U 15220 Don Stewart OH. US. cat dozer system 5U 15224 Kent Bates IL. US. 44 hyd. cat.2A dozer 5U 15294 Ralph Maness 5U 15313 Barry & Don Bromley MB. CA. rope start seat tank 41hyd. toolbar dozer PTO 5U 15357 Trevor Scott S. Aust Aust. 5U 15380 Fred Stitt Bonner Springs OK. ?? ?? cat 44 2spl. Hyd. toolbar dozer/ toolbar cultivator PTO. rubber track pads 5U 15428 Greg Bennett Brooks OR. rear hyd lights 5U 15479 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5U 15493 Dave Smith OR. US. fac.dir.elec. seat. Tank-rear 41hyd. solid front idlers 4-24volt lights 5U 15503 Miles Family NZ. US. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 15518 Allan ? ? ? US. elec.pony seat tank 44 hyd. cat.2A dozer 5U 15541 Mike IA. US. elec.pony hyd. & trackson dozer solid front idlers PTO. 5U 15559 MI. 5U 15580 K. Kobara CA. US. elec.pony seat tank drawbar only frt. pusher frame 5U 15709 Niels Hoke Netherlands 5U 15735 Dave Smith OR. US. fac.dir.elec. seat tank 44hdy.2val t.b. dozer solid idlers pto.24volt lights tach. 5U 15739 Ed Simonsen NY. US. elec.pony seat tank D2N winch 5U 15798 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. 5U 15844 Mat NY. 5U 15853 Chris Jeppesen Lguana Creek Cayo, Belize #2 tool bar blade, 24 volt direct start 5U 15866 Gerald Roth WI. US. elec.pony seat tank toolbar dozer PTO. Lights 5U 15889 Matt Smith ME. US. fac.dir.elec. seat tank 41hyd. straight blade 5U 16007 Hudson Biggs NZ. rope start toolbar dozer 5U 16008 R. Harper NZ. rope start seat tank cat.2A dozer 5U 16023 Dan Lecouague CA. US. rope start seat tank LaplantChote rear pump drawbar 5U 16035 A Higgs ….NZ. rope start 5U 16107 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. restored 5U 16124 Bruce Vinkler IL. US. parts tractor 5U 16147 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 16168 John Gardner Fullerton Ca. 5U 16238 David Romaniuk MB. CA. elec.pony seat tank cat hyds. rear hyds. angle blade canopy lights 5U 16285 Kent Bates IL., US. fac.dir.elec. oil clutch 44 hyd 5U 16311 David Young Rocky Mount Va. 5U 16330 John Gardner Fullerton CA. US. fac.dir.elec. seat tank 44 hyd. 2a dozer solid front idlers 5U 16422 Keith Trent Bedford VA. Seat tank Winch 5U 16455 Herbert Burbank CA.US. fac.dir.elec. seat tank draw bar only PTO. 5U 16519 John Lankeys Creek NSW Aus. 5U 16630 Sam Meeker IL. US. 5U 16682 Larry Leber York PA. tool bar pull hook PTO electric pony lights 5U 16687 Duane Schison Ontario Canada pto, manual blade 5U 16693 Clem Demmin NY. US. fac.dir.elec. seat tank cat 44 hyd. DoMor hyd. Loader solid ft. idlers 5U 16708 John S Koperwas ON.CA. elec.pony 44 hyd. 2 valve tool bar dozer 5 roller track frame PTO 5U 16712 stevew PA. US. # 2 toolbar #44 2 valve hyd. PTO. down pipe exhaust 5U 16817 Tripke OH. US. fac.dir.elec. 5U.
1956 5U16847-5U18262 5U 16865 Butch Kiehl AK. US. parts tractor 5U 17024 Walt Skowhede OR. US. elec.pony seat tank 2 way blade hyster winch solid ft. idlers 5U 17393 John Gardner CA. US. fac.dir.elec. oil clutch 44 hyd rear 2a dozer hyd. Angle 5 roller frame 5U 17477 John Wythe MB. CA. elec.pony draw bar only solid ft. idlers 5U 17478 Tom Smith TX. US. rope start seat tank 41 hyd. toolbar. solid idlers. 5U 17514 Greg Bennett Brooks OR. hyd. Blade AC cab Lights rear hyd. 5U 17520 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 17525 Michael Janket CT. US. rope start seat tank toolbar dozer 5U 17620 Ron Taggart N.Z. rope start seat tank Cat. 44 hyd. draw bar only 5U 17627 Michael rope start 5U 17741 Miles Family N.Z. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 17764 Curtis Rosenkranz MB. CA. seat tank hyd angle blade manul angle PTO. 5U 17776 Imtonyo fac.dir.elec. 5U 17885 R3steve fac.dir.elec. oil clutch 44 hyd cat.2A dozer hyster winch 5U 17900 Bill Martin Dahlonega GA. Soild Ft. idlers Oil Clutch Elec. Pony Angle Blade Draw Bar 5U 17934 Omnitrac Cove OR. 5U 17959 Dave Arnold UT. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 41 hyd. Control toolbar dozer stump pan/pull hook oil clutch 5U 18000 General Gear Bosie ID. 5U 18106 Peter Stevenson NZ. Pto, large idlers, belly pan, track gaurds, NZ blade called CAMVIC 5U 18076 Miles Family N.Z. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 18083 M Teese N.Z. rope start Burtley angle blade 5U 18233 Satus Indian Mission WA. US. rope start seat tank Cat. 44 hyd. Preco scrafing blade 5U.
1957 5U18263-5U18894 5U 18275 Allen Avery CA. US. elec.pony seat tank non-cat front hyd. & straight blade canopy 5U 18291 G.W.Howard NY. US. elec.pony PTO. / belt pulley 5U 18366 Mark Harris NSW. A.U. elec.pony seat tank Aust toolbar power tilt drawbar 5U 18468 Andy Abernethy .N.Z. rope start seat tank 5U 18510 Tzafrir Margalit IL. US. draw bar only orchard seat & fenders 5U 18515 Eric Johnson Tasmania Australia elect start orchard fenders and pto 5U 18518 Ron Taggart NZ. rope start seat tank 2A Birtley angle blade adj. Front idlers 5U 18554 Mason & Sidey …..N.Z. rope start seat tank draw bar only adj. Front idlers 5U 18557 Dennis Campbell OH. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat. 44hyds. cat.2A dozer hyster D2N winch 5U 18_57 Gnoss Family Woodland CA. 5U 18603 Peter Turvey Canterbury N.Z. fac.dir.elec. seat tank draw bar only 5U 18617 Steve Smith 5U 18673 unknown N.Z. highest N.Z. 5U 18632 Marin Doutre Auckland NZ. 5U 18696 Larry Maasdam Clarion IA. orchard direct electric start 5U 18771 Micheal Lyon QL AU. rope start seat tank draw bar only 5U 18788 Pete Camarda Jr. CA. US. fac.dir.elec. orchard seat & fenders draw bar only 5U 18805 John Arthur 5U 18852 Roland Cheshire UK. 5U 18876 Erik Christenbury NC. US. parts tractor 5U 18894 Erik Christenbury NC. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Blade oil clutch hyster winch
Caterpillar Model D4
Caterpillar Model RD4 was produced from 1936-1937
8857 RD4 4G were produced
Wt. 10030 lbs.
36 Hp drawbar
41 Hp pulley
Cylinders 4@ 4-1/4″x 5-1/2″
RPM 1400
Fuel Cap. 25 gals.
Caterpillar Model D4 was produced from 1939-1959 with 84,497 made.
The D4 comes in the following series: 7J,2T,5T,6U,7U
Weight- 10500 lbs.
Drawbar HP-43
Belt/PTO HP-48
Cylinders-Bore & Stroke 4 @ 4-1/2”x5-1/2”
Nebraska Test # 273
Fuel Cap. 30 Gals
Only 44307 7U series were manufactured between 1947-1959
RD4. 1936 4G1-4G3662
4G114 Enyeart Family Larmie WY
4G185 Gerald Snowdon MB. CA. rope start side tank narrow guage drawbar only
4G186 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
4G326 John O’Brien IL. US. rope start side tank LaPlant hyd. Pump Bros straight blade
4G410W Thomas Reed CA. US. rope start 8″ blade beegee hyd. Pump 16″ grousers
4G617 Randy D. Bocchi OR. US. parts tractor
4G677 John O’Brien IL. US. parts tractor
4G715 Keith Hartstone, Woodville New Zealand
4G795 Bathurst Agricultural Museum South Africa
4G831W James Lauino Keuterville ID.
4G1044 Henry Martens Fairview OK.
4G1635 Andy Abernethy NZ. rope start side tank narrow gauge Le Tourneau blade winch
4G1859W Jdnut jobber blabe + hyd
4G1887 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
4G2152 Doug Borgford MB. CA. rope start side tank dozer pto. 12 volt gen.
4G2195 Mike Severns NV. US. rope start fender tank KayBrunner straight blade rear CCU drawbar
4G2542W Ken Peterson BC. CA side tank lights
4G2558 SP Kevin Johnson KS. US.
4G2780 Omnitrac Cove OR.
4G2924w Bob Reed TN. US. rope start side tank Letourneau DD-CCU with Le Tourneau headache bar 8′ straight blade
4G3175 John Froese Belleville, IL. Single drum cable control straight blade
4G3202 Randy D. Bocchi OR. US. ?? ?? Le Tourneau rear cable control operates 11’6″ dozer blade
4G3491 John D. Hudrlik NV. US. rope start side tank LeTourneau AN4B winch
4G3492 C. A. Stein jr. TX. US. rope start LaPlante-Choate straight blade
4G 3507 Tim Giffiths Leyburn OLD Aust.
RD4. 1937 4G3663-4G8857
4G3698 Gnoss Family Woodland CA.
4G3759S Joe Alves CA. US. rope start orchard model drawbar only
4G4022W Thomas Reed CA. US. rope start 8′ hyd. Blade 24″ pads
4G4299W Robert Cannon Peoria IL. rope start hyd. Blade
4G4344 Lou Ray Houston TX.
4G 4368 Daryl Robins Victora AUS.
4G4527W Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
4G4969 JonMark Horta Atwater CA. Fender tank
4G5151W John Neal NZ. rope start sump guard blower fan generator & lights
4G5159 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
4G5356 Matt Greene Cumberland WI
4G5357 Roger Thieling Moose Lake MN
4G5537W Bob Hill MB. CA. rope start side tank draw bar only
4G5516 John Held IA. US. Arrow blade/ front hyd.
4G5658 WSP Bob Patterson Portland OR. lights PTO rear Hyd.
4G5736 Greg Hudson CA. US. elec. Pony side tank Cat. 44 hyd. Controll 7U blade
4G5771W Les Newman VA. US. rope start side tank no name dozer
4G5998 Jim Hornbostel KA. US. rope start side tank narrow gauge seven foot blade
4G6030WSP Gene Bergh WI. US. elec. Pony side tank wide gauge 8′ straight blade homemade hyd.
4G6046W Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ. rope start draw bar only
4G6052W Jim Hornbostel KA. US. rope start side tank wide gauge 8′ Laplant-choate dozer & hyd. System wide guage
4G6621W Kent Bates IL. US. rope start side tank Laplant-Chaote dozer
4G6655 Larry Breer KS. US. rope start side tank narrow gauge ag. Hyds. draw bar only
4G7002 Ryan McDermott Queenslands AU. rope start hyd. Blade
4G7338 Dave Imrie Gauteny South Africa
4G7339 Dave Imrie Gauteny South Africa
4G7352W Jamie Croman OR. US. rope start side tank 8′ hyd blade
4G7484W Neil Lennox MB. CA. rope start side tank jobber hyd. draw bar only
4G 7499W Tumbarumba NSW AUS.
4G7571 Steve Eatts WA. AU. rope start side tank tiltdozer Letourneau blade & winch
4G7747 Mike Severns NV. US. rope start fender tank top seat LaChoate hyds. brawbar only
4G7847W A. Eastman ON. CA. rope start side tank drawbar belt pulley rad shield
4G7960W Rick Harris MO. US. side tank belly pan Letourneau 10′ angle cable blade single drum
4G7963W Greg Hudson CA. US. rope start side tank Cat 44 hyd. Cat. Blade
4G 8221W M. Hughes T. Girdler Fairfeild,Lafayette CA.
4G8227W Mike Anderson CA. US. rope start side tank PTO. Hyds. Kay Brunner blade
4G8242W Dave Bailey AZ. US. rope start side tank 60″ guage ag. Cat drawbar only
4G8557 Nico Huisman Netherlands rope start side tank jobber hyd. draw bar only pto.
4G8820 David Manning MB. CA. rope start draw bar only
RD4 1938 4G8858-4G9911
4G8902W Paul Wright rope start side tank draw bar only
4G9271 Petrus Nel Gauteng So. AF. rope start draw bar only
RD4 1939 4G9912-4G9999
D4. 1939 7J1-7J1757
7J 57 Ken Peterson BC. CA rope start side tank Letourneau straight blade lights
7J 59 Chet Irby Kansas City MO.
7J 138WSP NE. US. scrapped
7J 323W IL.
7J 487 Chuck Koehler Williston FL.
7J 546W Tony Burow Great Falls MT.
7J 783 W Road Museum Belgium electric start RD4 kerosene/petrol motor Athey mobiloader W4 cable loader (front over-loader) US army
7J 842 Paul Valentine Templeton CA. lights Rear Hyd.
7J 897W Jim Maness CA. US. rope start side tank Kay-Brunner blade 20″ grousers
7J 1074 WSP Phil IO. Orchard
7J 1228 Paul Martens Fairview OK
7J 1253 Andrew McCoullough West Wyalong NSW Australia hyd steelweld blade
7J 1624 Richard Headon Bristol UK.
D4. 1940 7J1758-7J4118
7J 1785 Cliff Gorzalka WY. US. rope start side tank narrow gauge draw bar only
7J 1795 Tom Kenville WY. US. rope start side tank hyd. Dozer
7J 2014 Greg Bechtold Jr. Columbia PA. tow hook, logging bumper, ES Pony, Fender Tank
7J 2272W Alvin Elias Manitoba Canada
7J 2411W Thomas Reed CA. US. rope start 8″ blade front beegee hyd. Pump 13″ grousers
7J 2759W Jake CA. fender tank, rope start, rear Hyd.
7J 2802 Brian Voigt MN. US. side tank 5 roller was T4 Trackson cable loader now 7′ home made hyd. dozer
7J 2832W John Gaunt W. Norfolk UK. rope start fender tank ag. Cat drawbar only Leverton cab
7J 3162 Ben Hampshire UK
7J 3168W Jonathan Vanusek Mellen WI. US. LaPlante-Choate straight blade
7J 3259 Wilson Reynolds Pylesville MD. rope start fender tank 44hyd. Cat 4A blade
7J 3424W IL. US. elec. Pony fender tank drawbar only
7J 3452 WSP Bill Eckhoff Punta Gorda FL. cable control Let. Blade
7J 3506 Jim Williamson OH. US. elec. Pony fender tank Laplant-Choate hyd. System & manual angle blade
7J 3617 WSP Mike Knueppel Chadron NE
7J 3658W Marty Beug SD. US. elec. Pony fender tank drawbar only
D4. 7J. 1941 7J4119-7J7543
7J 4256W Bob Leonetti Spokane Wa 7 1/2 foot tool bar blade, 12 volt direct start and pony motor
7J 4742 Richard Headon Bristol UK.
7J 5373W David Grow CA.
7J 5869 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7J 6104W Kevin White NV. US. rope start side tank cable blade
7J 6308WSP Thomas Reed CA. US. rope start side tank rear pto. drawbar only
7J 6457WSP Doug Longstaff ON. CA. rope start side tank drawbar belt pully
7J 6576 Ian Farquharson Shropshire UK. seat tank, pto
7J 6849 Benjamin Yoos Cambrige Springs PA
7J 6949W Jed Durbano UT. US. rope start side tank drawbar
7J 7214W Joe Goodwin AZ. US. elec. Pony 10′ home made blade
7J 7272SP Alan Padgett LS. UK. elec. Pony side tank birtley hyd.angle/tilt blade
D4. 7J. 1942 7J7544-7J9999
7J 7316 Paul Brenner lake Huges Ca. former rod Pomeroy tractor
7J 8026 Alvin Elias Manitoba Canada
7J 8319 SP Frank Buck Gettysburg PA Military Dress Let. Angle Blade
7J 8385SP David Baker Winton Southland NZ.
7J 8395SP Dave Latham NZ. former Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
7J 8529WS David Manning MB. CA. rope start fender tank 44hyd. Cat 4A dozer 5 roller pto
7J 8601W Ted Pyle MT. US. US. rope start hyd. Straight dozer
7J 9354 Tim Breslain Hampshire UK. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyds. & angle blade
7J 9396 Henry Lambert N. CA.
7J 9823S7 Ray Cowburn Gatlon Qld AU. fender tank, 7′ bull blade
7J 9915 SP Darly Robins Victoria Australia Fender tank, w/ Let Blade
7J 9977SP Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. rope start, fender tank, Let. PCU C4 cable blade
D4. 2T. 1943 2T1-2T3305
2T 26WSP Tom Cranshaw CA. US. rope start side tank cat 44 hyds. Cat 4S blade rad guard
2T 505SP ( US7 ) Tom Huppi OR. US. elec. Pony 9′ LaTourneau overhead cable blade
2T 396SP Karl Belgium La Plant Choate blade Le Touurneau DD winch military
2T 790 Timothy Clampit MI. US. elec. Pony side tank 7′ LaPlant-Choate hyd. Straight blade rad guard Luberfiner 750 filtration system
2T 1369 SP Road Museum Belgium rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyd. Blade British army green
2T 1495W Lowell Claassen CA. US. rope start fender tank rear single speed pto.
2T 1599 David Grow CA.
2T 2035 SP Road Museum Belgium rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyd. Blade US army kaki
2T 2451 SP John Berndson Winfeild, KS. LePlante Chote Str. Blade
D4. 2T. 1944 2T3306-2T8223
2T 3801SP Carl Stearns CA. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyds. & blade 60684 U.S.N.
2T 4349 SP Frank Buck Gettysburg PA Military Dress
2T 4721 SP Billy Pedler SA. AU. rope start fender tank Hyd. Angle blade track guards pto. X army cat
2T 4945SP R. Benne rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate front hyd. front end loader hyster winch army green.
2T 5326SP Brendan Lowe . AU. rope start fender tank Letourneau overhead cable blade Let. PCU on hyster logging winch
2T 5378SP Dwayne Latcham
2T 5468SP Joseph Black FL. US. rope start fender tank Letourneau overhead cable blade/twin-drum CCU.
2T 5646 Gayle Phillip PA.
2T 5743WSP Daniel Rice Blandon, PA.
2T 6634W Kenny Finch CA. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat 44hyd. with guard X army cat
2T 6885 Joe Grarding AZ. US. rope start fender tank hyd. Blade
2T 7051 Jack
2T 7435SP Tommy Kiser SC. US. Le Tourneau cable dozer blade hyster winch
2T 7713 Bob Kroeker Round Rock TX.
D4. 2T. 1945 2T8224-2T9999
2T 7927SP Joseph Black FL. US. rope start fender tank LeT. cable blade LeT. CCU hyster D4 towing winch
2T 8040W Robert Gunn MI. US. rope start fender tank hyd. Blade
2T 83058
2T 8982 Chuck Schmidt NY. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyds. & blade narrow guage
2T 8583 Steve Wilson NE. US. hyd. dozer 2 stage pto. narrow guage
2T 8843 Stephen Kosler TX. US. rope start 8′ hyd. Blade manual angle
2T 8853SP Bobby Ray Cartner Woodleaf NC.
2T 9069SP Bernie Guerrettaz IN. US. elec. Pony drawbar only
2T 9392SP Vic Fondy Treasure Creek Anchorage, Alaska
2T 9679SP Pat Perrenoud WI. US. 3 way angle blade
2T 9949 Roger Long NM. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyds. & blade
D4. 5T. 1945 5T1-5T3523
5T 28WSP Rich Goodin IA. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyd. straight dozer pto.
5T 158 SP Carl Sharp CA. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyd. angle dozer belly pan/hook US7
5T 206W Paul Brenner Lake Huges Ca. former Rod Pameroy Tractor
5T 269W Olivier Dufour France rope start fender tank hyster D4 winch ex. Military unit
5T 272 Mick Foster Canberra AU. elec. Pony fender tank Le Tourneau angle tilt blade hyster D4 double drum winch ex-US army unit
5T 388W Nico Huisman Netherlands rope start fender tank drawbar only
5T 397 SP Don Evans Bakersfield CA. Parts Machine
5T 562WSP Arthur Williams
5T 582W Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC EPS, FT, St blade, Let Cable control
5T 588W Walter Barmont McConnellsburg PA.
5T 670SP Daryl Rattunde. WI. US. rope start fender tank LaPlant-Choate hyd. angle dozer
5T 734SP Bob Freidt
5T 976W Mike Rippey ID. US. elec. Pony fender tank hyd. Blade canopy
5T 1083 John O’Brien IL. US. rope start side tank LaPlant hyd. & angle blade hyster winch olive paint under Cat yellow
5T 1350 W John George Portland OR. Military Dress belt pulley Lights
5T 1591 W Julian teague Bennett NC.
5T 1680W Dave Eckhoff WY. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat rear hyd. laplant-choate dozer
5T 1867SP Douglas Jones Clarksville OH. former Jim Blackwood KY. US. elec. Pony fender tank hyds.+ blade belly pan + hook front rock guard
5T 1886 Ed Akin Placerville CA.
5T 2390 Charles Petty CA. US. rope start fender tank hyd. Tilt blade
5T 2593 John W. Edson CA. US. rope start drawbar only
5T 2689W Mat Harpursville NY RS,Man Tilt, Winch
5T 2766 Lyman Knapp Blackwell OK.
5T 2945 W Don Evans Bakersfield CA. Canopy Hyster D4 winch
D4. 5T. 1946 5T3524-5T6780
5T 3142W John McConnel OK. US. rope start seat tank canopy belly pan laplant-choate 8′ dozer tulsa winch 60 gauge
5T 3813 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
5T 3461 John Goering Bozeman, MT Restored 1993, runs well but pony motor bad (broken piston?). Undercarriage 80%, Four hydraulic remotes. Equipped with McCoy Model L4W Loader, SN 5015 with modified hydraulics, Balderson dozer blade to fit McCoy frame.
5T 3725 Ringle and Son Tree Farm Orgeon City OR. Lights
5T 4012W Kevin Nelson Spring Creek NV.
5T 4508W Ken Peterson BC. CA. side tank trackson cable loader with bucket& blade hyster D4N winch
5T 4571W Gene Kahler CO. US. rope start hyd. Blade & hyd. Ripper
5T 4648 George Gasper MT. US. rope start fender tank frt. Hyd. 6′ Balderson str. Blade manual tillt pto.
5T 4835W Brian Boaz MO. US. rope start fender tank Hyd. Blade belly pan D4N winch
5T 5125 Burt Lade MN.
5T 5786 Lee Sorbel Sparland IL. laPlant Choate angle blade
5T 5794 W John W. Edson CA. US. rope start with BeGe and dozer
5T 5804 W Daryl Rattunde WI. US. rope start fender tank drawbar only
5T 6133W Doug Graft CA. US. elec. Pony fender tank drawbar pto.
5T 6237W Michael Crowe MO. US. rope start orchard model
5T 630WSP C. D. Hunter North Bend WA.
5T 6420W Bruce Hoffman MO. US. hipro pump boiler bros. Blade 7189 hrs.
5T 6629 Chris Landeck Mansfeild CT. Lights
5T 6726 David Carbon WA Aus. rope start, fender tank, PTO, hyd. blade
5T 6890 Peter C. Proposch QL. AU. rope start fender tank drawbar
D4. 5T. 1947 5T6780-5T7411
5T 6937 Jalan Van Nice AK. US. elec. Pony seat tank Holt blade
5T 7158 Dave Beaton SA. AU. rope start fender tank home made blade/3 tine riper
D4. 6U. 1947 6U1-6U1165
6U 92 David Grow Soledad CA.
6U 118 Edward Darlington PA. Laplant hyd blade
6U 417 Gary Whiteman OH. US. rope start fender tank cat 44 hyd. Cat 4S blade lights huber reversable fan
6U 787 Linden CA.
6U 1016 Mark Lent MT. US. elec. Pony fender tank LaPlante-Choate hyd. & angle blade
D4. 6U. 1948 6U1166-6U2308
6U 1345 William Sproul ME. US. rope start fender tank Laplante choate blade belly pan & hook D4N winch
6U 1858 Hillsboro KS.
6U 1947 Keith Weaver Yale OK. elec. Pony fender tank draw bar only lights fender tool box original tools 550 rpm pto
6U 2079 Mike Horgan Vic. AU. rope start 44 hyds. & blade belly pan/hook
D4. 6U. 1949 6U2309-6U3782
6U 2465 Gylan Mulkey OR. US. elec. Pony fender tank draw bar only
6U 3128 Kevin Linville CO. US. elec. Pony fender tank Buckeye 9′ angle blade 2 spd. Pto.
D4. 6U. 1950 6U3783-6U5810
6U 3793 David Grow CA
6U 3955 J&S Herman QLD Aust.
6U 4406 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
6U 5402 Brad Raveling IA.US. US. elec. Pony fender tank drawbar beltpulley front tow hook rockguards light group 18″ pads
6U 5761 Tom Moller Satori Cellars Gilroy CA. Still used today to work premium varietal estate vineyards
D4. 6U. 1951 6U5811-6U7130
6U 6116 H F Turnbull CA. US. elec. Pony seat tank blade
6U 6241 David Grow CA
D4. 6U. 1952 6U7131-6U8255
6U 6867 Ladd Fowler CA. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat 44 hyd. cat 7′ blade BG 2 valve rear hyd.pump
6U 7391 Larry Hoffman Eimco model 105 overshot
6U 7949 Paul Arney WA. AU. rope start seat tank Pizeydozer hyd. Blade single tine ripper
6U 8124 Florindo Cinquini Chico CA.
D4. 6U. 1953 6U8256-6U9698
6U 8430 John Firebaugh Elk Grove CA. Elec. Pony, Seat Tank, Cat 44 hyd., Cat 4S Blade, Trackson(5 shank) Rear Scarifier, Belly Pan, Heavy Roller Guards
6U 8483SP Andrew Reisinger Vernon NJ.
6U 8588 Todd Rennix Mocksville NC. elec. pony hyster winch tilt blade
6U 8613 John Haymaker Hennesey OK.
6U 9116 Ron & Linda Fallowfield Woodstock Ont. Canada tool bar, blade, and pto
6U 9344 Michael Pedersen
6U 9360 Rob Nash Cooyong Station Young AU.
6U 9544 Ian Queensland AU. ST.
D4. 6U. 1954 6U9699-6U10531
6U 9962 Road Museum Belgium fender tank rad guard hyster D4 winch
D4. 6U. 1955 6U10532-6U11304
6U 10345 Larry Maasdam Clairon IA. direct start lights orchard 44 hyd, w/rear hyd.
D4. 6U 1956 6U11305-6U11887
6U 11557 Rick Peruta CT. US. direct electric seat tank oil clutch Cat hyd. 4S blade belly pan/hook hard nose 5 roller track lights belly pan/hook glow plugs hyster D4N winch
D4 6U 1957 6U11888-12392
6U11978 Ray Cowburn Gatlon Qld AU 44 hyd, 8′ bull blade, 12′ rake, rear ripper
6U 12286 Bob Flegal NM. elec. pony, seat start, seat tank,5 roller frame, lights, bat. and gen. 6volt 19 amp
D4 6U 1958 6U12393-12503
D4 6U 1959 6U12504-12781
6U 12672 Clark Trader VA. draw bar 7′ blade
D4. 7U. 1947 7U1-7U1797
7U 18 Rick Kodadek Vinig MN. 44 Hyd controls
7U 34 Lewiston ID.
7U 756 Bartel Lawrence Mede KS. ES,FT, Trackson tip bucket
7U 871 Clark Frontin CA. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat 44 hyd. tool bar dozer tool bar rippers
7U 1368 Zack Arbios rope start
7U 1438 Zack Arbios elec. Pony Be Ge hyd. Unit sweed tilt dozer cat rad guard connects to 4yd. Murray carryall
7U 1793 Paul Schnitzer OR. US. elec. Pony fender tank 4A blade full skid pan/pull hook hyster winch
D4. 7U. 1948 7U1798-7U4257
7U 1894 Angelo Cappos Bonita CA.
7U 2153 Neil Mitchell Yuba City CA.
7U 2212 Chuck Johnson KS. US. elec. Pony fender tank Cat 4A blade
7U 2715 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 3053 Dale Horbort
7U 3082 Jim Brownell N.Y. US. elec. Pony fender tank 9′ Cat 4A blade belly pan/pull hook
7U 3386 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 3761 Chris Yeats OR. US. elec. Pony seat tank gresen ft. hyd. Pump straight blade / detachable brush rake
7U 4159 Bob Bergman CA.
7U 4166 Bud and Elena Waller Gridley. Ca Nice org. tractor tailesat
7U 4221 Greg Singleton IN. US. drawbar only
D4. 7U. 1949 7U4258-7U8027
7U 4297 Kevin Miles Collison Il. Elec. pony, fender tank, staright blade
7U 4626 Stuart Walker ShS. UK. rope start fender tank Birtley angle blade pto.
7U 4789 Chris MaCalliaster
7U 4879 Dan Hope AL. US. rope start 8′ straight blade with fold down rippers D4N winch
7U 4926 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 5290 Pat Mmurphy Palmyra NY. hyd. Blade fender tank PTO
7U 5806 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 5811 Cross Brothers NZ. rope start seat tank draw bar only
7U 5834 James Lauino Keuterville ID.
7U 5920 Kent Bates IL. US. rope start fender tank belly pan
7U 6087 Dan Bruno MO. US. rope start fender tank 8′ Cat. Hyd. side mount blade
7U 6385 Robert Brock AK. US. rope start seat tank 6 way blade Hyster winch
7U 6588 Doug Shadon OK. US. elec. Pony fender tank HT4 trackson loader
7U 6670 Bob Bergman CA. US. rope start fender tank draw bar only
7U 6741 Darrel Miguel CA. US. elec. Pony fender tank draw bar only
7U 6744 Neil Mitchell Yuba City CA.
7U 6849 Pat Jackson Northome, MN.
7U 7307 Noordwijk Netherlands
7U 7555 Bill Strickland AL. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. skid pan balderson tool bar dozer rear hyd. hyster winch
7U 7594 Cameron Duncan Spyhill Sks. Canada seat tank, elect, pony, angle blade
7U 7709 Mesa AZ.
7U 7733 Dayment Family Okotoks Alberta 4A Blade w/ ripper Wooden Cab, Rear Belt pully, Drawbar
D4. 7U. 1950 7U8028-7U11887
7U 7886 David Scigliano ND. US. rope start seat tank hyd. Blade brush guard
7U 8011 Dan Hope AL. US. elec. Pony 10′ angle blade
7U 8064 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 8085 Lowell Claassen CA. US. rope start fender tank front mounted BeGe hyd.
7U 8100 David Scigliano ND. US. rope start
7U 8268 Tom Reusing De Luz CA. rope start fender tank 9′ blade
7U 8325 MN.
7U 8396 Don Lohse MN. US. elec. Pony fender tank 8′ straight blade home built cage
7U 8547 Duane Frantzick ND. elec. Pony fender tank 44 hyd. 2 valve Cat 4S blade lights
7U 8799 Mike Schreiber IN. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat 41hyds toolbar blade rear toolbar 2spd.pto beltpully bellypan& hook 18″ pads
7U 8946 Tom Ielmorini CA. 44 hyd. dual valve, elec. pony
7U 9051 Matt Shelton Carterton NZ
7U 9059 Bill Deutsch Northfield MN. Ht4 loader
7U 9237 Andy Abernethy NZ. engine unit only
7U 10164 Jim Wesch KS. elec. Pony fender tank cat 44 hyd. Cat 10′ blade with model 40 scraper
7U 10342 Justin Harper trackson loader
7U 10434 Lawrence Ellenberger MO. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyd. 4S dozer belly pan /tow hook swinging draw bar
7U 10640 Dale Steward KS. trackson loader
7U 10711 Alex Dawdy KS. elec. Pony cat # 44 hyd. HT4 trackson loader
7U 10937 NE. US. scrapped HT 4
7U 10952 NE. US. scrapped
7U 11096 Terry Faul Stewartsville MO.
7U 11100 Warren Jones NH. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat 44 hyd. draw bar only pto.
7U 11250 Ork Haven Farms OH. US.
7U 11536 Raphael Beug SD. US. elec. Pony fender tank cat hyd. cat 4A blade/manual angle & tilt less than 1000 hrs.
7U 11736 Kevin Ohnstead Argusville, ND. dakota blade
7U 11867 Bruce Watson Nampa ID.
D4. 7U. 1951 7U11888-7U16008
7U 11912 Keith Yancy MT. US. elec. Pony fender tank C frame hyster backhoe belly pan toe hook lights
7U 11924 Walter Trinity NC.
7U 12000 Luke Kurata Creton BC.
7U 12164 John Kamerer WA. US. rope pony HT4 trackson loader pto.
7U 12246 Steven Noyes NY. US. elec. Pony seat tank LaPlant-Choate angle blade hyster winch belly pan/hook
7U 12315 Andy Haberle Oak Grove MN.
7U 12358 Frank Gross CO. elect pony; seat tank; cat #44 hyd; Trackson HT 4 (S/N 1497 +/- 2 S/N’s) loader
7U 12677 Paul Easter OH. US. elec. Pony seat tank 8′ Dakota straight blade Lights
7U 12910 Curtis Gilbert NY. US. elec. Pony seat tank Cat 4S blade belly pan/hook canopy
7U 13016 Bill Wood Sodus NY. elec. Pony lights hyd. Blade
7U 13063 Daris Lewis KY. US. rope start seat tank draw bar 10′ cat blade 790 original hrs.
7U 13183 Martin Knutson NT. CA. elec. Pony seat tank blade
7U 13342 Jalan Van Nice Palmer AK. Angle blade,winch
7U 13496 Road Museum Belgium rope start seat tank trackson Traxavator IT4 cable loader rad guard 2 buckets
7U 13601 Mervyn Pepper Thames NZ. rope start 44 hyd. Ctl Britley angle blade
7U 13726 Robert Bixby CA. US. elec. Pony seat tank Trackson HT4 loader
7U 13801 Keith Tricker NZ.
7U 13892 Dave Luxbacher PA. US. elec. Pony seat tank Trackson HT4 loader
7U 14437 Kal Simbro IA. US. elec. Pony seat tank 44 hyd. Unit Cat 4S blade single speed pto.
7U 14457 Dave Eckhoff WY. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat hyds. tool bar dozer
7U 14496 7L Ranch WY. US. rope start Bros Manufacturing angle dozer
7U 14525 Karl Monard Montrose MI. former Joseph Samland MO. US. elec. Pony seat tank trackson loader
7U 14575 Luke Kurata Creston BC.
7U 14796 Thomas Payne Marshall NC tool bar 2 speed pto
7U 14815 Niels Hoeke Netherlands
7U 14825 Nico Ensink The Netherlands rope start 44 hyd. Unit 6V gen./4 lights Trackson HT4 loader hyster D4N winch
7U 15133 RL Woodland Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia Parts machine
7U 15156 Roland Finlow CS. UK. elec. Pony seat tank cat hyds. blade hyster winch
7U 15876 Tom Ielmorini CA. 44 hyd single valve
7U 16000 Jeff Boyd
D4. 7U. 1952 7U16009-7U20836
7U 16085 WSP Daniel Rice Blandon,Pa HT4 Loader/w 44Hydrulics, electric start Pony, Seat tank
7U 16169 Allen & Ian Morrow QL. AU. rope start seat tank drawbar only generator & lights
7U 16852 Jeff Heaton Vermont IL. espm
7U 16937 Walter Trinity NC.
7U 17220 SPG Road Museum Belgium rope start seat tank trackson Traxavator HT4 hyd. loader rad guard street pads
7U 17307 Kurt Carlsen Foundation Noordwijk Netherlands- Machine takes boats to the sea for launch, Has a water proof enclosure on engine.
7U 17360 Tom Jones Upper Hutt NZ. rope start seat tank Birtley 4A blade
7U 17364 Tom Jones Upper Hutt NZ. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. birtley manual blade D4N winch parts machine
7U 17376 Fraser Port NZ.
7U 17518 Dave Dailey CA. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. cat 4A blade
7U 17897 Bill Kirby NC. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. straight blade hyster winch Corp of engineers machine
7U 18586 Paul Schnitzer OR. US. elec. Pony seat tank. Cat 4A blade/hyd. Pump belly pan/tow hook D4N winch home built canopy
7U 19380 Hoss
7U 19392SP Tim Devenport MO. US. direct elec. seat tank HT-4 loader pto.
7U 19936 Bill Strickland AL. US. rope start seat tank cat 41 hyds. cat angle/tilt blade hyster winch eng.skid pan
7U 20150 Bob Bergman CA. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 41 hyds. draw bar only
7U 20252 Jef Hahn MO. US. elec. Pony seat tank 44hyd. cat 4S blade
7U 20276 Dave Sulz AB. CA. 10′ homemade blade hysrer winch
D4. 7U. 1953 7U20837-7U26193
7U 21589 W. Howe IN.
7U 22120 Dayment Family Okotoks Alberta, drawbar
7U 22173 Hartvigsen Aspen Hollow Farm Downey ID.
7U 22715 Kent Bates IL. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyds. 4S blade belly pan Medford canopy hyster D4N winch
7U 22811 Pat Farrell WA. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44hyds. manual angle/tilt blade bely pan/hock hyster D4 winch brush rake solid frt.idlers.
7U 22836 SP Jake Western KY.
7U 22880 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 22911 SP NCH museum OH. US. HT4 trackson loader
7U 23312 Jeff Streich MN. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat hyds. blade
7U 23374 Bill Mulholland N.B. CA. elec. Pony seat tank blade
7U 23653 Dave Perham Queenslands AU. seat tank hyd. angle blade
7U 23693 Skip Orlowski CT. US. elec. Pony seat tank HT4 trackson loader
7U 23883 Mike Schreiber IN.
7U 23886 Michael Cremonini TN. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank hyd. Blade hyster D4 winch
7U 23909 Jim Bull Mission, BC. Canada Hyd. blade, Winch
7U 24143SP Charles Eble IN. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank HT 4 loader
7U 24522 Smith Brothers NZ.
7U 25017 Ed. elec. Pony seat tank 44hyd. straight blade
7U 25348 John Redai AK. NZ. seat tank cat 44 hyds. Britley blade
7U 25165SP Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC Trackson HT4 Loader
7U 26173 Joe Mancuso
D4. 7U. 1954 7U26194-7U30583
7U 26295 Allen Murley WA. AU. rope start seat tank Cat 44 hyd. Cat 4S blade
7U 26380 Bruce Vinkler IL. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank Cat 4A blade 44 hyd. Controll front tow hook belly pan
7U 26480 Robert Crow MN. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank Cat 44 hyd. cat 4S hyd. Blade home made canopy 18″ pads
7U 26997 Jomax Pipline Con. Co. KA. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank Trackson pipelayer unit
7U 27118 SP Jeff Floyd Renton, WA. electric pony start, hyster winch, 5 roller track frame, canopy, manual tilt blade
7U 27176 ST John Kacir MI. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank Cat 44 hyd. cat 4S hyd. Blade
7U 27365 Todd & Kim Crow MN. US. elec. Pony seat tank HT-4 Loader street pads HT-4
7U 27428 Warren Jones NH. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. Cat 4S blade hyster winch
7U 27627SP John Vegetabile PA. US. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. cat 4A blade ripper belly pan
7U 27807 SP VA. Hyd. Blade
7U 27905 Carroll Porter VT. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. LaPlante-Choate hyd. & angle blade hyster winch
7U 27999 Sjaak Hamoen The Netherlands hyster winch former Dutch airforce cat.
7U 28174SP Josh A Yoos Cambridge Springs PA. with cat HT4 lodaer
7U 28304SP Josh A Yoos Cambridge Springs PA. winch angle blade
7U 28501 Mike Dennis UT. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. manual angle / tilt belly pan
7U 28841 Mike Schreiber IN. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. toolbar blade 18″ pads belly pan/hook D4D winch gen& lights
7U 29473 General Gear Bosie ID.
7U 29652 Eagle Rock, MO.
7U 29707 Reuben Brubacher Narvon PA. blade rear hyd.
7U 30134SP Karl Belgium
7U 30231SP Mike WA. US. elec. Pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. Cat 4A dozer root rake R.O.P. pan guard/hook hyster D4N winch logging arch
D4. 7U. 1955 7U30584-7U35569
7U 30755 Dan Pendzick st. blade, elec. pony
7U 30845 Bob Bergman CA. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. Ateco straight heavy dozer
7U 31816 Jerry McMillen MO. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. cat angle blade belly pan/pullhook
7U 31862 David Romaniuk MB. CA. elec.pony direct start factory hyd./angle blade rear hyd. lights canopy pto.
7U 31974 Lester Winter IA. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyd./rear outlets 4S blade/hyd. tilt lights pan guard/hook 18″ pads 2spd.pto. solid ft. idlers / cat 40 scraper.
7U 32015 Stephen Sarkany McBee SC. rope satrt, seat tank, 44 hyd. sys. 4A blade
7U 32357 Brad Ingalls ME. US. Cat 4A blade D4N winch
7U 32814 Brent Cain Marysville, OH Belly pan, pull hook, seat tank
7U 32927 Micheal Colombo Oakdale CA.
7U 33126 Larry Palmer Albion IN.
7U 33999 Graftion WI
7U 34337 Chet Irby Kansas City MO.
7U 34324 cat dozer3 seat tank cat hyds.
7U 34355 Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
7U 34391 Tom Jones Upper Hutt NZ. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyds. rear hyd. Fieldchief angle blade rippers
7U 34744 Jim Maness CA. US. direct elec. seat tank cat 41 hyd. 18″ pads dry air filter full lights
7U 34835 Dave Sheldon. electric pony, straight balde, winch, ROPS, wet clutch
7U 34964 Neil Mitchell Yuba City CA.
7U 35050 Former Kenneth Murphy Tractor
D4. 7U. 1956 7U35570-7U39596
7U 36086 Andy Goode UK
7U 36276 Brent Smith Salem OR. direct elec. seat tank cat 44 hyds. / two valves 5 roller track frames
7U 36533 Tony Messer Hancock MN. Drawbar rope start, electric pony
7U 36779 Ross Sadler OR. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyds. 5roller track frame cat 4S blade hyster D4D winch
7U 37519 Bob Patterson Portland OR. winch hyd. Blade canopy
7U 37527 Alfie J. Mac Neil NS. CA. elec.pony seat tank hewitt hyds. 9′ angle blade oil clutch belly pan
7U 38122 Gregg Perrett NE. US. seat tank toolbar dozer 1100 original hrs.
7U 38126 Jomax Pipline Con. Co. KA. US. equipped to be used as a tachrig for pipleline construction
7U 38165 Al. Ayotte MI. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyds. cat 4S blade 18′ pads hyster BW winch
7U 38291 Omnitrac Cove OR.
7U 38348 Tom Vesco Chula Vista CA.
7U 38598 MN.
D4. 7U. 1957 7U39597-7U42012
7U 39713 Dan Brooks CO. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 4S blade
7U 39715 Neil Mitchell Yuba City CA.
7U 40493 John W. Edson CA. US. seat tank orchard model
7U 40516 Erik Christenbury Liberty NC seat tank angle blade
7U 41005 Neil Mitchell Yuba City CA.
7U 41010 Farm Service Lynchburg VA.
7U 41122 Orrin Steven NY. US. elec.pony seat tank Cat #44 hyd. Unit Cat 4A blade 5 roller track frame D4D Hyster tow winch
7U 41235 Gary Whiteman OH. US. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyds. 5 roller track frames
7U 41247 Reuben Brubacher Narvon PA. direct electric Lights
7U 41296 Treco OR. US. direct elec. seat tank cat 44 hyds. Cat 4S blade/ hyd. tilt 5roller solid ft. idlers oil clutch
7U 41493 Gary Whiteman OH. US. direct elec. seat tank cat 44 hyds. Cat 4A blade 5roller 18″pads pto. lights huber rev. fan fleco cab oil clutch
7U 41742 Rindian NE. US. elec.pony seat tank hyd. Blade oil clutch lights
D4. 7U. 1958 7U42013-7U42725
7U 42145 Kent Bates IL. US. direct elec. seat tank oil clutch 4S blade 5 roller track frame
7U 42243 Kevin Miles Collison, IL. seat tank, 44 hyd.
7U 42292 PA.
7U 42422 Paul Scott Akien SC.
7U 42502 Thomas Payne Marshall NC
7U 42516 Tom Ielmorini CA. 44 hyd dual valve, elec. pony start from seat option
7U 42539 Ryan McDermott Queenslands AU.
D4. 7U. 1959 7U42726-7U44307
7U 42894 RL Woodland Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia angle blade winch
7U 42929 Doug Long SD. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyd. cat 4S blade
7U 42984 Richard Woodland NS. CA. elec.pony seat tank cat 44 hyd. 10′ angle blade hyster 4D winch
7U 43595 Dave Crowell Woodland CA.
7U 44096 Jeff Smith & Sons Willits CA> 10′ blade and winch
7U 44169 George Steele FL. US. elec.pony seat tank hyster winch wet clutch hyd. Track adjusters forestry package
7U 44254 Gordon Sutton AK. NZ. rope start seat tank cat 44 hyds. hyster winch
7U 44263 Marv Fery OR. US. direct elec. large seat tank 5 roller track frames solid front idlers
D4 29A 1958 29A1-29A116
D4 1958 30A1-30A174
D4 30A122 Bill Theodore N. Queensland AU.
D4 30A146 Ryan McDermott. Queenslands AU.
D4 30A149 Ryan McDermott. Queenslands AU. 24 volt electric start Cat hyd. Blade & rippers
D4 1959 30A175-30A215
D4 30A 181 Reg Hodgson Whiteside Queensland AU. hyd blade ripper elec start
D4 30A 193 Bruce Burnett Ravenshoe OLD AUS
D4C. 1959 39A1-39A124
D4C. 1960 39A125-39A337
30A151 Eric Johnson Tasmania Australia rs, Birtley balde, winch
30A200 Trevor Scott S. Aust. Aust.
D4C. 1961 39A338-39A498
D4C. 1962 39A498-39A571
D4C. 1963 39A572-39A581
D4C. 1959 40A1-40A285
D4C 40A270 John Gartner IN. US. direct elec. seat tank 4S blade rear hyds
D4C. 1960 40A286-40A2163
D4C 40A455 Simon Johnson Jr. Quarryville PA. direct electric hyd. Blade
D4C 40A1094 Kent Bates IL. US. direct elec. #143-2 valve hyd. Cat 4S blade 5 roller track frame
D4C 40A1771 Tom Jones Upper Hutt NZ. direct elec. seat tank cat 143 hyds. fieldchief angle blade
D4C. 1961 40A2164-40A3902
D4C 40A03713 Alan Smith AZ. US. elec.pony seat tank cat 143 hyds. Cat 4A blade 4E hyster winch 60″ gauge
D4C. 1962 40A3903-40A5095
D4C. 1963 40A5096-40A5253
D4C. 1960 24A1-24A40
D4C 24A14 Adam Lay Suffolk UK. 24v direct start dry clutch hyd. blade Dutch cab
D4C. 1964 24A41-24A96
D4C. 1965 24A41-24A1274
D4C 24A403 Horst Arkenau
D4C 24A775 Graham Rush Hampshire UK. hyd. Blade onions # 12 CCU
Caterpillar Model D5
Model D5 9M
D4 chasis w/ RD6 Engine
Only 46 machines produced between 7/12/39-7/19/39
Wt 11230 Lbs.
60″ gauge
45 Hp Drawbar
52 Hp Pulley
Cycliners 6@ 4-1/4″x5-1/2″
RPM 1400
Fuel Cap. 25 gals.
1939 9M1-9M46
9M1 Heidrick Museum Woodland CA.
9M11 Skip Rhein Bangor PA.
9M22 Tom Madden Paso Robles CA.
9M27 UT.
9M28 Paul Kirsch OK.
9M32 England
9M35 Pascal Jokinen
9M39 Chuck Ehler Chasis
9M40 Dana Carrara VT.
9M41 Chuck Ehler engine
9M45 Keith Olsen IA.
Caterpillar Model D6
Caterpillar Model RD6 5E8501-5E8505, 2H1-2H8966
Mfg Dates 3/5/35-1941
Gauge 74″&56″
Weight 15210 lbs.
Drawbar HP 45
Belt/PTO HP 51
Cylinders bore and stroke 3@5-3/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 45 gals.
Nebraska Test No. 243
Caterpillar Model D6 4R1-4R3633, 5R1-5R5515
Mfg. Dates 3-17-41-1947
Weight 16380 lbs.
Gauge 4R=74″, 5R=60″
Drawbar HP 55
Belt/PTO HP 65
Cylinders bore and stroke 6@4-1/4″x5-1/2″
RPM 1400
Fuel Cap. 48
Nebraska Test No. 374
Nebraska Test No. 555 for D6 9U
RD6 1935 5E8501-8505
RD6 1935 2H1-2H660
2H 1W Antique Mechanics Culb Davis CA
2H 7 Sparta NC.
2H 36W Christenbury Collection Liberty NC.
2H 159 Frank Fox Wilton CA. parts machine
2H 188 LC Homen
2H 221W Caterpillar Inc. Peoria IL.
2H 264 Ed Pointe Petalums CA.
2H 508W George W. Howard NY. US. ag. Cat. drawbar only
RD6 1936 2H661-2H2862
2H 668W Hayes Family Moralla OR.
2H 1096 Scott Hostetler Eureka IL.
2H 1455 Ernest Oertle Tucson AZ. BeGee hyd. pump
2H 1557 Frank Fox Wilton CA. with a Letourneau dozer on it with a single L-T CCU and draw bar
2H 1768 Matt Green Cumberland WI.
2H 1829W Bob White Farms Colfax WA.
2H 1843 Echuca AU.
2H 2079W Frank Fox Wilton CA. pony start 3 cyl. Motor AG. Cat drawbar only, and rear begee pump
2H 2618 James MacFadden Sharon Springs NY. hyd. Blade Lights Canopy
2H 2711W Murray Wymer Waiku NZ. Let Dlb. Drum PCU w/ blade
RD6 1937 2H2863-2H3247
2H 3072 Toby Nelson Kerrick MN.
2H 3247 Was the Start of the D6 designation
D6 1937 2H3248-2H5144
2H 3327W Dave Tobie Corbett OR. electric pony
2H 3684 Kevin Welch Delavan WI.
2H 3705W Ray Bargagliotti Capay Valley CA.
2H 3793W Enyeart Family Laramie WY
2H 4705 Peter Prpposch Queensland AU. restored
2H 4830W Moulding Collection Ogden UT. Pto
2H 5028 Former Bud Robert Tractor
2H 5060W Eugene Vik MN. US. pony start 3 cyl. Motor AG. Cat drawbar only
2H 5076 Former Bud Robert Tractor
2H 5080W LC Homen
D6 1938 2H5145-2H6138
2H 5157 Randy Moulding Odgen UT.
2H 5234 Craig Maxwell CA. US. pony start 3 cyl. Motor drawbar only
D6 1939 2H6139-2H7370
2H 6538W Scott Andrus Marsing ID.
2H 6558 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
2H 6847 Frank Fox Wilton CA.
2H 6909Sp Former Don Cloungh Gardiner ME.
D6 1940 2H7371-2H8957
2H 8008WSP Chris Wood Twin Falls ID.
2H 8161 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
2H 8193 Ed Akin Placerville CA.
2H 8300W James MacFadden Sharon Springs NY. lights BeeGee Hyd. Pump
2H 8430 Ted Pyle MT. US. La Plant hyd. Angle dozer
2H 8646 Jim Swank MD. former Christenbury Collection Liberty NC.
D6 1941 2H8950-2H8966
D6 1941 4R1-4R496
D6 1942 4R497-4R1144
4R1136SP Calvin Hayes Molalla OR.
D6 1943 4R1145-4R1734
D6 1944 4R1735-4R2250
D6 1945 4R2251-4R2754
D6 1946 4R22755-4R3470
4R3368 SP Matt Tobie Corbett OR. cab Lights rear Hyd.
D6 1947 4R3471-4R3633
D6 1941 5R1-5R761
5R444 David Wills&John Burbridge LEI. UK. pony start Cat 6A hyd. Blade hardnose
D6 1942 5R762-5R1439
5R 5494 Trent Meagher Kingroy QLD AU.
5R877SP Capella Pioneer Village Museum Queensland AU LeTourneau winch and blade
D6 1943 5R1440-5R2015
D6 1944 5R2016-5R3321
5R2209 Jim Ball BC. CA. pony start Isaacson hyd. & blade hyster D6N towing winch
5R2982 General Gear Bosie ID.
5R3061SP Hudson Briggs Dunedin NZ. Le Tourneau cable blade & winch serial plate stamped US7 olive drab paint
D6 1945 5R3322-5R4619
5R3795SP Scott Carlile Canandaigua NY. hrd. Blade brush canopy
D6 1946 5R4620-5R5355
5R 4934 General Gear Bosie ID.
D6 1947 5R5356-5R5515
D6 1947 8U1-8U875
8U 802 Chris Carl WA. US. ?? hyd. Dozer canopy winch
D6 1948 8U876-8U1542
8U 1270 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
D6 1949 8U1543-8U2769
8U1602 General Gear Bosie ID
8U 1815 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
D6 1950 8U2770-8U4201
8U 2975 Tommy Kiser SC. US. elec.pony oil clutch #46 hyd. Controls Cat 6A blade hyd. Track adjusters 40 link track
D6 1951 8U4202-8U5193
8U 5003 Jared Stewart MO. US. pony start 8′ Cat blade manual tilt oil clutch
D6 1952 8U5194-8U6132
D6 1953 8U6133-8U7359
8U 7030SP John Gerrard King City CA. elec. start, 44 hyd.,tow hook
D6 1954 8U7360-8U8209
D6 1955 8U8210-8U8983
D6 1956 8U8984-8U9707
8U 9088 Pete Pekelnicky PA. US. hardnose oil clutch cat 10′ manual angle blade hyd. hyster D6N towing winch ROPS
D6 1957 8U9708-8U10517
8U 10100 Peter Proposch Queensland AU Restored
D6 1958 8U10518-8U10689
D6 1959 8U10690-8U11045
D6 1947 9U1-9U884
9U17 Bruce Petty Asutin WA.
9U 740 Art Gonzalez CA. US. elec.pony beegee rear pump ag. Cat drawbar only
D6 1948 9U885-9U2303
9U 1359 Bill Detsch Northfield MN. Trackson loader
9U 1447 David Wills …. UK. rope start #25 CCU. drawbar only
D6 1949 9U2304-9U4325
9U 3162 Joe Black FL. US. Fleco canopy #46 hyd. Control Cat 6S blade
9U 3873 SP Ed Akin Placerville CA. 23 cable control
9U 4043 Ringle & Son Tree Farm Oregon City OR. pull hook lights rear Hyd.
D6 1950 9U4326-9U69819U
4786 Larry Breer Ks. US. elec.pony cable dozer hyd. Track adjusters
9U 6233SP PD White
D6 1951 9U6982-9U9548
9U 7581SP Albert Warner
9U 8654SP Ken Hoover Dayton Or.
9U 8873SP Ed Akin Placerville CA.
9U 9422 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ.
D6 1952 9U9549-9U12502
9U 10885 Dan W. Howard Tulsa, OK 6,242 hours since new, 100 hrs since engine and 3rd member overhaul, Pony motor removed, 24-volt starting system, Winch on back.
D6 1953 9U12503-9U15517
9U 13339 Art Gonzalez CA. US. elec.pony oil clutch Cat 6S hyd. blade beegee pto hyd. Pump
9U 13976 10-1/2′ Russell Farley Woodville,Maine manual adjust blade and a winch
9U 15115SP Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
D6 1954 9U15518-9U18385
9U 16861 Toby Spitzer B.C. CA. elec. pony hyd. Blade hyster D6N winch
D6 1955 9U18386-9U21450
9U 18471 Moulding Collection Odgen UT.
9U 19468 Ricky Styles Nebo NC. ES, Wet Clutch, turbo
9U 19727 Mi. US. elec.pony D318 oil clutch hyd. blade 25ccu
9U 19870 Rory Mi. US. elec.pony oil clutch hyd. blade
D6 1956 9U21454-9U24538
9U 23927 W.D. Welder TX. US. direct elec. Conversion hyd. Blade
9U 24050 Tom Ielmorini CA. Factory electric start w/ glow plugs new undercarriage, set up for scraping
D6 1957 9U24539-9U27413
9U 25013 Kevin E. Perkins IL. US. elec.pony oil clutch balderson hyd. straight blade hardnose belly pan hyster winch fop canopy
9U 25202 Rory Mi. US. elec.pony oil clutch cat 6A hyd. blade
9U 25290 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
9U 25300 Ron Meeder Ripley NY.
9U 25863 Bob and Dennis White IA. US. direct elec. cat 6S hyd. Blade/hyd. Tilt 25ccu
9U 27222 Bob Leonetti Spokane Wa. 12 foot angle blade BeGe pump, Cab and 24 volt direct start turbo-charged D318
D6 1958 9U27414-9U28035
9U 27839 Byrl Cogburn TX. US. direct elec. oil clutch cat 6A hyd. blade hard nose with hyd.
D6 1959 9U28036-9U29764
9U 29187 Brad Hill AR. US. direct elec. oil clutch hyds. Belly pan hard nose hyster winch
9U 29546 Kevin Jones CA. US. elec.pony oil clutch hyd. Track adjusters gravel guards Bee Gee pump
D6 1960 44A496-44A2913
44A 1276 Rory Mi. US. direct elec. cat 6S hyd. Blade/hyd. Tilt
44A 3969 Jeff Gohn IA. US. direct elec. 25 ccu. cable 6S blade
DW6 "Sugar Baby"
DW6 aka Sugar Baby
Clewiston Tractor, now Kelly Caterpillar, in Clewiston Florida was contracted by US Sugar Corporation in Clewiston Florida to build rubber tire tractors to pull cane wagons from field to factory in the mid 1950’s. The Caterpillar D6 9U tractor served as the base unit with the custom wheel conversion added. Later in the early 1960’s the Caterpillar D6 B series was used as the base model when US sugar ordered additional units for its Louisiana plant. It is estimated that a total of 100+ units were produced. The DW6 has found its way into multiple applications for pulling circus wagons to adding blades and used in construction. At one time it was discussed by Canadian Caterpillar Dealers Geo.W. Crothers Limited and Hewitt Equipment to produce a DW2 and DW4. I do not have any records of those machines being produced or know of an example around today but i would love to have one, please see pictures below.
Caterpillar offered a D4 conversion called the DW4, and a D2 conversion called the DW2.
Photos of a DW2 Plowing
Here some pictures of my DW6B just after restoration.
The largest one made was for the King Ranch in Texas, they converted a D9 into a wheeled tractor.
Caterpillar Model D7
Caterpillar Model RD7 9G1-9G7254
Mfg Dates 1/30/35-1/25/40
Weight 20490 lbs.
Gauge 74″&60″
Drawbar HP 69
Belt/ PTO HP 82
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@5-3/4″x8″
RPM 850
Fuel Cap. 60 gals.
Caterpillar Model D7 7M1-7M9999
Mfg. Dates 1940-1944
Weight 25925 lbs.
Gauge 74″
Drawbar HP 81
Belt/PTO HP 93
Cylinders bore and stroke 4@5-3/4″x8″
RPM 1000
Fuel Cap. 65 gals.
Nebraska Test No. 582 for 17A
1935 5E7501-5E7525
1935 9G1-9G264
117W Peter Proposch Queensland AU. Restored
122 W CA.
176 W Frank Buck Gettysburg PA.
1936 9G265-9G2506
422WSP Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
1390 Jim Swank MD, Let CCU and Blade
2434 CA.
1937 9G2507-9G4348
2965W Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
2980 WSD Rod Central MN.
3390 Omnitrac Cove OR.
4044 Mark Nolette
4321 WSP Bill Newman St. Cloud FL.
1938 9G4349-9G5465
4587 W CA. LeT Blade
5141WSP Chet Irby Kansas City MO.
1939 9G5466-9G7076
5574WSP Parke Oehme Lititz PA. Restored
5785W Dennis Skipworth Leighton AL.
6513 W Don Hunter Ontario CA. CCU
1940 9G7077-9G7254
1940 7M1-7M1615
71 SP CA.
1941 7M1616-7M4105
2265 Former Bud Roberts MO.
1942 7M4106-7M5983
1943 7M5984-7M8100
1944 7M8101-7M9999
1943 1T1001-1T1138 Armored
1944 3T1-3T726
6039 Moulding Collection Ogden UT.
1945 3T727-3T3418
2538 Sarles ND.
2721 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
2736 Dan Andrew Sedwick KS.
12853 Florida Flywheelers Ft. Meade FL.
14396 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
22139 Rua Mudgway Palmerston NZ. engine only
23125 Cody Bruegger Van Tassell WY.
1946 3T3419-3T5175
1947 3T5176-3T5175
1948 3T5178-3T9145
6639 Todd Rennix Mocksville NC.
7000 Sarles ND.
9278 Bill Downing Woodleaf NC.
9505 Ed Akin Placerville CA.
1949 3T9146-3T11642
1950 3T11643-3T15355
1951 3T15356-3T18145
3T 15749 Peter Proposch Queensland AU.
1952 3T18146-3T21374
19427 Jim Moore Badin NC.
1953 3T21375-3T25205
3T 2517SP Tom Lundgren Olalla WA.
1954 3T25206-3T27607
955 3T27608-3T28058
1944 4T1-4T5260 Military
1945 4T5261-4T9999 Military
4T5849 Lew Donaldson Dade City FL.
4T9559 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1945 6T1-6T1054 Military
6T116 Military Marvin Bush Ellsworth KS
6T1025 Ted Halton Portland OR. Military Cable blade Lights
1955 17A1-17A2889
17A 2041 Tom Ielmorini Ca. Former Ed Akin Tractor scraper cat w/ great UC., fiderglass ag top
1956 17A2890-17A6391
1957 17A6392-17A10157
17A7107 Chris MaCallister
17A7395 Frank Chellino Morris IL. Cable Blade and Hyster Winch
1958 17A10158-17A11647
1959 17A11648-17A11980
17A 12126 Billy Pedler AU.
17A 12182 CA.
1959 17A11981-17A14614
1960 17A14615-17A17857
17A 16979 Eric Johnson AU. Cable angle Blade Forestry Canopy D8 speed winch
1961 17A17858-17A19422
17A 17927 Wallace Ranch Woodland CA.
17A 19040 North West OH.
Machine newer than 1961 (I have yet to get the years stated but coming soon)
D7-17A2659 Donald Hamby, Soledad,Ca. has duel-output “BEGE” pump and Caterpillar 4-way hard-nose hydraulic blade
Caterpillar Model D8
Caterpillar Model RD8
Series 5E,1H,8R
Mfg Dates 1/31/35-12/31/41
Weight 33420 lbs.
78″ Gauge
Drawbar HP 98/113
Belt /Pto HP 113/131
Cylinders bore x stroke 6@ 5-3/4″x8″
RPM 850
69 gals Fuel cap.
1937 the RD8 was renamed to the D8 around serial # 1H1500
Caterpillar Model D8
Series 2U,13A
Weight 36310 lbs.
78″ gauge
Drawbar HP 130
Belt/PTO HP 148
Cylinders Bore x Stroke 6@ 5-3/4″x8″
RPM 1000
69 gal. fuel cap.
Nebraska Teat No. 583 for D8 14A
1935 5E 8001-5E8033
1935 1H1-1H246
1936 1H247-1H1496
421 Scott Hayes Molalla OR.
1937 1H1497-1H1500?
1937 1H1501?-1H2726
1938 1H2727-1H3905
1939 1H3906-1H5728
1H 4218 Billy Sanders Warrenton VA.
1940 1H5729-1H7692
1941 1H7693-1H9999
1940 8R1-8R341
1942 8R342-8R2731
8R2190 Dave Latham NZ. former Peter Turvey Canterbury NZ.
1943 8R2732-8R5069
8R3411 Peter Proposch Queensland AU. restored
1944 8R5070-8R7445
1945 8R7446-9999
8R 8687 Rua Mudgeway Palmerston NZ. engine only
8R 8746 Dan Voght Hantford City OH. Military
8R 9039 Christenbury Caterpillar Collection Liberty NC.
1945 2U1-2U57
1946 2U58-2U2125
1947 2U2126-2U4592
1948 2U4593-2U6418
1949 2U6419-2U9205
1950 2U9206-2U13285
10691 Edward Darlington PA. Hyd Blade
1951 2U13286-2U16269
1952 2U16270-2U23537
1953 13A1-13A312
1954 13A313-13A3129
1955 13A3130-13A3703
1955 14A1-14A2529
1956 14A2530-14A3860
1956 14A3861-14A5702
1957 14A5703-14A9065
14A 8430 Mark Rasmuson Swaledale, IL.
14A 7437 Jan Meermans Poway CA.
1958 14A9066-14A9692
14A9393 Josh Stephenson Temecula CA.
14A 9596 Tom Ielmorini CA. #29 hyd unit
Russell and Caterpillar Pull Graders
Russell Road Planer WHBInformation is as accurate as possible,
if you find and error or have new info to add please contact me
and i will get it added or corrected as soon as possible.
P.C = Power Control H.C. = Hand Control
L.W. = Leaning Wheel S.W. = Straight Wheel
D.F. = Double Frame S.F. = Single Frame
1926-28 Russel No 2 Std Blade Grader D-1001 to D-1500 7′-3″ Blade 3750# weight
1924-27 No 1 Std. Blade (Badger) Grader E-101 -101 to E-1200 2650# weight, blade 6′-3″, 7′, 8, thickness 1/2
1919-27 Road Finisher F-1 to F-580, 15′ blade, 3200# weight
1916-23 GEM Blade Grader G-1 to G-1575, 5′ blade, 760# weight
1926-28 3 Blade Grader G-2001 to G-2800, 6′, 8′, 10′ blade, 1600# weight
1918-25 Patrol Blade Grader H-1 to H-4375, 6′ blade
H-1 to H-2000…Hi-Way Patrol…1918 to 1920..Location of Number Plate, Cross Channel Under Seat
H-2001 to H-3500…Hi-Way Patrol…1920 to 1922… Location of Number Plate, Cross Channel Under Seat
H-3501 to H4375…Hi-Way Patrol…1922-1923…Location of Number Plate, Cross Channel Under Seat
P-101 to P-125 1921-1922
P-101 to P-2425 1922-1929
1926-28 Hi-way Patrol No 2 Blade Grader H-4376 to H-10875, 6′,7′.8′,10′ blade, 1350# weight
H-4376 to H-9275…Hi-Way Patrol No. 2…1923 to 1926…
Location of Number Plate, Main Frame, Right Side
H-9276 to H-10875…Hi-Way Patrol No. 2…1927 TO 1929…
Location of Number Plate, Main Frame, Right Side
Russell Hi-Way Patrol No. 2 Specifications
Weight….1350 lbs
Blade……4 sizes made of Special Carbon Steel
6 ft. long, 14 1/4 in. wide 1/4 in. thick
7 ft. long, 14 1/4 in. wide 1/4 in. thick
8 ft. long, 14 1/4 in. wide 1/4 in. thick
10 ft. long, 15 1/4 in. wide 5/16 in. thick
Cutting Edge…Made of Special Carbon Steel, 5/16 in. thick
Blade Beams…3/4 x 2 1/2 in. Flat Bars
Blade Braces….1 in round
Blade Pitch Adjustment…4 positions
Blade Slide Shift…14 in.
Blade Lift Above Ground…11 in.
Circle…36 in. diameter, 3 x 3 x 3/8 in. “I” Steel
Draw-bars…3 in. x 2 in. x 5/16 in. angles
Kingbolt…1 1/4 in. round
Method of Blade Lift…Worm Gear
Lifting Links…1 in. round Special Carbon Steel
Lifting Arms…1 1/4 in. round
Hand Wheels…20 in. diameter. 1 1/4 in. rims
Frame…3 1/2 in. x 2 1/2 x 5/16 in angle
Axles…Made of Special Carbon Steel
Front, 1 3/8 in. round. 4 ft. 7 in. long
Rear, 1 5/8 in. round. 6 ft. 6 in. long
Bearings…Front, 1 3/8 in. x 6 in.
Rear, 1 11/16 in x 8 1/2 in.
Wheels…With Removable Boxes, “screwed on” Hub Caps
Front, 24 in. diameter, 1/2 in. x 3 in. Tires
Rear, 32 in. diameter, 1/2 in. x 3 in. Tires
Tread…Front, 46 1/2 in. Rear, 66 in.
Wheelbase…100 in.
1912-28 Jr. Blade Grader J-1 to J-10425, 6′ blade, 1600# weight
1913-22 Mogul Blade Grader M50-M1446, 12′ blade, 10,000# weight
M-1447 to M-3425 1922-1927
M-2197-M-2500 1927-1928
M-2501-UP 1928
1915 20 Planer N-1 to N-310
1915-23 Reliance Blade Grader R-50 to R-1100, 10′ blade, 5750# weight
1923-28 Super Reliance Grader, 10′ blade, 10,000# weight
R-1101 to R-1450 1923-1928
R-1501-up 1929
Blade 22½” wide, and 9/16″ thick
1923-25 Road Planer RP-101 to RP-400
T-6000 to T-6100 1924
T-6101-6399 1924-1925
T-6400-7500 1925-1928
T-7501-up 1928
Blade 20 3/4″ tall, and 9/16″ thick
1912-25 Std Blade Grader S-1001 to S-4950, 7′-3″ blade, 2900# weight
1908-12 Reverse Blade Grader S-501 to S-1000
Russell was making progress towards power units starting with a Fordson power unit
An AC powered version was made as well
A-356 to A-538 1912-1915
A-539-575 1915
A-576-644 1915-1916
A-6445-840 1916-1921
1912-27B Elevating Grader 9600# weight
B-365 to B-538 1912-1915
B-539-575 1916
B-576-644 1916-1917
B-645-905 1917-1922
B-906-960 1922-1925
B 961- 992 1926-1927
1917-21 B Heavy Elevating Grader 9600# weight
42-C BH-810-875 1922-1924
42-C BH-876-955 1924-1926
42-C BH-966-1170 1926-1927
42-C BH-1171- 1928
*** Caterpillar purchased Russell Manufacturing in 1928
Caterpillar Graders:
1925-28 Caterpillar No 3 (former Russell No 3 Std Blade Grader)
S-4951 to S-6000 Built 1925-28
1932-41 Caterpillar No 4 Hi-way Patrol, 8′ blade, 1650# weight
3D-1 to 3D-100, 1932 mfg Minneapolis
3D1155-3D1300, 1941
1929-30 Caterpillar Model Ten (former Russell Standard No.1) 7′ blade, 2980# weight
E-1201 to E-1400, 1929 mfg in Minneapolis
129″ wheelbase
7′ blade
14.5″ blade width
5/16″ blade thickness
Frame 5″ channel
Rear wheels 36″ dia.
Front wheels 28″ dia.
1928-30 Caterpillar Model 15 (former Russell Standard No.2) 7′ blade, 3720# weight
Minneapolis Built From:
D1501-D1650, 1928
D1651-D1950, 1929
D1951-D2150, 1930
1928-30 Caterpillar No. 20 (former Russell Std No3) 8′ blade, 4290# weight, straight wheel
S6001-S6250, 1928
1936-42 Caterpillar No 22, 8′ blade, 3570# weight
H.C. Weight 3575 lbs.
P.C. Weight 3660 lbs.
Width 17″
3/8″ thick
Frame 4 7/8″x3″ box
Front wheels 28″
Rear wheels 36″
7A324-7A424, 1934
7A425-7A527, 1935
7A526-7A812, 1936
7A813-7A927, 1937
1937-42 Caterpillar No 33 Single Frame, 8′ blade, 5950# weight
Mfg in Peoria
2J1-2J49, 1937
2J50-2J259, 1938
2J260-2J340, 1939
2J341-2J454, 1940
2J455-2J576, 1941
2J577-2J600, 1942
1930-32 Caterpillar Model 30 Leaning Wheel, 9′ blade, 7100# weight
mfg in Minneapolis
4A1 to 4A-50, 1930
4A51-4A550, 1931
4A551-4A569, 1932
Caterpillar No 35 grader hand control
1932 Caterpillar Thirty-Five Leaning Wheel, 9′ blade, 7100# weight
Mfg in Minneapolis
4A570-4A651, 1932
1933-36 Caterpillar No 44, Hand Control, 10′ blade, 7100# weight
Mfg in Peoria
4A652-4A790, 1933
4A791-4A1105, 1934
4A1106-4A1513, 1935
4A1514-4A1925, 1936
1935-36 Caterpillar 44, Power Control, 10′ blade, 7800# weight
Mfg in Peoria
5E7001-5E7081, 1935
5E7082-5E7195, 1936
1937-42 Caterpillar No 44, Hand Control and Power Control Single Frame 10′ blade, 7700,8170# weight
Mfg in Peoria
8H1-8H342, 1937
8H343-8H590, 1938
8H591-8H780, 1939
8H781-8H956, 1940
8H957-8H1022, 1941
8H1023-8H1225, 1942
Caterpillar Power Units for Power Control Graders
1934-36 Caterpillar No. 44 (5E7001-5E7195
mfg in Peoria, 1 Cyl 3-5/8″ x 4″ gas
4D99-4D146, 1934
4D147-4D500, 1935
4D501-4D750, 1936
1936-42 Caterpillar No.44 (8H1-8H1225)
mfg in Peoria, 1 cyl 3-5/8″ x4″ gas
4D751-4D751, 1936
4D752-4D1024, 1937
4D1025-4D1167, 1938
4D1168-4D1282, 1939
4D1283-4D1371, 1940
4D1372-4D1456, 1941
4D1457-4D1478, 1942
1932 Caterpillar Fifty leaning wheel, 12′ blade, 9700# weight
Mfg in Minneapolis
6C1-6C200, 1932
1930-32 Caterpillar No 60, Leaning Wheel, 12′ blade, 11700# weight
mfg in Minneapolis
2A1-2A300, 1930
2A301-2A602, 1931
2A603-2A707, 1932
1932 Caterpillar No 60 leaning Wheel Power Control, 12′ blade, 12170# weight
mfg in Minneapolis
9C1-9C50, 1932
1933-36 Caterpillar No 66 hand Control, 12’blade, 10,120#weight
mfg in Peoria
6C201-6C246, 1933
6C247-6C519, 1934
6C520-6C751, 1935
6C752-6C951, 1936
1933-36 Caterpillar No. 66 Power Control, 12′ blade, 10,610# weight
Mfg in Peoria
5E1-5E12, 1933
5E13-5E46, 1934
5E47-5E292, 1935
5E293-5E451, 1936
1937-42 Caterpillar No 66 hand and power control single frame, 12′ blade, 10550/11080# weight
mfg in Peoria
7H1-7H333, 1937
7H334-7H547, 1938
7H548-7H699, 1939
7H700-7H7858, 1940
7H859-7H997, 1941
7H995-7H1200, 1942
1933-42 Caterpillar Power units for power control graders, 1 cly 3-5/8″x4″ gas motor
1933-36 Caterpillar No.66 (5E1-5E451)
4D1-4D50, 1933 mfg in san leandro
4D51-4D146, 1934 mfg in Peoria
4D147-4D500, 1935
4D501-4D750, 1936
1936-42 Caterpillar No 66 (7H1+7H1200)
4D751-4D751, 1936
4D752-4D1024, 1937
4D1025-4D1167, 1938
4D1168-4D1282, 1939
4D1283-4D1371, 1940
4D1372-4D1456, 1941
4D1457-4D1478, 1942
1935-37 Caterpillar No 77 power Control, 12′ blade, 12170# weight
mfg in Peoria
9C51-9C94, 1935
9C95-9C98, 1936
9C99-9C118, 1937
Width 24″
Thickness 11/16″
Frame 9″ ship channel
Front wheels 36″ dia. leaning
Rear 46″ dia. leaning
1933-42 Caterpillar Power units for Power control graders
No. Sixty (9C1-9C50) & No. 77 (9C51-9C118)
4D1-50, 1933 mfg in San Leandro
4D51-146, 1934 mfg in Peroia
4D147-4D500, 1935
4D501-4D750, 1936
4D725-4D1024, 1937
4D1025-4D1167, 1938
4D1168-4D1282, 1939
4D1283-4D1371, 1940
4D1372-4D1456, 1941
4D1457-4D1478, 1942
Grader Options
Blade Extensions for 66,44,33, & 22 and trailer patrol
Back sloper for 66,44 & 33
Scarifier for 66, 44, 33 & 22
1929-32 Caterpillar Model 15 Trailer Patrol, 12′ blade, 4210# weight, mfg in Minneapolis
C1-C8, 1929
C9-C459, 1930
C460-C559, 1931
C56-C576, 1932
1932-36 Caterpillar Trailer Patrol, Hand and Powered, 12′ blade, 5760/5920# weight
5D1-5D50, 1932 mfg in Minneapolis
5D51-5D100, 1933 mfg in Peoria
5D101-5D150, 1935
5D151-5D250, 1936
Trailer Patrol Options
Front hand controls
Caterpillar Elevating Graders
1935-42 Caterpillar No. 42 Elevating grader
PTO Driven
2G1-2G12, 1935 mfg in Peoria 42″ belt, 28″ disc, 15540# weight
Gas/Diesel Driven
1G1-1G42, 1935, 1630/16770# weight
PTO/Gas/Diesel Driven
1G43-1G136, 1936
1G137-1G193, 1937
1G194-1G241, 1938
1G242-1G269, 1939
1G270-1G289, 1940
1G290-1G323, 1941
1G324-1G343, 1942
1928-29 Caterpillar No. 42 Giant Elevating Grader, 42″ belt, 24″ disc, 12600# weight
mfg in Minneapolis
42G234-42G250, 1928
42G251-42G330, 1929
1928-29 Caterpillar No. 42C Elevating Grader, 42″ belt, 24″ disc, 10600# weight, Ground Driven
mfg in Minneapolis
BH1179-BH1195, 1928
BH1196-BH1214, 1929
1934-42 Caterpillar Model 48 Elevating Grader
PTO Driven 5F1-5F49, 1934 Peoria, 48: belt, 30″ disc, 17800# weight
Gas 18210# weight, Diesel 18940# weight
4E1-4E40, 1933
4E41-4E100, 1934
4E101-4E105, 1935
4E106-4E182, 1936
4E183-4E212, 1937
4E213-4E232, 1938
4E233-4E261, 1939
4E262-4E280, 1940
4E281-4E330, 1941
4E331-4E470, 1942
1929-32 Caterpillar Model 60 Elevating Grader
Engine/PTO mfg in Minneapolis, 42″ belt, 28″ disc, 16160#/14250# weight
K1-K150, 1929
K151-K409, 1930
K410-K529, 1931
K530-K602, 1932
1931-32 Caterpillar No. 60 Power units series Gas 4200G
6A1-6A208, 1931 Peoria 4 cyl 4″x5-1/2″ gas
6A209-6A259, 1932
4C7001-4C7028, 1932
Elevating Grader Options and Features:
Optional Extensions of 3 foot to increase the carrier length
Optional Coulter knife is available for clay conditions
Engines mounted to provide counter balance on some models
Caterpillar Terracers
Caterpillar Motor Graders
Info Below came from Serial/Product ID Index
The Listing is: Model, Year (if stated), First Serial #
1921-26 Russell Motor Hi-Way Patrol, powered by Allis Chalmers
1926-28 Russell No. 3 Motor Patrol, 8′,10′,12′ blade, 10250# weight, powered by McCormick-Deering 10-20
1927-28 Russell No. 5 Motor Patrol, powered by Cletrac K-20
9 Auto Patrol 8A1 to 8A577 1931-1932
7 Auto Patrol 6D1 to 6D125 1932-33
10 Auto Patrol power unit 3F1 to 3F800 1933-1936
10 Auto Patrol Grader 7E1 to 7E460 1933-1934
10 Auto Patrol Gas single drive 3K1 to 3K96 1938
10 Auto Patrol Gas tandem drive 4K1 to 4K119 1938
11 Auto Patrol 1932 7D1 to 7D51 1933
11 Auto Patrol diesel power unit 8G1 to 8G1008 1935-1937
11 Auto Patrol Diesel 9F1 to 9F2084 1934-1937
11 Auto Patrol Diesel 7G1 to 7G1145 1937-1938
11 Auto Patrol Diesel single drive 5K1 to 5K56 1937
11 Auto Patrol gas single drive 7K1 to 7K30 1937
11 Auto Patrol gas tandem drive 8K1 to 8K122 1937
12 Motor Grader Diesel tandem drive 9K1 to 9K9999 1938
12 Motor Grader gas tandem drive 6M1 to 6M56 1939
12 Motor Grader Diesel tandem
12 Motor Grader diesel tandem drive 8T1
1955………..14801-17239 (16361 begin oil clutch)
212 Motor Grader Gas single drive 8M1 to
212 Motor Grader gas tandem drive 2R1 to 2R63 1940
212 Motor Grader Diesel tandem drive 1U1 to 1U368 1946
212 Motor Grader diesel tandem
112 Motor Grader gas tandem 3M1 to 3M117 1939
112 Motor Grader Diesel single drive 4M1 to 4M57 1939
112 Motor Grader gas single 5M1 to 5M75 1939
112 Motor Grader diesel tandem drive 3U1 to 3U6651 1947
Eisemann Magnetos
Manuals Etc.
Caterpillar Paint Colors and Codes
Caterpillar has had a long tradition for being Yellow but…….. that was not always the case.
As you know Caterpillar was formed on April 15th 1925 by the merger of Best Mfg and Holt Mfg. Best was primarily black in color with red accents and Holt was Gray with red accents. So when Caterpillar started they went to gray with red accents but in December 7th of 1931 they went to Caterpillar “Highway” Yellow.
Paint Codes:
Gray Federal Standard # 595B-26134
Red Federal Standard # 595B-11120
1/7/31 to 6/1/79 Old Caterpillar Yellow: Cat # 4C-4185, PPG# 80453 Dupont # 421A
7/1/79 to current year New Caterpillar Yellow: Cat # 4C-4184,
For more information please take a look at the ACMOC Archives page
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Updated 11/06/2024
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Phone: (931) 388-9099
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